I had covid in July 2019 onboard a cruise ship in the No Atlantic. Many onboard had the covid cough and we all trooped down to see the ship doc. she prescribed antibiotics Zpak, cough syrup and decongestants. Three weeks later, and back home, I took myself to see the practice nurse at our surgery. I asked her if I needed a chest X-ray as my lungs were still noisy. I then also asked her what it was that I had, because I had never been so ill with a “cold”. Her response. “We are seeing a lot of weird viruses right now, we do not know what it is”.

Then in early 2020, our wonderful Dr. Zev Zelenko advised taking Quercetin, zinc, Vit C and D every day and Dr. John Ioannidis published a paper on the infection fatality rate of covid. I have never looked back. I declined the experimental biologicals, I am over 70, I am immunocompromised. I had another episode of covid last year. I called the GP to ask for an antibiotic to treat my congested lungs. He was very awkward on the phone and berated me for not being vaxxed. He refused to give me antibiotic. Next day I persisted and called our 111 healthcare weekend doc and spoke to another doctor. A woman of eastern European background. I explained that since I am immunocompromised I was concerned that the previous doctor had refused my request for an antibiotic. long story short, she prescribed an antibiotic.

An a family nurse practitioner with a masters degree from UCLA, I am fascinated how few doctors in the Uk no longer perform any kind of physical exam before writing a prescription. We were taught that when someone came in with for example, a sore throat, we examined the system above and the system below, including heart and lungs. Well I guess those days are over.

We know dozens of family and friends injured or killed by the covid jabs. I realise doctors and nurses are gagged. They will lose their jobs if they speak out against these dangerous injections. I am grateful to all the healthcare professionals who have taken the risk including yourself and Dr.Jay Battacharya. I have followed you both over the past three years. May god bless you both, and thank you.

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I had Covid at Christmas 2019 that I probably caught at the Christmas party of the employer where I had recently retired. This was in a university city with lots of Chinese travel at the time. I was just 69 and, in my case, in good health. Your description of the symptoms is the best I have read! I was a state government scientist, but not a medical person, with the same basic sciences education. When told there is no natural immunity my learned sense of realizing when governments are lying, having been forced to lie for government, kicked in and I swore off vaccines for life. I used to trust annual flu injections but not any more. I luckily have some long term Physicians, who know my background and speak candidly with me.

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I need no convincing of the toxicity of the recent mRNA drugs. As a medical and science layperson I cannot relate the specific causal agent or action, but suspect the spike protein. This insidious compromising our immune systems is obviously manifesting in most any and all disorders known. Cardio illness evidence dominates, but there are many more. I assume we all have illness susceptibilities that our miraculous immune systems keep in check. By weakening our immune systems, it makes determining cause of death more than complicated. Yet the obvious, ( anecdotal ? ), cause of death is there to see. I hunger for irrefutable proof of this. I see pro and anti mRNA debaters arguing anecdotal evidence. I do not believe that I need to be "right". I simply do not want cherished relationships killing themselves.

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Does anyone think this virus was infecting large numbers of people in the world before the end of December 2019? If this was happening, would this be significant or important information? Why no serious follow-up with all the people who had Covid symptoms in November 2019 (or earlier) and who later tested positive for Covid antibodies? It seems to me copious evidence of "early spread" has been intentionally concealed from the public. Or: this evidence has simply been ignored or dismissed as insignificant, which it's not.

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The illusion of consensus medical research has been well honed over the last 50 years!

When the goal of the research is to validate the effectiveness of a chemical in treating a disease state and the structure of the research has a built in bias, the end result is a profitable patented drug that contributes to the bottom line! RNA injections are just the latest bias effort to codify the allopathic medicine model far into the future of treating disease states. IMO. Prevention and reversal of disease states are overshadowed by drugs that keep the status quo! Diabetes treatment is a good example! A key hormone deficiency that should be identified is Vitamin D that controls about 3000 gene expressions! It was reported that few whose hormone level of Vit D was over 50 ng’s died of Covid! This information continues to be suppressed! I can attested to it having had Covid twice and no injections and being a senior! D level 70 ng’s!

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Check out the Orthomolecular Medicine folk, Dr Richard Cheng was posting videos from Wuhan where he was working treating covid patients in hospital with intravenous vit C etc. Feb/March 2019. I was following him on YouTube. Without fail within 30mins of a video being posted, it was taken down. He was working 18hr days to save lives and share successful treatment protocols every day after work (he looked exhausted but elated at the successes) and who authorised the deletions? That kept me on a clear path to say NO to any of the nonsense that followed. And I also know folk who had a weird bad flu in January 2019 and recovered 100% in 3 weeks or so. Yeh, go figure who and what is really going on.

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Thank you for this. It needs repeating. I found reference to use of very large does in China via link which I logged here. No wonder the video was taken down, big pharma wouldn't have been pleased with the truth getting out.



I have said from 2020 that the cure for Covid, in reality the 'flu rebranded to make more money for big pharma, is in the name Covid. Vit C for Cure and vit D for defense, so the fisrt and last letters of the word 'covid'.

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Thank you. Apologies, auto fill put 2019 when I was trying to say 2020. Dr Cheng's one of the Orthomolecular Medicine people, website of the same name,

he's American Chinese I believe. He did nightly videos I recall, bet you'll not find any now? He might have an Instagram or Substack, not looked.


This is an excellent clear interview by the type of medics you would listen to, Prof David Anderson. Gives dosage too which is great to have clarity on. And he tried to raise issues with authorities when medics were dying, ignored unsurprisingly 🙏

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Many thanks. Although it's hard, the mere fact it was ignored made the wise wake up. The terminally dim will sadly remain terminally dim until death.

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It seems as though the government health organization had its ups and downs over the years but with their development of Covid created an authoritative business model that created a financial windfall of money for big Pharma and big government health. Of course the authoritarian government gained huge power, money, and political donations. MSM and hospitals saw the money spickits opened wide to corrupt them into the fold and of coarse social media was all to willing to become a huge partner in the government censorship scheme to protect their ability to operate without any government intervention. As you discussed how does this get fixed. The house needs to indict the lower key people to flip on the big fish as they do when breaking any mob. I know they have mountains of corruption to expose with this administration, I don’t know why they haven’t hired armies of good young hungry lawyers to go after these charlatans. They control the money and the democrats have used unlimited money to crush the republicans throughout recent history. J.Goodrich

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This podcast raises many more questions than it answers.

Jonathan Couey lays it all out here.


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This is required listening if you want to know more about what happened during the early Covid time.

I am very grateful for this new information.

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Yes, always follow the money, but to figure out why the world is as backwards as it is, we should follow the “incentives.”


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This is great and all but when will this end and the people responsible be held accountable..... otherwise this will be the new normal....

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Excellent and chilling conversation. Am half way through " Lies My Government Told Me". Thank you so much Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Rav Arora and Dr. Malone for your fighting for us all.

Luckily we had a source for early treatment from relatives in Honduras! Very early on, in 2020, Honduras provided early treatment and prevention protocol to exposed family members of those who were sick ( hydroxychloriquine, then later ivermectin, C,D,Zinc and maybe azithramiacin). . Yet US censored early treatment and watched their citizens get very very sick and die. Pure evil.

Thank you gentlemen

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If there hadn't been the test, we would never know about some "novel coronavirus". There is nothing to be seen in all cause mortality. At least in Germany the rise in all cause mortality started after the injections, which got worse in 2022. Also the diagnostics in hospital do not show any sign of a "pandemic of SARS). The absence on working places because of disease was low in 2020 (if not for mandated quarantine). Who invented it: https://helendunkel.substack.com/p/who-invented-it

The biological threats are mainly a myth to enable a billion dollar worth of pandemic preparedness including surveillance. Germany wants to be leader in this, founded the WHO Pandemic Intelligence hub.

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Many thanks for the heads up Helen. Pharmaceutical industry is very Germanic in nature, with German roots. Pfizer, Bayer and Merck particularly notable. They have been scamming us for decades.


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Praying for these EVIL people that are trying to control us for THEIR agenda.

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After listening here, the real virus infecting us all is the academ-intelliopharm obliterans which feeds off enormous amounts of money from its host. It should be starved. There's probably a better name for it...anyone?

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Good name.

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FDA is now 'owned' by the Big Pharma money-making consortium. As corrupt as HELL!

Midazolam is used on DEATH ROW (USA) and in British Nursing homes! Join the dots Muppets!

No LIABILITY for Vax Injuries and VAX RELATED DEATHS. Join the dots if you're able?

The WHO are now corrupted by their BENEFACTORS - Gates contributes over 53% which BUYS INFLUENCE to promote his DEADLY but PROFITABLE investments into 'Vaccines'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I learn more with each podcast. So interesting. Thank you for your dedication.

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