I am a signer on the Great Barrington Declaration and am very, very proud to be there. I remember the day I signed it, what I was doing, and how I felt. My pride will never diminish.

Thank you so much for bringing this interview to us. Standing up is what it will take - from all of us. Thank you both for doing so - from the beginning of this strange tyrannical lunacy - of which many are still blinded from. Thank you again!

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I remember finding and signing it when it came out and just feeling depressed and how futile the whole thing was. It is kind of sad how few people actually learned about it or signed it. Perhaps if it had been released in April after the “two weeks to slow the spread” turned out to be a Trojan horse, it might have gotten enough publicity to make a difference. Instead, it was buried by the rest of the establishment. Even so, I am still grateful that some establishment epidemiologists were willing to stick their necks out and push back at all.

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Next time, we must say no to loss of civil rights, from Day-1.

Even if the virus is 99% lethal, there is no life on Earth worth living under a state of mandates. I loved the Spanish Netflix series The Barrier, which portrayed such authoritarianism still present 25 years after the virus... kinda like the Patriot Act.

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It is ridiculous that Harvard would not give Dr. Kulldorff a vaccine exemption. But not surprising. A friend of mine who was in her last year of nursing school had a serious adverse reaction to the first shot, vomiting and syncope followed by a seizure. She tried to get an exemption for the second shot given her history with the first, but was denied. So, she dropped out of nursing school.

There was so much anti-science foolery and outright malpractice demonstrated by the medical community and public health, that I for one will never trust doctors and public health officials again. And I am not alone.

This was the travesty of the pandemic.

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Not so much "medical community" as the medical-industrial complex.

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The medical community went along with it... had most doctors been brave enough to resist the obvious foolishness, things may have been different.

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One and the same

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Most if not all shot injured were pushed to get a subsequent shot. Many lost their jobs or obeyed only to lose their jobs because they were too ill to continue. I had a horrible injury from my first pfizer but was pressured to get more. I’m totally baffled as to what was going on behind the scenes. None of it makes sense.

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Seems like these people are trying to kill us... with total disregard to our human rights.

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I believe that the J&J vaccine story is one of the most interesting under reported stories of the pandemic. My hunch is that there was a deliberate effort by the FDA and Pfizer to undermine the J&J vaccine in order to increase the market share of the mRNA technology. From the beginning, J&J was being out maneuvered. Stories were leaked about J&J manufacturing problems and released as headlines from places like the NYT. There was the pause over the small number of blood clotting side effects with the adenovirus vaccines with no pauses over myocarditis in the mRNA vaccines. And J&J decided to sell their vaccine at cost and 2 to 3 times less than Pfizer or Moderna as some sort of good will gesture during the pandemic. They even developed the vaccine as a single dose rather than the more lucrative two to infinite number of doses from Pfizer or Moderna. J&J never understood that the covid 19 vaccine development was all about normalizing the mRNA technology and giving away a bunch of money to its manufacturers.

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I absolutely believe there was and is corruption behind the jabs. So many immunologists, molecular biologists, vaccinologists and even family doctors had their reputations smeared for talking against lockdowns and the shots. Our governments seem to rely on the “scientists” from pharma for the “correct” information despite having an enormous conflict of interest.

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I was ambiguous about that too. My union rep who helped me fight my work mask mandate, she had the thrombosis following the J&J jab, wish she'd chosen, based on 1-shot, rather than multiple, which had gone thru my mind too.

It deserves being further investigated.

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I agree with you. My son was forced by his job to get vaccinated. His doctor recommended the J&J shot and gave him a protocol to follow after the shot to deter side effects. It has worked out very well for him. One shot, no side effects, and has never had Covid.

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Burn down the CDC, FDA and NIH and start over. Decentralize research funding and public health... Crowdsource it.

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We need pharma funding out of science and health. It’s a huge conflict of interest.

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the reality is all this crap would reorganize and happen again. its the evil root of the entire octupus that must be understood. it is also a combination of collectivism, globalism, corporatism and the New Age religion of depopulation behind the scenes that made these 3-letter institutions become weaponized. I doubt we will live to see these insitutions destroyed. But if it does, what they have transmogrified into must never be allowed to happen again.

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I also signed the GBD on day-1 (or 2), but I'm a nobody biologist. The first 6 months of the SCV2 hysteria, I posted G-7 death statistics every day on Facebook, to show how the measures and the age stratification meant it was no danger to 99.5% of humans, but people just didn't care. Once the hysteria set in, Canadians DEMANDED the Canadian government punish the unvaccinated.

But even in March 2020, long before vax talk, my feminist friends had decided to "save the world" by sewing handmaid "masks" (face diapers). So already in March 2020, I was disgusted by stupid anti-science behaviour.

Next time, RESIST from DAY-1 (I did, alongside UnHerd, Off-Guardian, GrayZone, and a few ohter news sites, but oh so few)

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I don’t believe it was our Canadian government who structured the assault on people who, for good reason refused to get the shot. It came from somewhere, maybe pharma. The weaponized terms started even before the shots were available here, like anti vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti science. It was propaganda to indoctrinate the public to target those that refused. Rather than the shots being inefficient at stopping transmission it was blamed on those unvaccinated. This happened the world over. There is a lot of hurt and anger in the unvaccinated for the inhumane way they were treated. My biggest regret in life was getting the one and only shot as it has changed my life forever. There was so much propaganda. If you remember there was a hotline set up so you could squeal on your neighbour if they were entertaining people. The shut downs of restaurants, hair salons, schools etc. etc. but massage parlours were exempt. It was so divisive. Pitting neighbour against neighbour. I believe there exists some powerful entity controlling everything covid. The exalting of the shots was endless. No informed consent even though Pfizer’s own paper dated February 2021 was loaded with adverse side effects. I am angry that I wasn’t aware of that paper (FOIA) before I made my life changing decision.

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In August 2021, Trudeau said he'd never make the experimental procedure mandatory.

Then, Canadians DEMANDED Trudeau make it mandatory and punish the unvaxed. Canadians live in a bubble and had no clue that most of the rest of the world (minus a few exceptions) was not as hysterical as Canada.

I did not get any of the shots.

Not due to propaganda though, I'm not much affected by propaganda, the only thing that could have made me get it was my employment, and my employer dropped the mandate, so I was able to return to work without the shot.

But all this talk about the vx is downstream.

The real problem is the early hysteria in early 2020. People accepted

-stay home

-social distancing


-essential workers

-face diapers

ALL that was people being hysterical

Canadians expect governments to give us eternal life

Canadians expect governments to give us pain free life

Canadians expect governments to give us illness free life (and idiots like Sam Harris)

It's Canadians. This nation which Trudeau made "Post-national" has become insane.

ALL people who only decided to fight back when the vax mandate happened, are, well, sorry, part of the problem.

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Well said, but the propaganda was military strength and well-planned, so you cant necessarily blame the victims. BTW Unherd are part of the problem, not the solution - funded by impact investors who are part of the censorship industrial complex.

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UnHerd's Lockdown TV kept me sane for two years. They were my main source of hope. I'm a super progressive, so I don't align with their conservative politics in the least. But the trouble is leftists have become fukin (pardon my French) lunatics and hysterics, and I can no longer tolerate them, so I guess I'll continue being a lone wolf.

I am severely disillusioned by my fellow man/woman.

I do blame people for their germophobia.

I do blame people for their ridiculous expectations of governments providing eternal pain-free life.

It's sheer stupidity.

The hysteria came BEFORE the "military strength propaganda". That stuff merely sealed the coffin.

But Leftists aren't the only problem. Canadian Conservative politicians locked down HARDER than Liberal politicians, bc Canadian Conservatives are Monarchist authoritarians, nothing like American Republicans.

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Seems like you have some reading to do. Good luck with your journey.

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tracy we witnessing the results of a marxist globalist hive mind takeover. this did not just happen locally but across the western nations that relinquishing national sovererignity for this perverted dream of one world government. this is the spawn of 200 years of godless enlightenment.

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I'm a libertarian socialist? I appreciate things in both sides. This not Marxism but corporatism, or, maybe we can agree to call it fascism, a merger of corporatism and Marxism.

Global corporations are anti life.

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semantics. This is global authoritarianism on display. We are watching all these medical institutions around the globe that were once beneficial to mankind, now being weaponized against humanity. Greed, collective power and a dehuman agenda.

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you blame private citizens for what? your perception of what they think, feel and expect? their expectations of govt are the problem? For not conforming in a way that you desire you condemn them, allowing you to easily pass off responsibly for your own emotional state and well being. You recognize the lunacy and emotional ignorance of those whose ideology aligns with yours and so of course your solution is blame other people and not the ideology itself. why? This would mean admitting, accepting and taking responsibility for adopting lunatic ideology. But no it's gotta be something wrong with everyone else not me and my ideas, together we are infallible!

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Bwa hahahaha!

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I too was kept sane by Unherd, particularly during the early days of the hysteria. They were the only media outlet to interview Prof Johann Geisecke, the architect of the Swedish response as advisor to Anders Tegnell. His anti-consensus views, two months into lockdown, proved subsequently to be totally correct.

I'm not sure where your information comes from, but Unherd is owned by Sir Paul Marshall, a UK businessman who also owns GB News. GBN is a TV channel which is reviled by the censorship industrial complex, who effectively prevent it from getting any significant advertising revenue. Marshall's hedge fund may have investors who are part of the problem, but they do not seem to be influencing the editorial line of his media outlets.

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I take your point, but the ‘anti-lockdown’ stance is effectively what’s known in propaganda theory as a limited hangout. Jordan Peterson’s ARC and UnHerd and GBNews are all part of the same hands, whose strings pull those intl puppets, esp the UK Tory Party. You’re welcome to read some of my posts about Legatum (another one coming next week) which expose the role impact investment entities play in the Censorship Industrial Complex, including the Covid era fraud.

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Re: post-covid immunity being "stronger" than vaccine immunity.

I think it's more useful to say 'broader' rather than 'stronger'.

What we know for sure is:

- generally, vaccine immunity is lesser or equal, to post-illness immunity

- Spike protein immunity is absolutely ridiculously narrower than post-illness immunity

But, the vaccine debate is downstream. Resistance should have started at the first hint of social disruption.

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Brilliant Conversation!

It's amazing to think back about Walensky denying post-covid immunity, or rather 'partial & transient' immunity, as Dr Vinay Prasad stated.

The fact that Dr Prasad refused to sign it was a huge disappointment to me, because outside your group of three, his little crew of allies were the only other very-pro-vax-pro-science people to fight this. Outside a circle of some 15-20-some Doctors, the quality of contrarianism quickly waned in quality.

But even from you guys, LEADERS of the resistance, I felt the the major failure was the ever-present caveat of "vax mandates are wrong because people with natural immunity are already immune"

the line should have been mandates are always wrong, end of.

All the Pandemic Preparedness plans by December 2019 said no to NPIs, no to enforcement policies.

The mandates/lockdowns went against ALL Pandemic Preparedness Planning.

The next time we must not wait for a vax mandate to fight back.

Next time, we must stand for civil rights before hysteria.

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Readers/viewers might be interested in my in-depth feature story on Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the “horrifying” clots he was seeing in up to 50 percent of the bodies he embalmed.

If you read or skim the story, please note the link I added about a medical professional who recently became a whistleblower and reported that doctors and nurses are removing these worm-like substances from patients “three to 10 times every week.” They are NOT forming only “post-mortem.”


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My dad was holistic, and I grew up with those beliefs. I can tell you fasting clears out cancer, and I believe it will clear out the coronavirus. I continue to fast two days a week for two months. Then I return to normal for two months, and I start fasting again.

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Next time RESIST from Day 1, don't wait for vax mandates to come round.

NO to stay home

NO to face coverings

NO to "essential workers.

NO to closures

NO to "social distancing"

YES to GET HEALTHY. Get outside, eat better, lose weight

If governments were honest about healthcare, instead of paying us to stay home during lockdowns, they should have sent out food baskets to the poor, coaching for the obese, and free daily community phys ed sessions to encourage people to get healthy.

Would have been cheaper and saved more lives, from DAY-1

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Have any of you three considered suing Collins, Fauci, certain media figures, for their smear campaigns?

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Very interesting interview! One of the craziest things to me seems to be that Harvard still has a vaccine mandate for students. I find that extraordinary and ridiculous, not sure what the institution is trying to prove or if it is receiving large payoffs from Pharma and has offered its students as a market.

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Harvard & Stanford are the centre of the academic fake factchecking industry. See Shellenberger’s testimony to the Biden v Missouri case for just one aspect of evidence about this.

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Pandemic? Oh, the CDC/FDA/CCP Scamdemic.

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So wonderful to hear this logical discussion from two very accreditied people. As a layperson, to me what didn't ever make sense, was covid cases were being reported without context of actual number of fatalities and stats of such re: demographics, why when people got vaxed they felt more vulnerable amongst the unvaxed (wasn't that the point of getting them?), and why people didn't question the efficacy for so long of getting repeated jabs so close together; did that not show the opposite? And a enormous concern was that we lost the right to even discuss both sides, weight the pros and cons and make our own decision about our bodies. What resulted was that if you were holding off or deciding against the vax based on no long term data etc., you were automatically a conspiracy theorist and did not believe the virus existed. Incredibly sad and disappointing.

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The excoriation of Atlas had nothing to do with science. He was opposed because he was working for Trump and giving him good advice. You guys took a position that was favorable to what was perceived as the view of conservatives. That was enough for them to work toward your destruction. All politics, no science involved.

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Harvard had already destroyed its reputation with the debacle related to its own President's despicable behavior in her congressional testimony and her record of plagarizing. Now this idiotic firing of such a top scientist who has done nothing wrong. All alums should reconsider giving to this school in the future and future students should avoid applying to Harvard or any school mandating this dangerous and unnecessary/ineffective covid shot. Disgusting, actually. May the perfect opportunity present itself for Dr Martin Kulldorff. Sending him my best regards.

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