What did the WHO do under Covid, partnering with health departments and governments around the world who justified their restrictions as medically necessary? They created varying degrees of police states with enforcement of onerous and often cruel mandates.

Klaus Schwab said we’d never go back to normal; that was his hope for a great reset police state. That, we saw with our own eyes, was the real endgame. Schwab, Gates, Macron, Trudeau, and more: they all wanted police states, anathema to ideals of individual self-determination and freedom. They wanted unreasoned media fear porn, they encouraged it and baited it, the better to create the desired police state.

And now the global tyrants want to do it all over again? And they’re being helped?

Of course they don’t want anyone speaking misinformation against them: that’s the very nature of a police state.

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They killed millions and now want more power....

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My awareness and knowledge has been widened. Thank you.

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Great interview, thank you. I first came across the idea that a Western, globally enforced public health apparatus is neo-colonial in this obscure article from April 2022:


It's a great read (the author, a game designer with a philosophical bent, is now on substack https://strangerworlds.substack.com/about)

After I became aware of the latest WHO reforms, it all seemed so obvious, and the work of David Bell and others of his ilk only confirmed it. What I liked so much about your interview was hearing voices with robust 'on the ground' and historical knowledge. Thanks again.

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I find it hard to understand that many countries are to sign up to give Power to the

W.H.O. then how the hell did they have this power to do what they did, am I missing


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Excellent. Climate industry demands of these same countries is also neo colonialism. Great Substack by a rural Kenyan trying to get reliable electricity for his village: https://juspermachogu.substack.com/p/cherry-tomatoes

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I think the difference here is that climate science is an actual consensus. Interesting though is that your Substack link references Alex Epstein who is a proponent of fossil fuels who makes an interesting argument. He recognizes that the world is warming and that humans are causing the warming, he just doesn't think it will be a big deal.


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There are quite a few scientists who share Epsteins view and are willing now to confront the climate orthodoxy.

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I have yet to hear from a convincing climate science dissident. In fact I find a large number of them have ties to extraction industries (including anyone with a geology degree, as they almost exclusively work in extraction), much like many scientists in healthcare are compromised in one way or another by pharmaceutical or big government interests who fund their research. But I am always interested to hear new viewpoints so throw some names and papers my way if you feel so inclined.

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Here are a few you might look to: Richard Lindzen, Steven Koonin, Bjorn Lomborg - all appropriately credentialed. None claims global warming is not happening but that it is not a crisis.

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Thanks. Listening now to one of my favorite podcasters Lex Fridman episode #339 – Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin.

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And our Crypt Keeper Resident in DC will trip over himself to sign us up 😡

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I can't find the website for the PanAfrican Epidemic and Pandemk Working Group. Would someone send me a link to it? Thanks.


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