I think the most reasonable thing to do is stop all gain of function research. That way we can at least be pretty certain that it didn’t come from a lab. Obviously, there are countries which might not go along with it but we don’t have to participate.
Read ..."From Harvard To the Big House"...early support for a Lab Leak....plus the early reaction of Chinese officials ...boarding up people in their homes...nailing their doors and windows shut !..They were terrified....they were dealing with something UNKNOWN......
It's not a debate. It's one side trying to find the truth, versus self serving government spokesmen, researchers concerned the attention will impact their funding, a Chinese government keenly interested on deflecting any attention, and an extremely compliant mainstream press.
Great conversation. The point that Dr. Nickels made to his students - that the attack on him was also an attack on his students was one I hadn't considered. That seems a pretty important observation. That will have an effect upon his students - possibly some will grow stronger for having been attacked, but it seems more likely to have the opposite.
Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Nichols nice interview both of you, but I think our (myself, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Spartacus, Yeadon, others) now years-old proofs that the virus was released deliberately are rock solid. There is simply no other way to explain this. The timing was just too damn good given all the reasons for the release. First of all, I proved two different ways on February 20, 2020 that the virus could not have come from natural zoonotic spillover. Then, of course, there is the evidence from the genome... Even Andersen, Garry, Lipkin, etc. say they can't account for the furin cleavage site sequence. And there's much more.
So then we're left with a perfectly timed "leak" that occurred (according to the CDC Narrative) four months after Bill Gates invested $55-110 million in BioNTech and six months before Pfizer chose BioNTech to develop and distribute their vaccine; a "leak" in the face of years of preparation for this to happen?- a leak that may have happened 15 years later or never after all that money and effore was put into this thing?? I understand what it means to be serious academics associated with universities and having to be very careful what you say. I'm not associated with any universities any longer but I'm very serious; all of the ones I listed, too.
The debate we should be having now is about the deliberate release, if you're willing; not whether it got into the human population by way of a spillover event vs a lab leak. I've ruled out both of those already; myself and the listed. You mentioned Dr. Alina Chan of the MIT/Harvard Broad Institute. I remember her saying we might never know whether it came from a spillover event or leaked from a lab. I was shocked to read that.
There was no "virus". Sickness is a natural mechanism of detoxification from damaged and poisoned cells. Such poisoning and damage can and is typically caused by artificial electromagnetic radiation, at least since the introduction of commercial radio in the 1920/30s (Spanish flu) and continues to cause biological effects today as we radiate different frequencies of the EMR spectrum. Royal Raymond Rife and the Rife machine is one example of how resonant frequency can cause neutral, harmful or reparative biological results to all matter, living, dead or otherwise.
In initiation of the COVID era, Wuhan, Spain and a part of USA were each advocated as 5G epicentres, or test bases, especially Wuhan. The higher frequencies of 5G commercial phone technology, in the same territory as military EMR bioweapons, causes separation of the oxygen molecules belonging to our cells, causing severe outcomes for the subject.
As an electronics engineer in radio for over 30x years now, I take note of books from
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, Arthur Firstenberg.
If you would like a readable summary, please let me know, happy to provide a link to PDF.
All this "lab-leak" talk is absolute nonsense, a mere distraction for germ theory indoctrinated, mislead, doctors of the like out of institutions that have conditioned their understandings, falsely. WakeUp!
this might be an embarrassingly ignorant question as I am really a layman.
I was paying attention and hearing these assertions at the very beginning. but one of the other things that I heard is that people who understand I'll call it genetic engineering that might not be the right phrase can see in the spike protein on the virus the fingerprints of the technology.
If that is true, then it is a fact that somewhere somehow it was manufactured .
Hi Dr. Bhattacharya, remember me from twitter. I have just watched this podcast and its brilliant. Up to now I haven't started a paid subscription to any of the accounts i follow as there are so many. I have decided to pay for yours as I think its one of the best substack accounts regarding the covid narrative. You need to get Jessica Rose back as what she has to say is so important. It would be great if she could have a discussion with you that mere mortals like myself could understand. Her recent substack articles are way beyond me. Once again thank you for putting you reputation at risk for pursuing the truth. I will get round to sending an email to your Stamford address. All the best Iain Noble
Fantastic discussion. Jeremy Farrar's elevation to Chief Scientist of the WHO was really the *chef's kiss". After all, nothing screams The Science ™ like burner phones and non-FOIA discoverable personal email accounts.
How does one turn off the subtitles. They are very distracting when they are not needed. Since the words do not always agree to the words spoken. Thank You
I think the most reasonable thing to do is stop all gain of function research. That way we can at least be pretty certain that it didn’t come from a lab. Obviously, there are countries which might not go along with it but we don’t have to participate.
Nice idea, but that's not going to happen, especially when the DOD/DARPA is driving the bus.
So we get another driver. I get why it would be difficult, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
Read ..."From Harvard To the Big House"...early support for a Lab Leak....plus the early reaction of Chinese officials ...boarding up people in their homes...nailing their doors and windows shut !..They were terrified....they were dealing with something UNKNOWN......
It's not a debate. It's one side trying to find the truth, versus self serving government spokesmen, researchers concerned the attention will impact their funding, a Chinese government keenly interested on deflecting any attention, and an extremely compliant mainstream press.
Great conversation. The point that Dr. Nickels made to his students - that the attack on him was also an attack on his students was one I hadn't considered. That seems a pretty important observation. That will have an effect upon his students - possibly some will grow stronger for having been attacked, but it seems more likely to have the opposite.
Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Nichols nice interview both of you, but I think our (myself, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Spartacus, Yeadon, others) now years-old proofs that the virus was released deliberately are rock solid. There is simply no other way to explain this. The timing was just too damn good given all the reasons for the release. First of all, I proved two different ways on February 20, 2020 that the virus could not have come from natural zoonotic spillover. Then, of course, there is the evidence from the genome... Even Andersen, Garry, Lipkin, etc. say they can't account for the furin cleavage site sequence. And there's much more.
So then we're left with a perfectly timed "leak" that occurred (according to the CDC Narrative) four months after Bill Gates invested $55-110 million in BioNTech and six months before Pfizer chose BioNTech to develop and distribute their vaccine; a "leak" in the face of years of preparation for this to happen?- a leak that may have happened 15 years later or never after all that money and effore was put into this thing?? I understand what it means to be serious academics associated with universities and having to be very careful what you say. I'm not associated with any universities any longer but I'm very serious; all of the ones I listed, too.
The debate we should be having now is about the deliberate release, if you're willing; not whether it got into the human population by way of a spillover event vs a lab leak. I've ruled out both of those already; myself and the listed. You mentioned Dr. Alina Chan of the MIT/Harvard Broad Institute. I remember her saying we might never know whether it came from a spillover event or leaked from a lab. I was shocked to read that.
There was no "virus". Sickness is a natural mechanism of detoxification from damaged and poisoned cells. Such poisoning and damage can and is typically caused by artificial electromagnetic radiation, at least since the introduction of commercial radio in the 1920/30s (Spanish flu) and continues to cause biological effects today as we radiate different frequencies of the EMR spectrum. Royal Raymond Rife and the Rife machine is one example of how resonant frequency can cause neutral, harmful or reparative biological results to all matter, living, dead or otherwise.
In initiation of the COVID era, Wuhan, Spain and a part of USA were each advocated as 5G epicentres, or test bases, especially Wuhan. The higher frequencies of 5G commercial phone technology, in the same territory as military EMR bioweapons, causes separation of the oxygen molecules belonging to our cells, causing severe outcomes for the subject.
As an electronics engineer in radio for over 30x years now, I take note of books from
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, Arthur Firstenberg.
If you would like a readable summary, please let me know, happy to provide a link to PDF.
All this "lab-leak" talk is absolute nonsense, a mere distraction for germ theory indoctrinated, mislead, doctors of the like out of institutions that have conditioned their understandings, falsely. WakeUp!
this might be an embarrassingly ignorant question as I am really a layman.
I was paying attention and hearing these assertions at the very beginning. but one of the other things that I heard is that people who understand I'll call it genetic engineering that might not be the right phrase can see in the spike protein on the virus the fingerprints of the technology.
If that is true, then it is a fact that somewhere somehow it was manufactured .
Is that a true statement?
Hi Dr. Bhattacharya, remember me from twitter. I have just watched this podcast and its brilliant. Up to now I haven't started a paid subscription to any of the accounts i follow as there are so many. I have decided to pay for yours as I think its one of the best substack accounts regarding the covid narrative. You need to get Jessica Rose back as what she has to say is so important. It would be great if she could have a discussion with you that mere mortals like myself could understand. Her recent substack articles are way beyond me. Once again thank you for putting you reputation at risk for pursuing the truth. I will get round to sending an email to your Stamford address. All the best Iain Noble
I really enjoyed this podcast. Please continue to do what you do.
You cannot have an origin of nothing. The key to the alleged pandemic is the media hype and the use of PCR testing. Where did the 'flu go?
great job. funny at the same time as being serious, ironic and entertaining. love this one.
There is no covid, no virus, no wet market, no lab leak.....ALL LIES.
People always get sick and die from a hundred things. Not covid.
I am Leslie Davis, www.EarthProtector.org and www.LeslieDavis.org
Call me for the truth 612/306-9611. I just happen to know it all.
"You just happen to know it all"?? Wow. What a statement. Are you God?
It's nice of you to ask. What do you think?
Fantastic discussion. Jeremy Farrar's elevation to Chief Scientist of the WHO was really the *chef's kiss". After all, nothing screams The Science ™ like burner phones and non-FOIA discoverable personal email accounts.
Covid is fake. It is a scam used to self fake vaccines. Makes everyone sick and makes clients for big pharma. No virus has ever been isolated, ever.
How does one turn off the subtitles. They are very distracting when they are not needed. Since the words do not always agree to the words spoken. Thank You