I am familiar with exosome treatment for covid injuries, and it appears they have a remarkable efficacy rate. There are other people doing it, but it's not legal in the US or Canada so people have to go elsewhere. A couple of questions about the mesenchymal stem cells Dr. Khan uses: A. They are sourced from umbilical cords. Where are the women who provide these cords? How are they selected? Are they paid? Etc. And B. Does Dr. Khan ensure that the mesenchymal stem cells he is using come from unvaccinated mothers?

My final comment is that as happy as I am that this kind of treatment is here, the sad truth is that the treatment offered by Dr. Khan is, at this stage, only for millionaires and billionaires. There i a much cheaper option in Asia, but even it is US $20K. There are so many vax-injured people out there, and many of them are now struggling just to make ends meet since their injuries forced them to stop working. The vaccine companies should be forced to pay for these treatments.

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"believes he can successfully treat most vaccine injuries and psychosomatic long COVID cases" --- Rav, why are you still framing Long COVID as psychosomatic? You only expose your own ignorance. Clown.

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When someone extols the virtues of their treatment and none of the drawbacks, I am sceptical of their claims. I would be very cautious about using this treatment, and will definitely be looking further into the research behind it, before I make it a recommendation.

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let's see him help Maddie de Garay, that would convince everyone and she deserves it. he could do it pro bono in her case, I think,

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A recipe for profit...

1. Select from area of your interests and expand your knowledge. Done

2. Virology as it is dedicated to the ideas recognizable only while utilizing electron microscope, witch pictures can be interpreted by the scientists only

3. An agreement has been reached - it's a COVID virus, Good news!

4. Vaccinations are already ready to be injected in millions of arms. (that was fast!!}

5. Adverse effects: myocarditis - no problem, there is a solution...

6, Dr. Adeel Khan On Successfully Treating Hundreds of Vaccine-Injured Patients


How To Brew: Everything You Need to Know to Brew Great Beer Every Time

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Hello Dr Jay. I appreciate you contributing to the Great Barrington Declaration and bringing non conventional options to the forefront of possible treatments for humanity. I have been practicing integrative functional medicine for over 37 years and have been illuminating and educating MDs and others on non toxic and non injurious and non immuno suppressive treatments.

There are now since Covid many physicians who are opening their mind to other possibilities. But this is not new and there is nothing easy quick or fast in healing the miracle we all have the privilege to steward. Before spending an enormous amount of money on Exosomes or stem cells and peptides the terrain or garden must be changed as well as many lifestyle measures. There are many other root causes to

Address in the human frame. Doctors should definitely be approaching medicine in a proactive,preventive , precise and personalized way.

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Doc, you need to stay in your lane. You have some great info, but seriously, EVs are a solution in search of a problem. The stock market game was designed to make a huge profit by convincing idiots that Tesla (completely underwritten by multiple governments and the WEF) might go broke. Sure, while we were giving them money AND giving $10K rebates and free solar panels. We still need fossil fuel for electricity, and we'll run out of rare-earth minerals long before we run out of petrol. Meanwhile, I can drive my C-Class MB across the US with six 3-minute fuel stops. Your Tesla will need 10-12 really long stops to recharge.

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Melanin is protective of UV rays. The trade-off is that "filtering" the UV rays inhibits the vitamin D production.

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