After reading of the first case, I could read no more. My blood pressure shot up and I was on the verge of shouting. Will try to read the rest later. As to the following questions; “How does something like that happen? How does scientific consensus become "misinformation" within just a few months, without any change in the actual science? How is it that institutions continue imposing mask mandates despite overwhelming evidence in the opposite direction?”, the answer is; because we allowed it.

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Yes. We allowed "2 weeks" we allowed border closures, we allowed "essential" workers we ran with hysteria and I'm so fed up of morons like Kara Swisher on the Bill Maher show demonstrating how great it would be if she followed her own advice and didn't talk about that of which she has zero understanding.

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Well, boarder closures are actually one of the few things that should be done against an epidemic to prevent it from becoming a pandemic. Otherwise, we should have collectively said “No”, to all the rest.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

You woulda "shut the borders" in March. It was going around the world since 2019.

The vast majority of Canada's initial cases were Canadians mandated to return to Canada.

You CAN NOT stop viruses.

It's all stupid.

Sweden had less deaths than closed Australia.

The only thing to do against a virus is to get healthy.

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Japan closed its borders Feb 03. No, I would not have closed the borders in March as it was already too late. Closing borders only works IF done before the disease enters; though the case for closing borders from infection regions would reduce the numbers of people spreading it with the partially closed nation. Closing borders violates no one’s rights unless they close them against their own citizens, which many countries did. No one has the right to enter any foreign land. That is what visas are for, they are the permission required to enter and they can be revoked at any time for any reason.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

In the end the viruses get everyone. The preponderance of evidence has always shown that border closures accomplish nothing. This one's not about "rights" but cherry picking wa hat parts of the evidence we like and don't like.

Evidence for masking = evidence for bordure closing.

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There is no evidence for masks working against viruses. However, for viruses that are transmitted person to person with no local animal reservoir, preventing potential carriers from entering during times of epidemics has indeed worked. How many of the diseases that have been epidemic in your life time have also spread through countries that barred entry to those who traveling from areas then in an epidemic?

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Really? How about SARS 1? Ebola? West Nile Virus? MERS? Japanese Encephalitis? The once eradicated diseases in the US are again there once the border was opened to the sick?

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No, border closures are also anti science and against all Pandemic Preparedness Plans. In evidence based science you gotta stick with the evidence and the evidence shows closing bordures is stupid.

ZERO mandates

ZERO curtailing of rights

I know some folks who are just antivax for themselves, not everyone. Fuck that shit.

Everyone wants their pet exemption.

No level of lethality warrants ANY obligatory measures.

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You are correct, Tracy. What people like Kitsune don't understand is the difference between communicable diseases that can be easily spread person-to-person, like, say, hepatitis, traceable and preventable with barriers and precautions and diseases like respiratory influenza that does not spread person-to-person, isn't traceable and preventable and no barriers and precautions can be taken to slow/stop the spread.

You know how you can track a hepatitis outbreak to a restaurant where an infected cook handled the food. Restaurants are sued by those who become ill. Trackable, traceable, preventable. Catch a cold or flu after visiting the same restaurant, no lawsuit possible - prove that was the source. Impossible.

Deer test positive, big cats, all wildlife, all natural reservoirs of 'covid' we're found everywhere. Foxes, kitsune's too. No humans kissing, hugging, sneezing on deer, big cats, wildlife. It's patently absurd on the face of it. Common sense.

THEN you tap into the actual medical science studies (pre-2020) of pandemic influenza spread. And all of the pandemic influenza plans produced in the world over decades of research, hundreds of billions of dollars spent researching pandemic influenza spread, WHO, CDC, global counterparts all declared shutting borders to control spread was anti-science. And came with dangers to mankind, that flow from border closures.

To wit, pandemic mitigation plans explicitly stated that because border closures do nothing to control spread of airborne respiratory illnesses that become widespread in less than two weeks after first appearance that closing borders is a dangerous political act, an aggression against nation's banned.

The pre-pandemic plans went on to state, "when nations blame other nations for the spread of respiratory disease like influenza, that cannot be controlled by acts of man, that nation's leaders will inevitably blame their people for the spread of respiratory disease like influenza, that cannot be controlled by controlling the acts of their people." Under the "shit rolls downhill" principle leaders will not want to appear weak and so they will blame shift. Becoming totalitarian and tyrannical issuing edicts criminalizing normal life activities in a free and open society.

That which I describe above was expressly warned against in pre-2020 pandemic influenza plans. They knew, had spent hundreds of billions of dollars on decades of global research to know this truth. And arrogant leaders of our time believing themselves masters of the natural, microbiological world blew right through the cautions and barricades. And went, predictably, straight to totalitarianism and tyranny. As predicted would happen with border closures.

Not one place in the world was spared from disease by border closures. Not one.

And only phony PCR tests that detect dinosaur DNA in fossils, not real, live dinosaurs kept up the myth that there was a pandemic after winter flu season 2019-2020 ended. Though the rollout of jabs in winter 2020-2021 sure spread a lot of disease, illness and death that was called Covid variants like Delta. Appearing *after* vaccination globally, never, ever, not one time before. But that's another story.

Border closures don't work. Lockdowns don't work. Masks don't work. Vaccines don't work (protectively, anyways). No act of man stops the spread of pandemic influenza. The foxes, deer, big cats, squirrels, wildlife of the world that tested positive can attest to that. Only arrogant man believes otherwise.

Kitsune is burdened by an inaccurate understanding of infectious disease and the different types of risks and transmission found with them. The Kitsune's and other uneducated but trusting believers in catching the "cooties" from others believe influenza is like hepatitis and can be controlled like hepatitis. Ignoring the fact that one is actionable for damages while the other isn't. Because one is controllable while the other isn't. Sad that an otherwise earnest fighter for freedom against mask mandates is still trapped by the biggest false narrative of all to emerge from 2020 throwing away all previous human knowledge and wisdom on the subject.

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It's all solved if we just stop fearing illness. I caught all childhood diseases. My cohort are 100% fine. I feel like younger generations live in complete hysteria regarding contagions,


Yet !!!!

The younger generations are rife with lifestyle illnesses which are socially contagious!!

And that Kitsune is obsessed with viruses from "other" places

It's all selective hypochondria and honestly it drives me nuts.

But the ones that most drive me nuts are those the idiots who advocate for the "eradication" of diseases.

These people are delusional!

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Tracy you are correct there’s an obsession over germs and illnesses plus people consume huge amounts of chemicals to clean their homes and clothes which has and still is detrimental to overall health plus damaging immune systems.

I have two teenagers who played outside digging in muck all day from the minute they could walk. I’ve trained both to listen and understand their bodies and not to override a temperature as it’s your bodies defence mechanism to fight and aid healing.

I’ve taught them same as I was when I got a cold, wrap up go to bed and sweat it out and you’ll have broken it’s back the next day so recovery will be much quicker.

Your immune system works best when it’s challenged and primed ready to go, there’s billions of us from previous generations that are living proof that there’s no need for so much pharma interventions.

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There are diseases that were once eradicated in the US but have since made a resurgence there. The first I learned of this resurgence was during the Obama administration. Mush as we are seeing today, but at a smaller scale, Obama let in large numbers of illegals without vetting them medically. Many were carrying diseases that had been eradicated with in the borders of the US. Part of the eradication process and maintenance is to close the borders to those who cannot prove they are vaccinated against these diseases. It worked until we threw open the southern border and began shipping sick people around the country.

When ships enter a foreign port, they are stopped and inspected, however cursory, by various agencies, including public health before the crew is allowed ashore. Is disease is found to be present, they are not allowed ashore and at least in the old days, had to a chore at the quarantine anchorage for a period of time or depart the harbor.

Countries routinely close borders to those traveling from areas of the world known to have an epidemic. This is a trued and true method of keeping disease out.

While it is a human right to be able to leave one’s country, it is not a right to enter any country. So border closures for noncitizens is not a violation or curtailing of their rights. For citizens returning from anywhere where there is an epidemic, they should go into some sort of quarantine. But it is only because there is a likelihood that they were exposed. Never in human history have we quarantined those who had no possible contact with the sick.

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I'm against porous borders.

For legal and workers rights reasons.

There's zero medical evidence related to this. Just fear mongering.

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Have you ever traveled abroad? Depending on where you are going, various shots are required to enter and or return to your home country. This predates the redundant vax passport. This is one way we could see that something strange was afoot as there is no reason for a covid vax pass to enter any country as the existing visa system has long takes care of ensuring that those entering were not likely to bring in disease. For my first visit to Japan in the 90s, I was required to get vaccinated for Japanese Encephalitis for it is endemic here and the US does not want it endemic there.

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New Zealand closed down and successfully kept the virus out, but when they eventually had to re-open, didn't it sweep through everywhere? Although I guess you could argue that by then the virus had mutated to a more innocuous form.

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That is one argument and a big one. The usual natural progression of virus mutation is to one that is more easily spread but less deadly. Another is, if not for “testing” would it even be thought that it swept through or would it by then be thought to be the common cold or flu otherwise?

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We underestimated how bad, even evil, the Faucis are. And in a time of pandemic it's natural that people want to trust these bastards.

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That must be but I do not see why or how. To me, it was and remains natural to question sudden changes. Despite multiple epidemics and pandemics during most adults lifetimes or shortly before the youngest adults alive today were born; lockdowns, masking, unsocial distancing, long term school closures were not recommended not to mention mandated. This should have prompted mass questioning of the “experts”. Then there was the ever changing statements given by the same experts, and just plain wild statements by some of them.

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Pretty early on, maybe late 2020?, I heard an industrial hygienist (a profession I had never heard of) presenting to a school board or town council about the complete ridiculousness of a mask mandate for a virus.

Masking the kids is what drove me completely mad.

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I did that on behalf of a teacher that was about to be fired for not wearing a mask and not requiring her students to wear a mask. I showed them how on page 5 of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Handbook for Hospitals that surgical masks were not protective against particulates. I showed them the study I did with legally defensible data that the children were being exposed to carbon dioxide at 2 times of the OSHA exposure limit which was established for adults. I explained for that reason how it was abusive to continue to require the children to wear masks that would harm their health and had no protective value against the virus. They all ignored me. What I had to say didn't matter. They already accepted the federal money with strings attached that required masks and distancing. They didn't care that they were abusing the kids. All they cared about was their power and money. That was the Albuquerque, NM School Board.

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You are probably aware "social distancing" was invented by a New Mexican school girl for a science project?

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All the "industrial hygienists" who crossed my path between late 2020 and 2023 (but never before) advocated the strictest of "preventative" measures. Plastic partitions in office. Repeated "sanitizing" efforts. Antibacterial and anti microbial stations. Masks. Gloves. Those were the charms and medallions of the "industrial hygienists" in my life.

You were lucky

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Well, they knew better. They just didn’t stand up for what was right. They were being told what to do and didn’t want to loose their job. Sounds like a DOE operation.

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All I needed to know was "Particulates in bear spray are larger than the particulates in the COVID-19 virus,” “Our theory is that if protective measures won’t block the pepper spray, it probably won’t block the coronavirus – complete with documents attached,”


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Is it possible this entire global operation was a psychological test, like the prisoner experiment at Stanford or Milgram experiment at Yale? If so, I think it has proven that the majority of people are willing to do ruthless things to their fellow man very quickly and with little hesitation.

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Yes, covid was an intelligence test.

The majority failed.

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It was far more than mere intelligence being tested and it was indeed a dismal failure. Conscience, morality and ethics gave way lemming like to fear, hysteria and money wielded by the pandemic narrative stakeholders conspiring openly at Event 201.

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When they tore up the pandemic preparedness plans across the world, I knew it was no longer about science. We left our church of 20 years because of the refusal of the leadership to take a stand against the tyranny. We found another church that welcomed everyone regardless of vaccine status and didn’t require mask wearing.

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Yes indeed. They did tear up the Pandemic Preparedness Plans, even the ACLU's, and this is something g that none of the critics are addressing.

This is so far from being over.

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What church was that if you don’t mind sharing.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

There is no mention of the over exposure to carbon dioxide while wearing a surgical or an N95 mask. In 2012 the CDC sponsored a study where they learned that persons wearing an unvented N95 mask were being exposed to carbon dioxide levels as much as 7 times over the OSHA exposure limit. There is a risk of organ damage at those levels. I contracted a certified industrial hygienist to measure what a person was breathing inside a surgical mask for 8 hours. The sample was analyzed by a certified lab and handled under chain-of-custody protocols. The data was legally defensible in court. I measured carbon dioxide levels that were 2 times over the OSHA exposure limit. Finally, on page 5 of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Handbook for Hospitals it clearly states that surgical masks are not protective against small particulates.

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I witnessed a local hospital giving the first round of jabs in a parking garage with hundreds of cars lined up for hours, engines running. MADNESS

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Tough to read these accountings. I personally was opposed to all of it from day one. There were so few of us that said NO! Never went along with any of it. Had some problems with resistance along the way like getting escorted off an Alaska flight like a criminal by an agent in black for not picking my mask up between bites as was dictated to me by a flight attendant while everyone was boarding. I missed a connecting flight because of this as well. It so devastating for those of us that have seen from the beginning the destruction of our freedoms as individuals to make a choices for ourselves, the fear mongers who prayed on the naivety of the unsuspecting American people in mass. As the truth comes to light the current reality still stands that so few of the perpetrators of these crimes have not been held accountable nor paid any price for what they have done. Hope I live long enough to see the day!

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Yes. No from Day One. That's the only way. I never covered my face, never got the shot, never "stayed home" never stopped hugging and gathering with strangers. In fact I increased those practices.

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And you’re a lying piece of shit agitprop tool pre-silicone chip ran by some vodka addled loser in a basement somewhere in Saint Petersburg. Not going to look good on your résumé…..

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And...here's your sign!


See - blocking doesn't work! You just reveal yourself to be a weak person, a bully who can dish out profane insults of others but can't take a little meme! What a little baby you are! Weak, pathetic, worthless and unintelligent fool you are. Pitiful.

The Bullwark subscription on your profile explains it all!! Talk about a gathering of imbeciles! Eeesh! Where mediocre minds go to sound important to one another!

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There were conclusive studies done over 40 years ago that proved that those ridiculous face diapers don't prevent the spread of viruses or even most bacteria, which are 20 times larger. It's absurd that anyone bought into this fraud.

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Don’t worry about Dr. Jerome Adams, though I was gravely alarmed when he showed people how to use a bandana as a mask; he was gently led back to Indiana whence he came and the RINO good old boys assisted in securing him a professorship at my alma mater, Purdue University. A low point for Purdue, that we, the citizens are helping pay for.

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Absolutely disgusting that these charlatans continue to cash in on their insanity.

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Don’t follow him on Twitter - he dug in and continues to praise masks

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This is an important topic, but your question of how this happened has already been answered. The recommendation was political pressure from the White House that stemmed from a paper written by Dr. Scott Gottleib, then associated with the American Enterprise Institute. I lay it all out here. https://twitter.com/EileenChollet/status/1429583099487207427

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This was a world thing, not a US thing.

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And I had loved ones accusing me of being a science denier. Those same people to this day are completely blind. My mom is still masked up.

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This all still makes me furious. As an RN, I could not believe the masking madness. I had to quit my job working at Anschutz School of Medicine when they KNEW masking was useless, yet mandated them and other ridiculous measures like installing plexiglass barriers everywhere. I don’t hold out much hope for the next version of the pandemic. Far too many sheeple and way too few brave souls.

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"The science changed! At the speed of science!"

That's what Fauci and health officials said.

But anyone who knows science knows that the science, hard science, natural science doesn't change speedily at all. It takes a whole lot of evidence, studies, reviewed, replicated, critiqued, changes to science must survive all attempts to disprove new theories before previous hard, natural science theories are changed. Which doesn't happen in a crisis, under panic.

What wasn't clarified in the pronouncement that "the science changed" was that they were referring to the *type* of science that changed. The Fauci's changed from hard, natural science to soft, social science. Pseudoscience. Behavioral Science specifically - let's call it BS for short.

Epidemiologists are trained in both hard science like microbiology, and soft science like behavioral psychology. Epidemiologists believing they must keep a population apart to "slow the spread" ostensibly to save lives resort to psychological manipulations to keep a population apart. And early on in March/April, 2020 the epidemiologists decided the population wasn't getting the message and staying apart as they needed to. Ignoring the hard science that once respiratory influenza is in a community there's no stopping it. At most limiting interactions could slow spread for about two weeks, after which any infectious agent is too widespread to do anything about it.

But because the population wasn't getting the message and staying apart like "experts" were telling them to the BS-informed epidemiologists leaned into the toolbox of psychological manipulations to help them get the message, by gosh! We were diagnosed by BS artists that we "suffered" from "optimism bias." A BS term. And their chosen prescription to treat "optimism bias" became "fear amplification." Another BS term. And masks amplify fear.

What Is Optimism Bias, And How Is It Affecting Our Response To The Pandemic?

Wisconsin Public Radio, January 6, 2021


Seeing a masked face has the same exact effect on the brain as seeing a snake!:

Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of fear

Scandanavian Journal of Psychology, November 19, 2009


They knew masks didn't work if hard science, natural science was the efficacy they were to be based on. But they decided the psychological "fear amplification" efficacy of masks was needed to cure us of our "optimism bias."

Flu Masks Failed In 1918, But We Need Them Now

Health Affairs, May 12, 2020


Health Affairs is one of the leading Behavioral (psychological manipulation) Health publications in the world. It was even cited by Chief Justice John Roberts in his ruling upholding Obamacare:


The only efficacy of masks has always been known by health officials to be symbolic, psychological mind-farkery. "Fear amplification" (aka "terrorizing") to make us take them seriously and do what they said. No matter if what they said to do had already elapsed in efficacy after the two-week "slow the spread" medical science efficacy had expired.

This. This explains how the science changed suddenly on masking in March-April, 2020. Hard, natural science was sidelined so that soft, social science could lead the pandemic response. Pseudoscience changes very, very fast, Like when BLM/Antifa riots beautifying St George rendered pandemic restrictions to be lifted, albeit temporarily. One social science priority, police violence and systemic racism became more important than another social science priority, infectious disease prevention. Pow! Speed of science! Only pseudoscience changes that fast, not real science.

All of the answers of the great mask reversal is found lurking in the intentional ambiguity of the word, "science." Instead of endless debates over how the hard science studies clearly demonstrate masks are ineffective at preventing any biological infection from an airborne pathogen perhaps those of us fighting the lunacy and damage that masking is responsible for should redirect our efforts at calling into question the *type* of science the epidemiologist's claims masks are effective is based in. So that we can once and for all have the long-overdue debate over how our government leaders use psychological manipulation to achieve their public policy goals. And what threats rise to the level of applying sophisticated mind-farkery that will set neighbor at neighbor, friend at friend, family at family, deprive children of their psychosocial development, have parents kicked off of airplanes because their two year-old wouldn't keep their mask above their nose...because that child and her parents weren't doing their part to "amplify fear." Like mask-wearing hijackers did on airplanes prior to 2020. And bank robbers.

The psychological manipulation of Behavioral Science-based epidemiology (BS artistry) prescribing masks to amplify fear because the population was diagnosed as suffering from optimism bias was decided on by an "Illusion of Consensus" of a small group of experts that must be fully disclosed and extensively debated for future attempts to apply BS on an unsuspecting public in such divisive and damaging to society ways. Turning an entire population into de facto terrorists should never be acceptable for any public policy goal. We get to the bottom of The Great Mask Reversal by questioning the *type* of science.

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It was a control move by Fauci and Co., easily pulled off on the ignorant masses. The average person would have a reflex reaction and believe masks were protective, and not think deeper than that. Society at large is very uneducated on human biology; they are basically illiterate, so you can tell 'em anything with an air of authority and they will without question continue the messaging for you. Having a master's or doctorate in history, or law won't help one make informed decisions regarding mRNA technology itself, but it only takes common sense to know any drug experiment is risky. The masks were filthy and carriers of pathogens that were inhaled as well as the fibers, but since a lot of people do not wash their hands leaving the bathroom, the gross hygiene issue was ignored in favor of a pathogen that cannot be barred by paper masks. Ignorance is a terrible thing, it kills people.

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Actually no. They were playing into public hysteria. I had several female friends who were sewing stupid face diapers BEFORE the mandates. The hysteria preceded the policies.

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That is true it began with hysteria, but it was obvious within a year, people were not dropping like the China video showed. Also, most people did get covid despite the shots and recovered. I still see people wearing masks, if they really believed the truth that they are not a barrier to viruses, they wouldn't wear them. And why do they believe they are a barrier? There is only a very small percent of students that take science in college, I think it would benefit everyone if that percentage was to increase quite a bit.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

So many people trained in science are clueless about evidence based science and statistical analysis it's thoroughly depressing. Also way too many in the "resistance" are hypochondriacs too and are afraid of disease like they're afraid of hell. To so many people "don't catch it" remains the most important thing.

People live in fear of colds.

THAT's what drives hysteria.

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Of course masks don't work. Neither did lockdowns or mandating a "vaccine" that was essentially useless for the young and produced nasty side effects. But the real question is why did we kow tow to this authoritarian repression. And why did we allow police to get away with Stasi like tactics? Every one of the clowns how made these policies - and those who thuggishly enforced them - should be exposed, fired and jailed.

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It was "political science"...inundate the people with fear, exaggerate the problem to exponential heights while controlling the narrative thru controlled news organizations....pay hospitals exorbitant amount of money thru Medicare such that they will blackmail physicians with their jobs if don't fall in line....you get the picture...better yet...just review the history of Hitlers rise to power.

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Thanks, the list of how people were threatened and abused by these ridiculous but draconian mask mandates is pretty awful. Can someone please advise whether the picture with the warning is real or a meme? Since when?

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It's real. Comes on mask boxes. Can't make up this stuff!

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