mRNA vaccines have demonstrated ZERO efficacy at saving lives overall, even at the height of the pandemic in Winter 2020-2021. The mortality results in the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the ONLY truly unbiased mortality data) were:

COVID deaths: 2 vaccine vs. 5 placebo

non-COVID deaths: 29 vaccine vs. 25 placebo

Overall: 4 excess non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths (i.e. 4 KILLED FOR EVERY 3 SAVED)

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

Layman's summary here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/ (their facts are correct, though some may not care for their slightly sensationalist writing style)

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Great article! Insidious and evil time of suppression we live in. I miss real journalism. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of it.....

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Berenson was and continues to be a lone voice of reason in a dark and twisted reality of greed, control, overreach, cover-ups and outright murder. Please keep talking about him.

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Musk recently tweeted about gathering interest in twitter news. You should pitch this story. It’d be pretty great for the platform that admitted their wrongdoing to publish the first story on how they got it wrong.

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I was just watching Amerigedden on Amazon Prime Video. Stumbled onto it. I’m not 20 minutes into the movie and two government operatives are talking about how a conspiracy theorists rant was going to make it onto the news and one says to the other, “The American media has OUR narrative, and in that narrative, this ‘right wing extremeist’ - the stigma of that title will stop up the ears of Americans far better than any propaganda we could ever make.” Movie was made in 2016. I was like....whoa. So many people knew then how captured all news media was, and the NWO tactic of destroying resistance with the constant bombardment (brain washing) of using epithets that dog whistle sleepy Americans into rejecting truth and keep them under control.

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I think Rav, they have to move on or there are too many stories which on reflection don’t hold up.

It exposes that journalists were not able to adequately question and investigate during the height of Covid restrictions. And that’s deeply troubling for so many reasons as to who they are as people, who they are as journalists, who their organisations represent, and what pacts they’ve made over time (whether it be in your example advertising or just being close to government decision makers and not wanting to risk that).

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Thanks for the great article!

You just got a new subscriber.

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Thank you for this article. You are correct, it is indeed troubling that looking back in what we now know to be true, that this is still taboo to talk about. It’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone they’ve been fooled. I was very skeptical about the covid shots, so I did a lot of research and went down various rabbit holes. There are people who think that those who took the shots will be likely to die within 5 years from various ailments. I do not find reason to believe this, and I find it disturbing and I hope preposterous . However,if this were to tragically happen, I actually wonder if these same people would be willing to discuss the vaccines then. It seems odd that it isn’t worthy of discussion, and should seemingly be swept under the rug. Don’t we want to learn from our mistakes if something like this should ever happen again?!

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No! Let's NOT move on from the Covid & Vaccine debate! Let's rub their noses into the excrement they spread so successfully between 2019 and 2023.

That's what they want us to do because they realise there are more of us proud Conspiracy Theorists bathing in the glory of being correct on most of our bizarre claims.

Are there too many of us that realise what's been going on since 2019?

We seem to be 'winning the war' at long last!

Even several European Union committee members are collectively structuring a plan to stop the planned tyrannical takeover of our independence and FREEDOM by The WEF = New World Order.

Make Big Pharma's arrogant errant uncontrolled Vax makers (whether the injections are Safe & Effective or just plain dangerous) LIABLE for all Adverse reactions and DEATHS that are caused by their unsupervised crap Depopulating injections.

Terminate the, now CORRUPTED World Health Organisation as it has become a profit centre for Bill Gates who donates OVER 50% of the WHO revenues (Gates now controls the WHO and his quoted statement is "The most lucrative investment I ever made was (is) VACCINES".

Join the dots people!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Tonight at a dinner with a group of avid Covidians, one of them smugly told me (OMG I didn't get the shots and argued about the ridiculousness of the arguments for mandates, lock downs, etc etc) that Covid has resurfaced. He grinned and I guess he's signing up for a booster. I don't want to be mean, but I'm waiting for those people to start showing signs of being dreadfully unhealthy. Darn, it's not happening in spite of my ill wishes.

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I wonder if your alternative media included Quillette which fancies itself a beacon of "free speech."

Unfortunately the editor HATES Alex Berenson's reporting which she wrongly considers "garbage."

Even though the competition is stiff, that woman deserves the title," Wrongest Editor of the Pandemic," to riff on the Atlantic's hit piece on Alex. But you are absolutely right, Berenson v. Twitter was a HUGE 1st Amendment victory and the Twitter files has done even more to vindicate him.

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“ The purported basis editors shared for rejecting my stories on this topic were that it may promote anti-vaccine sentiment ”

I had a similar experience with big shot editors, except the link to Covid was even more tenuous. I wrote a book questioning the medical establishment approach to ADHD, a big shot agent loved it, the agent sent it his influential contact at a very prominent publishing house and - this was a month or so into the launch of the Pfizer vax - the editor angrily rejected it because, even though there wasn’t a single word in the whole book about Covid or vaccines, my questioning of medical experts made me “sound like an antivaxxer.”

The institutional pro-Pharma conformity in publishing is really really creepy! Thank you for working so hard to expose it.

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Rav learned the same thing I did three years ago as a freelance journalist: Some stories are simply off limits to the mainstream press.

I learned this lesson by trying to find anyone who would publish a blockbuster Covid story. Answer: No one in the mainstream press would ...UncoverDC.com finally did run my story … and this site was banned and de-platformed just like Alex Berenson was - but for a lot longer … for publishing the truth ... I still think the lessons from my “back story” are more newsworthy than my big “scoop” that no Establishment “news” organization would publish.




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This is good insight to gain. I think it all ties back to targeted advertising. The editors are most likely driven by P&L goals for their organizations like in most companies. The fact is the pharma industry (along with insurance) creates the floor for advertising online and elsewhere in the current marketplace. An auction for advertising cost drops to basically nothing without the participation of ad dollars from these two industries. With targeted advertising capabilities, big pharma and insurance can very easily limit advertising dollars from marketplace competition on topics or sources they want to suppress at the flip of switch. Publishers know certain topics will never produce a return and also run the risk of being turned off from receiving advertising money from these sources at a broader scale, so it creates third rails they do not want to touch. I bet the name/term "Alex Berenson" and related terms are banned from advertising dollars on most if not all major accounts. It is probably done via the major advertising firms (there are only a few) which run these accounts on behalf of the industries. The editors are aware, and hence do not want to touch any reporting which involves these blackballed terms and impact the ability of meeting P&L objectives. I'm not sure what the real solution might involve, but somehow the advertising based business model driving the internet needs to be addressed legally with some kind of regulation to stop the censorship madness. Maybe companies of a certain size must have to produce detailed public information on their advertising campaigns in sufficient detail. Treat advertising campaign investment of a certain size like SEC does with investing. Also open up the ability for advertisers to be held liable in court for damages in the event they are targeting free speech leading to public harm. Their actions with advertising dollars to silence feel very similar to financial collusion in certain industries where the government steps in to address. There is no doubt public harm was done by big pharma and supporting entities during the Covid pandemic and we need accountability and fixes to avoid such harm going forward. The lack of investigation and research to find solutions to avoid a repeat of Covid 19 mayhem is scary.

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I have to ask, are the discussed journalists actually members of SAG/AFTRA, meaning they just read the scripts they are given by the propagandists in the office?

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