Dr. Jay -

Excellent presentation! I've been grateful for your point of view and your herculean efforts ever since I came across you online questioning the advisability of lock-downs and have watched you with admiration ever since.

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Thank you for taking on this critical fight for academic truths-and exposing the lies,deception and failures . Do no harm.

We appreciate your sacrifices and abhor the abuses on so many levels.

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Thank you Jay for your heroic efforts to bring the truth into the light. This dystopian censorship pact between government and social media corporates is taking us down the path to serfdom. One definition of fascism is "the absolute complicity between big capital and the State."

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Wonderful speech.

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We will get there eventually, it’s going to probably take until 2030. Most people will be on our side of the discussion by then.

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its [gov's] own disinformation - isn't it called mal-information?

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Malformation, information that is true but which may cause the citizens to question the trustworthiness of their government.

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To simplify it, the're three groups of citizens: one believes that government lies on everything, even about the climate changes; a second group believes that it's a mixture of lies and facts; the third, which is a majority, either trust the government or doesn't care and believe that nothing can be done.

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Yes bit the fact that the government classifies information that is true but which may cause citizen's to question the trustworthiness of their government as a problem should scare the HELL out of anyone/everyone for that is a fore-warning of tyranny.

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So appreciative of your candor. Not surprising that the intellectually challenged bureaucrats have to resort to censorship to hide their nefarious intentions and incompetence.

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I watched it. Excellent speech - the conduct of our governments has been outrageous and retribution cannot come soon enough.

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This speech just brought everything home for me. What a time we are living in - something I never would ever had imagined. Although I've always distrusted our government - the last 4 years have been just insane to watch all of our trusted sources turn against truth and science. I'm still shocked at what happened to you and so many others. Thank you will never be enough for standing tall in truth despite the consequences you have faced. I think your speech is one of the most important talks and each new generation should hear this to fully grasp what has happened and what will happen again if we are not careful. Its not over yet by far. <:0)

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Dr Jay,

I’ve been following you since the Great Barrington Declaration-I signed it as a citizen! Thank you for standing up for our free speech rights, teaching us to critically think, and encouraging us to have difficult conversations with those who think differently from us. Thank you for mentioning the vaccine injured in this speech. I am a member of MN Team Humanity-a grassroots organization focused on sharing the stories of the injured and giving them a space and connections to find healing and hope. Recently one of our stories made it into mainstream media. The story isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. Your tenacity to keep fighting has pushed me to do the same-thank you. Lindsay


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I imagine NIH has blacklisted you from their grants, although you've probably reached your career ceiling by now anyway, so you don't care. But what are the young scientists supposed to do? What are you going to do if Stanford fires you?

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you gave us hope with sane conversation through the pandemic 💚

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