Pure blooded male athlete here with family members damaged with blood clots from these shots. When any newspaper has to flash message they are a "pro-vaccination" publication, all I am hearing is this " we are ruled over by the Covidian Cult and cannot help but say completely insane things but we enjoy a nice ad revenue from Pfizer et.al. ".

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Needs an update, but have you seen this ?:


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RemovedJan 20
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They have been. Pork has gotten it for two year!

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try to ignore it

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It means they are owned by Pfizer and Moderna.

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The entire lying whore media is like this. "They are of their father The Devil and there is no truth in them" to quote someone purportedly dear to all our hearts...

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I'm sure "Ben" also never spoke out against these "vaccines" even after his episode. So, fuck him and all the countless other thoughtless idiot zealots. I wish awful deaths upon all of them, zero sympathy. For anyone who wishes to protest against my attitude here, that's fine, but think back and recall how many (all) of these people who were cheering and hoping for us "vaccine" skeptics to die. Turn around is fair play. So, I hope all "vaccine" culters and cheerleaders die slow, painful deaths and we can laugh and cheer.

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agreed! i keep hearing about forgiveness but not without massive apologies, some back pay plus compensation for pain and suffering, and legally binding codes preventing this from ever happening again (following the constitution would be a start).

i was let go from my job/passion of 40 years. colleagues in NY posted on facebook about how they couldn't wait for all those unvaccinated idiots to hurry up and die. a jewish associate demanded one night that i turn in my neighbors for the crime of being outside in their own backyard (she could hear them having a good time over my speaker phone. she was in NYC and i was in charleston, SC). needless to say i didn't and haven't spoken to her since.

noam chomsky, howard stern, joni mitchell, jennifer aniston, neil young- these people behaved in ways that are unforgivable. for heaven's sake, sean penn is still calling for us to be imprisoned!!

biden, macron, arden, hancock went into overdrive trying to divide their citizens and instill fear in the vaccinated for the unvaccinated. hitler did the same thing earlier.

what saved us at the 11th hour was sheer luck; covid wasn't as deadly as feared and the vaccines didn't work as advertised. had circumstances been different, i'm pretty sure we'd be looking at property seizures, imprisonment, forced vaccination and complete disenfranchisement.

it would take far more christianity than i possess to forgive these terrible people. i never once wished death on any of the vaccinated or called them idiots for their poor choice. i never turned anyone from my door, reported them for faulty mask wearing or stripped them of their right to earn a living- all of which they would do to me just to earn some brownie points.

these are the people who would have volunteered to load jews onto boxcars back in the day. now that you know this about them, can you ever unsee it?

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"covid wasn't as deadly as feared"

I would argue that we knew from the very beginning it wasn't serious. There was the cruise ship that was an isolated experiment within the first weeks and nobody died, per my recollection. Again, most covid deaths in US were manufactured, paid for statistics as well as dreadful treatment with ventilators basically designed to kill, gotta boost those stats.

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nothing to argue! i said from the beginning that it was "this year's flu." public health is always trying to inflate the danger of every freaking microbe to give their lives meaning. had people been left alone to treat covid as they treat any old flu- chicken soup, vitamin C, bed rest- i'm sure the death toll would have been way lower.

but they (fauci, etc) knew that the virus was engineered and they wanted to cover their tracks so they made it out to be some freakish thing that was unique among viruses. there are other corona viruses out there and other respiratory viruses. why wouldn't you use what you knew of them?

the ventilators and the respiratory suppressing drugs were exactly the wrong thing to do. my best friend wasn't feeling too bad but with all the publicity, she wanted a test and there were none to be had except at columbia presbyterian, two blocks from her apartment. she walked over there, tested positive and was immediately put on a vent. they took her corpse off two weeks later and tossed it onto a freezer truck.

she had damaged lungs so the vent was certainly going to kill her. but she also had oxygen tanks at home and for any other ordinary run of the mill flu, she would have stayed home and used her oxygen if she needed it. because this was a virus with a madison avenue PR campaign on steroids, she felt she had to know what virus she had and died because of it.

i had gone to bed early that night and turned my phone off. she had texted me around 10:00 saying that she would be on a ventilator for a few days so i wouldn't hear from her, a text i didn't see until morning. i would have called her immediately and begged her to leave the hospital.

she wouldn't have listened to me (she always argued with me about alternative medicine) and then our last words would have been in anger so maybe it's better the way it happened.

she died on april 1, 2020.

on may 30, 2021 her sister died. she was desperate to get the vaccine even though she was relatively home bound. NYC sent over a health care worker to administer the J&J (since they were making home visits, they used the "one and done" shot). within a month she had heart trouble, called an ambulance and was put on a vent for 4 days. when they revived her, they asked her to sign a DNR. she called me and filled me in. she did not sign the DNR but died a few days later anyway.

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Reading your story leaves me with mixed emotions, Carolyn Kostopoulos. I am somehow heartened to hear yet another person lay out the scam so starkly. At the same time, I am angered by what happened. Most of all, I am saddened to hear of your friend's deaths. While part of me is optimistic that these episodes and the lessons from them will fuel more skepticism next time, I realize that people like Pfizer's CEO, Dr. Fauci, POTUS, along with many, many others, have yet to acknowledge even the most minor truths that seem obvious to us. This is a long game and evil continues to win, for the time being, I fear.

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Yes, win is relative though, battles lost, people lost, but the war is progressing for good overall.

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The apocalyptic projections that initiated the panic came from Neil Ferguson out of the UK (if I remember correctly). He has done the thing before, and will very likely do so again. As soon as that projection came out, I did a quick look at bio/history and realized his game.

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Indeed so. It was, is and always will be the seasonal 'flu rebranded to make more money for big pharma etc. As to what the 'flu actually is, which I did not understand until 2020, I write about that here.


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Yes! We got lucky this time because the Covid virus AND the vaccine did not get the memo and performed VERY differently from the narrative. Not only are these the people who would have loaded jews onto boxcars, these are the people who WILL load US onto boxcars when the next "crisis" is created.

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hopefully, enough people are armed to resist the boxcars

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I think they may be too maimed, if not dead, to do so. The Covid virus was the 'flu and all vaccines are pointless at best. They have always been poisons.



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I have to agree. Not enough of them coming back to table to admit they got it wrong. My forgiveness does not extend to that level of malice. My respect for all fellow purebloods is real, to rise and stay strong against that level of evil was truly courageous.

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"now that you know this about them, can you ever unsee it?"

Appropriately structured, this question of yours, Ms. Kostopoulos.

Even among those who have long known that every breast conceals a heart of darkness, few have witnessed such outpourings of wickedness from such unexpected quarters.

No, it cannot be "unseen."

Would that all who witnessed such darkness, have seen it's counterpoint, a light shining through the gloom, showing others the way.

I refer to an elderly relative, one who believed all that the media and dishonest authorities spewed about the deaths and risks. She nevertheless refused to stop volunteering at a local food bank, interacting closely with the needy. She was eventually "fired" because of her age and vulnerability, but never did she waver from her rejection of the evils being advocated and perpetrated.

That there exist thousands who embraced the darkness, for each of those like my elderly relative, seems obvious. But is it?

Within this hall of mirrors erected around us all, the image of evil may, or may not, be amplified out of all proportion. The challenge, it seems to me, lies in discovering the truth behind what we cannot now "unsee."

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I not only can't "unsee" the venom and irrationality and close-mindedness and the betrayal and the lying and the iron-clampdown on our civil rights with ZERO debate, but living through the madness and evil has changed me in deep and profound ways. How could I be so naive as to think that we in America and in the West are different now and would never succumb to such wickedness? I know now that civilization truly does balance on the head of a pin, and that we must all ground ourselves in what's true, and what's beautiful, and what is of God who is the source of all that is beautiful and true.

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Don’t forget Arnold Schwarzenegger who said all unvaxxed shoukd be in jail, and forced to take the jab.

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He came from Austria. Someone well-known came from there too, I forget who. :)

Schwarz engel is a part anagram of his name in German. This means 'dark angel'.

P.S. These are two English anagrams of his full name, Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger

ACS leader Nazi hornswoggler

Archean godless Nazi growler

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“Screw your freedoms” said the foreign born man who benefited so well from them he became an elected politician here in the US . They’re all scum.

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Don't forget Howard Stern, the tough talking shock jerk from radio who also turned into a screaming ninny. All those muscles and Arnold is really a hysterical ninny underneath.

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i can't even keep track!

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I am also having a hard time with forgiveness. There are some I've known for many years and decades, people I like and respect. Some were consumed by fear and some were working on the brownie points. Throw that in with Trump Derangement Syndrome and there's a recipe for disaster. I despise Biden but I don't despise his voters as I know many truly believed he would be better than Trump, but TDS leads people to attack Trump voters and ignore Biden when he attacks half the population. That I cannot forgive. I also can't forgive those who are still consumed by their fear.

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Yes, how can it be that we have a President who openly threatens roughly half of the citizens of his own country? And it's just a big yawn to the media and apparently to most people.

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Don't become like them.

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absolutely not! i would never wish for people to die as they did or gloat over someone's death as they did. i will, however, rejoice when some are justly punished for what they did and i'm quite comfortable with not associating with certain old "friends" for the rest of our lives

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You write of "forgiveness but not without massive apologies, some back pay plus compensation for pain and suffering, and legally binding codes preventing this from ever happening again" -- when you should be demanding public executions for these monumental bastards?

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you seemed to have missed the context of my comment which was in response to the previous one, copied here:

Kevin Brink

May 29

I'm sure "Ben" also never spoke out against these "vaccines" even after his episode. So, fuck him and all the countless other thoughtless idiot zealots. I wish awful deaths upon all of them, zero sympathy. For anyone who wishes to protest against my attitude here, that's fine, but think back and recall how many (all) of these people who were cheering and hoping for us "vaccine" skeptics to die. Turn around is fair play. So, I hope all "vaccine" culters and cheerleaders die slow, painful deaths and we can laugh and cheer.

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carolyn kostopoulos

May 30

agreed! i keep hearing about forgiveness but.... the part you quoted. you also seemed to miss what i said near the end: "it would take far more christianity than i possess to forgive these terrible people."

however, i'm not in the execution business, especially the public variety which seems to incite the more barbaric tendencies of the crowd. i'm sure there are a few people at the helm who i wouldn't mind seeing depart their mortal coil but the reality is who among us can lay claims to such certainty?

indeed, there was certainty on the other side- those people who called for us to be jailed or executed or just cheered at our deaths but mainly these were facebook posts or twitter memes.

my old associate in NY who posted "i can't wait for all those unvaccinated people to hurry up and die already," should i post something "demanding" his public hanging in retaliation? for what? he did me no actual harm (unlike woke snowflakes, i don't confuse words with violence) and he had no actual power to put his wish into action. it was a terrible thing to say on a public forum, a thought better kept to oneself or revealed only in private to the most trusted of friends. were i to insist that his pro-vaccine stance constituted a thought crime, then he would be perfectly justified in insisting that my anti-vaccine status is one as well.

the hospital administrators who fired unvaccinated staff should have to pay dearly for what they did but with their lives? that seems a bit extreme.

where does it end? when one side is in power, they execute everyone on the other side and a few generations later when the other side regains control, they get to execute all those from the first side? who is left then?

i have a lot of anger towards the spoleto arts festival, which fired me after 40 years, and against all arts organizations that took government money in exchange for acting as enforcement arms of public health policy. now they're taking that funding to promote DEI and LGBT++++ agendas. the arts have clearly lost their way.

the best policy going forward would be to reverse the 1986 vaccine immunity legislation. as much as i enjoy the fantasy of albert bourla swinging from a noose (does a more smug self satisfied mother fucker exist?), death is probably too good for him. he'll suffer much more without influence and private jets, things that would go away quickly if his company actually had to stand behind their products.

i can "demand" whatever i like, but i'm not gonna get it. better to call for sensible legal measures that address the injustices and hurt the perpetrators where they will feel it most- in their bank accounts.

what none of us should accept is this amnesty idea that is floated by people who know they said bad things that they wish would be conveniently forgotten. we all have big mouths and we must continue to use them

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You're probably right. Trouble is I wonder if you understand what's really going on here: The depopulation agenda, reducing the human population to 500 million souls and their enslavement, the "Mark of the Beast" injectable digital IDs being planned, and all the rest of it? Turning us into a version of Star Trek's "The Borg"? The Covid-19 Scamdemic was a test run for what they're really planning.. Oh! They intended it to be a lot nastier than it turned out to be I imagine, but the real work was always The Lethal Injections -- but they were only a first step...

And most of humanity is so obdurately, mulishly stupid they can't see it, and can't be made to see it.

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Cap, I personally think that your observations are too dire, BUT, we just don't know what the hell is going on and I fear that we will never have enough investigation. I do think we should all agree 100% with something that Bret Weinstein said on his podcast, and the implications scare the shit out of me. He notes that what we experienced was a swift, coordinated, "turn-key" imposition of totalitarianism. Think about that---there's a turn-key world-wide system that was already in place to essentially imprison us, virtually overnight.

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I am so sorry, but there is no forgiveness for them ever: not in this life and not in the after life. They don't deserve our forgiveness. What they deserve is to go to a prison where covid vaccines are mandatory every six months. I believe politicians from around the world are greatly underestimating how angry people are for what they have done: the families that are left devastated and destroyed. That's the part they don't get yet. And they are still playing with fire like the fools. If they think they are getting away with what they did they are kidding themselves. Once the whole scam blows out, there will be no place to hide for them.

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Nano Technology, is on the Covid "Vaccines" go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com It's in Blood samples, reacting to Magnetic fields, and suspected 5G Cell Towers.

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Might I ask why you felt it necessary to point out that your neighbor was Jewish?

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my neighbors were not jewish. the person who demanded- over the phone calling from NYC- that i report my neighbors to the police for sitting outside as a family in their own backyard- is jewish and i see a certain irony in that.

here is a person from a "special" group that has been historically victimized, a person who has a smaller family tree then one might think because a generation of her ancestors were herded off to death camps and only a few survived, now all too willing to act as informant, to turn in others for "crimes." i might have expected her to see the dangerous precedent she was following.

i have another story from the pandemic, equally ironic. i was asked to design costumes for a new opera company starting here. we opened up, maybe not as early as florida but certainly earlier than places like NY and CA. a very old friend of mine was coming in to stage manage the production and she suggested me to do the costumes. she was flying into town a week before the rest of the artistic crew was arriving, so the company housing was not yet ready. i offered my guest room to her to save the opera company the price of a week's hotel and she was thrilled to accept, happy for the chance to spend time with me and my boyfriend who she sees as a kind of mentor.

then the director of the opera company told her that we were not vaccinated, something i was going to tell her but he beat me to it, violating all formerly accepted notions of privacy; she was too afraid to stay with us and the company had to scramble to find her alternative housing for the week.

so what's the ironic part? my friend has had AIDS for many years, a "gift" from her gay husband. so on the pecking order of unacceptability, being unvaccinated ranked even lower than having AIDS! i can remember a time when people- not me- would have turned her away once they found out that she was "contaminated" so i would have expected her to understand the irrational fear that people had towards her and how she felt being othered. as i would have expected my jewish associate to understand what happens when neighbors report neighbors to the Stassi. but no... the smug superiority that people felt against those of us who chose to remain in the control group was astonishing.

i did invite her over for dinner before she left town just to test her hypocrisy and she accepted. i guess the lure of a free meal trumps the possibility of facing a deadly virus.

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Just remember, this is a very smart virus. It only attacks you when you enter and exit restaurants or walk to the bathroom. If you sit at the table you can take off your (not-effective) mask to eat dinner quite safely!

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How ironic, indeed! When the small company I had been helping with costumes for several years announced at the beginning of the season they would require vaccination, I said No. Even if they drop the requirement for the new season, I'm not sure I'll come back – I have uneasy feelings I'll need to sort through.

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exactly! i was shit canned from my job of 40 years as the costume director of the spoleto arts festival in charleston, sc. i was the longest consecutive staff member in the festival's history and would have worked there until i dropped dead. i was let go without a goodbye or a thank you, we're sorry but just following orders.

the contempt i now feel for the thing i loved most in the world is beyond description. i will never work for them again or attend any of their events. the arts are supposed to be the truth tellers, the rebels, the free thinkers. they are not supposed to act as an enforcement art of bad public health policy. to me now, they may as well be henchmen for chairman mao's cultural revolution

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"Just following orders." Where does "following orders" stop? Jesus, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can't imagine being part of a community for 40 years only to be dropped like that. Please do not let your well-earned feelings of contempt drag you down. There are no doubt some in the festival who didn't like what happened to you, but fear of being the next one kept them silent.

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I'm sorry that happened to you; your anger and hurt and bewilderment comes through loud and clear. Too bad I live in Pennsylvania, we would have a chance to meet up as fellow sane persons.

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You have some great stories and perspective on the insanity of these past few years Carolyn

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A deadly yet innocuous if not non-existent virus. I lost my brother to AIDS in 1996. It's only over the last 3 years I've learned "AIDS" was another Fauci-instigated fraud as horrendous as the Covid Fraudemic. What killed him wasn't "HIV" -- apparently an utterly innocuous virus -- if viruses truly exist and I'm wondering now about that -- but AZT, a drug so toxic the original researchers tossed it and their patent applications for it in the wastepaper basket.

Paul died blind and emaciated at 43. Public execution via the Guillotine is too good for Anthony Fauci. Damnation and Eternity in the Lake of Fire is also too good for Anthony Fauci. Get a copy of RFKjr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci". It's a medical version of The Gulag Archipelago: A horror story in every paragraph.

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One would think family history and personal experience would insulate people, but alas, humans are humans in every single culture, religion, skin tone, in both sexes, profession, etc. Some humans just have a tendency towards authoritarianism and/or knee-jerk fear, and none of the above characteristics insulates one from this. You either have the tendency or you don't, and events can bring it to flower. Since there was a fairly sizeable part of the population that went this way, there must be some evolutionary reason for this tendency. Perhaps an evolutionary biologist can come up with a theory.

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You've hit on something that has become clear from the Crazy Times and I wonder about it a lot. What is it in those of us who just can't pretend that we don't see what we see? Who want to live and let live if possible and not wish social or literal death on those who disagree with the mainstream narrative? I. just. can't. If I'd been accosted by those BLM thugs who demanded I raise my arm in the Sieg Heil, I know that my arm would stay paralyzed by my side.

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That is both a good answer and heartbreaking.

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My neighbour of many years told me I should be "liquidated in a camp" for being unvaccinated. I should thank him. He started a revolution. I've never met so many amazing people in my life and my stack is read in 55 countries. Bring it on Satan. This is the hill.

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Cheers brother! Long live the "control group" of un-injected ones!! : )

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Awesome! Keep the faith.

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I would tend to agree, but it's your family your mother your father your daughter your son, your nice you love and your nephew you adore. Thats the problem, I would love to say fuck em but I love my family and even though they disagree and did not take my advice not to take an experimental mRNA jab they did and now some of them are poorly and if they are not I am sure it will effect them in the future by decreasing their life span and being more susceptible to other issues.

As for Ben that I do not know and promoted the vaccine and denigrated other that did not take the vaccine. Fuck him, I hope he has health issues into the future. They wanted to lock the unvaccinated up and deny health service that my tax money has already paid for. Ben and his like can all go to Hell, fucking ignorant people that can't do their own research and don't have the brains to understand the risk they have taken.

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My youngest brother who today turned 69 took the gene-jab in late January 2021 and his second in March. He also got boosted. To this day he will not admit that his neurological problems and frequent prolonged racing heart events which occurred shortly after his second jab were caused by the jabs. In mid 2020 he sent an email discussing covid and said this at the end: “When history applies the scale of justice and morality, I have little doubt about how the United States will be characterized. I hope for a better outcome, nonetheless - a grand slam in the 9th inning or a 60-yard Hail Mary Pass - we get lucky. Who knows, we may yet rise to the occasion and fall behind a capable leader. I'll take either.” I did not respond. We all know that written history is mainly void of facts but fill with innuendoes, half-truths and conjecture. In 2021, with his guy in the WH he wrote those believing that Russia/Trump was a hoax were flat-earthers. My entire family for generation have been democrats. I am the black sheep.

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While I never wish ill health on others, as it's just bad karma, I gotta admit that I'm especially amused by the corner the medical profession has painted themselves into.

They have allowed people to suffer and die needlessly by withholding early treatment. They are injecting children when there is no benefit to the child or anyone else. They have discounted and denied the value of natural immunity.

Now they will get shot up with this mRNA crap for RSV, covid, influenza and others. This sums up my feelings towards them ...


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The medical profession also actively killed people by forcing patients to take remdesivir (weird, there are no "gold standard" randomized trials for remdesivir against covid, but nevermind) and to go on ventilators. Approved death sentence, but hospital gets its covid death bonus payment, so no worries.

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

Correct! And, one of the other drugs that was administered was FENTANYL folks! There you have it. Remdesevir shuts down the kidneys and other major organs and the fentanyl ( 100x stronger opiate than morphine) keeps the ventilator patient asleep. How many were needlessly killed this way because of a virus they could have easily got over, had alternate treatments and natural immunity not been so suppressed and censored?

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My wife is an R.N. and they call it, "Run, death is near."

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Kevin, you are singing my song.

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I feel the same way. It is extremely difficult to have mercy on these wretched excuses for human beings.

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Kevin, I could never blame you for your feelings. You have every single right to be mad and angry. I understand your feelings very well. My own sister told me that I'm going to die if I don't take the " life saving" shots just like her. And when I called her to let her know that I had covid and fully recovered because I followed the early treatment protocol, guess what she told me: " well, the nasty people like you don't die easily". That's all she found to say. I have no doubts that those criminal because the greatest scandal in history will pay a big price for what they did to us.

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June of 2021, Br. Alexs Bugnolo recommended all the Purebloods buy a hazmat suit; we're going to need them to assist in the mass burial details. He withdrew his comment somewhat, but personally? I think all he got wrong was the timeframe. Trouble is, all the morons who took those injections without giving it the thought they'd put into buying a used car? Death may be the least of it, as the spike proteins chew their brains to ribbons and health care and police are completely overwhelmed and we'll be living scenes out of "The Walking Dead". And you and I Kevin, whether we like it or not, are going to be their caregivers. Look to your "preps".

Br. Alexis Bugnolo

- A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

- We are at the Great Separation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

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The first red flag that alerted me that something was seriously amiss during the initial phases of the Covid pandemic was when we were all waiting for those “live saving vaccines”. During that time, not a single governmental medical authority, such as Dr Fauci, made any recommendations on what people could do to immediately boost their natural immune systems to help protect themselves against a deadly virus: wholesome nutrition, exercise, and Vitamin D through regular sun exposure, to name a few. While avoiding substances that weaken it such as alcohol, harmful drugs and junk food.

The second glaring red flag was the censorship on social media of helpful scientific data on nutrition and immunology. I was targeted and shadow banned on Facebook and Twitter for offering solutions to naturally improve one’s natural immunity. All this was before the “vaccines” were ever distributed. It is then that I realized that suppressive monopolistic forces were at work to push their “vaccines” as the “only answer” while negating all other workable life saving remedies.

Big Pharma and the current tyrannical medical industry are directly responsible for the current state of poor overall health of humans on this planet. The sicker people get, the more they profit.

Then there’s the world depopulation agenda of folks like Gates that perfectly ties in with the promulgation of lethal vaccines.

All those behind all this insanity ought to be banned from planet Earth.

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the company that makes Xlear, a saline nasal spray with xylitol, was persecuted for suggesting that the anti-adhesion properties might have some use in covid treatment

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It works! I used it daily during and after the plandemic . Strangely I decided to back off of it for awhile recently and after a trip to Florida with family I contracted covid. Needless to say, I’m using it again, daily!

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sadly, i can't use it. i'm super allergic to grapefruit seed extract. i bought some to try and spent an hour sneezing with puffy red eyes and a runny nose. i gave it to my BF who uses it religiously. i sure WISH i could use it.

i got myself a navage machine and i rinse my nose out once a day. then i nebulize a capsule of glutathione which seems to be helping with my asthma. i was taking one puff of asthma medication every other day (the prescribed dose is twice a day) and lately i've been able to cut it to one puff every 3 days

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I kept a record of 8 years of gov malfeasance the media ignored before Trump took office. And then a doubling down on more malfeasance with a bullseye on Trump’s head. So, I had already built the strongest case possible that this was all planned. No one walks in my shoes but what I witnessed was the total abuse of every inalienable right in 2020. We were forced to surrender our right

o to associate

o to practice our faith

o to wed

o to bury

o to see loved ones

o to work

o to play

o to move

o to learn

o to disagree

o to purchase

o and to speak

But they weren’t done because then came the gene-jabs and the tax-free $$$ payoffs to keep those in distress from complaining.

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My healthy 15 year old had pounding heart, shortness of breath, inability to move limbs in physical education class <72 hours after her FIRST Pfizer shot. I see so many people mentioning the known effects on young men, but I wonder, with all the suppression of open dialogue and sharing of information, if we are neglecting to notice that there are effects on girls and women that don’t seem to be on the table at this time. Indeed, when my daughter was diagnosed at the emergency, they were reluctant to call it vaccine induced myocarditis for two reasons: 1. It was her first shot 2. She is a girl. (Zero health problems in 15 years and healthy athlete)

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My niece was brought to the ER with bleeding ovarian cysts, after Pfizer shots. Everyone remains in denial it was related to the gene therapy that was administered.

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You have to understand that hospitals are in the it's-impossible-for-vaccines-to-do-any-harm camp from the get go. Most hospital workers and doctors are clueless as they have been indoctrinated since med school.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

She's not the only one -- a teenage girl at my church went into full cardiac arrest after her vaccine, technically "died" in the ambulance but they restarted her heart and then had daily seizures for months. I'm so sorry for what happened to your daughter! I have 3 friends -- all local to my city -- who had life- threatening reactions, including anaphylaxis, a severe lymph system reaction, and GB, as well as myocarditis.

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Statistically it's more common in young males but it appears to be more prevalent overall and that would include young women.

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42yo town friend died of cardiomyopathy within 2 weeks of booster. Unbelievably, she was a vax sales rep. Was in the hospital getting worked up for new dx of DCM and arrested. So sad.

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My son is a 25 year old LT. in the US Army after commissioning in 2020 during the initial wuhan virus fuck up!! All of these healthy military personnel were vaccinated & then again at the directive of traitors like comrade milley & austin...I pray that nothing ever happens to our military personnel because of these "shots"

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There have already been medical discharges due to side effects and we lost at least one jet in a crash when the pilot had a myocarditis episode while trying to land. So yeah our military is going to get hit hard.

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Not "our", but I get the point.

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The military is made up of our sons and daughters, so yeah it’s our military.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Many have been harmed by the covid shots. They are "gaslit" by the military. Sparrow Health in Birmingham, AL has been helping (Free of Charge) many active duty service members that cannot get relief otherwise. Many sad stories and comments such as "I feel like I'm going to die."

Some in the military are speaking out about the shots.

Army LtCol Theresa Long MD - Full Testimony 09/17/22


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The military have been cash cows for big pharma for decades and the soldiers the guinea pigs.

'Ooh, let's see if poisoning them works this time...........Nope. Let's try again'

and again.

And again.

And again.

Being shot at is a hazard in the army but when your government do it at the behest of big pharma....

The government and big pharma are 'absurd fact kings'. If this doesn't make sense rearrange until it does.


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hello all.

so, I had a good friend (45 r old, black male) who died after a long hospitalization in July/August of 2021. his family and subsequent press releases all said that the cause of death was undisclosed at the request of the family, but that it was a rare respiritory disease that was NOT Covid. we all assumed that it might be related, but his family didn't want any extra controversy after their tragic loss. after about a year, a respectable magazine revealed that the doctors confirmed, on the day of his death, that he had a very rare auto-immune disease called Anti-MDA5 Dermatomyositis. In my research to the cause, I found several, government funded studies listing this as a documented side effect of the Covid Vaccine.

now, I do not know exactly when he received his last vaccine, but do know his symptoms (shortness of breath) started in mid/early July 2021.

has anyone here heard any more of this happening? I don't want to bother his family and friends with this since I can't prove it, but I really want to know why and how my friend died. he passed a week before his first child was born and I think it's important to know the truth.

thank you

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What's stunning to me is why just about every family that has lost a loved one due to vaccine injuries does not care about publicizing or investigating the real cause of death. They are covering up for the people who murdered their loved ones. It's surreal. I've also become convinced that we do NOT live in the "home of the brave." Brave Americans wouldn't stand for this.

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his friends and family were all big proponents of the vaxx and lockdowns. so they deliberately covered it up. the cognitive dissonance must have been terrible, but his wife is now a widow and his 1 year old daughter an orphan. still they are silent. heartbreakingly tragic...

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

And because few will speak-out about the Vax, even though it has negatively impacted many families, the sh*tshow continues. If more people would push back about these shots this would not continue. Instead, here in the good 'ol USA, the covid shots are on the childhood vax schedule. I guess misery loves company.

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Yes and no. The gov pays funeral expenses to the family of those who died with or from Covid via a contract with a check attached for $5-6 thousand. That was said early on, in 2020 I think but it may have been later.

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For government read taxpayer please. Pay to die, pay to be buried, it's the American Dream. :(

And big pharma's pleasure.


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---- listing this as a documented side effect of the Covid Vaccine.

You'd be hard pressed to find a disease which wasn't.

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So sad.

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I've never heard about this but I'm curious. It looks like it primarily affects Japanese and Chinese people? So it seems odd that your friend got it after his vaccine -- unless something about the vaccine or the virus was "designed" to do this. 😥

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correct, that is what my research has shown, that it is much more common in Asians.

for more info just google Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis/Covid vaccine. I found at least 3-4 government funded/NIH reports of this auto-immune response after vaccination resulting in death.

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If you work for the machine that is pushing or supporting or lying about these "vaccines", you are part of the ongoing genocide. You are enabling mass murder. You ARE a mass murderer. It's really that simple. You should be arrested, tried and executed for your crimes against humanity. Nobody should get a pass for this. This Ben guy continues to work for this paper after what happened to him? He knows there is something horrible going on, yet the paycheck is more important? He is nothing more than the engineer who keeps the trains running on time to the death camps.

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Regrettably, it is not just the FDA and CDC that didn't/don't care.

From my perspective it appears the only ones who care are those who were awake from the beginning of the Covid Psyop, or, woke up quickly, and some of those who suffered directly from the jabs. The vast majority of others couldn't care less. Many seem quite content in the knowledge they were not one of the 'unlucky', so they'll continue undaunted.

I am of the view most people are best suited to a life of serfdom. Regrettably, these zombies will only be content if the rest of us are forced to join them.

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And THAT is the rub - they want to force us to join them. That is the difference between those like us and those like them: our most basic instinct is to live and let live. THEIR primal instinct is to be part of the herd and to make sure that the herd controls EVERYONE.

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What I never understood is how so many pro-vaxxers had stories EXACTLY LIKE THIS, yet they called us crazy when we suggested that the jab wasn't 100% safe and effective.

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Keep up the great work, Rav.

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Thanks, Joni!

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I was 51 when I got my 2nd Pfizer and had the same symptoms, and more, with 104F temp lasting 5 days. I should’ve gone to the hospital but I feared going. It resolved but I consider myself vaccine injured even though the doc disagrees. I know I was poisoned and i promptly joined the antivax movement. Skip ahead a couple years and I’ll never touch a pHarmaceutical again nor will I follow Kaisers health recommendations.

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Good news that wisdom prevails. All vaccines were and are poisons.


And amazingly (or not) the word p-Harm-aceutical has a lot more words hidden away for the curious critical thinker.


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Yes, I’m aware of the words (spells) but only recently. Unfortunately, I was a zombie not too long ago.

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But you are not now so that is wonderful. I considered myself perhaps half asleep in 2020. I was undergoing immuno-therapy in the NHS until Sept that year when I worked out what was really going with my health. I daresay you are aware of the perils of poisons in our food but this was the origins of my facial palsy. The neuro-toxic effects are similar to the vaccines in many ways.


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People including sadly enough some of my own family members wished death, calamity and mayhem upon me for not getting vaccinated. At this point, I don’t think there’s enough apologies in the world for everything I had to endure because of the lies that were perpetrated by MSM and the corrupt politicians who never had our safety or best interests at heart. Going forward I don’t need or want the government to meddle into my private life. I only need the government to protect my rights and freedoms. I can take care of the rest. I will never trust anyone outside of my small inner circle. Truth is stranger than fiction...

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I'm not a scientist, but it would seem relatively easy to do a study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups for incidences of heart disease, cancer, etc.

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Strangely the over lords don't want to do autopsies on the vaxed versus autopsies on the unvaxed too. I wonder why.

Strangely also they didn't like studying the blood of the vaxed versus the unvaxed either. Hmmm wonder why again

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My guess is it would be very complex and challenging. Confounding factors that could influence the relationship between vaccination status and the outcomes being studied include age, underlying health conditions, lifestyle choices, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare could impact the results. Accounting for confounding variables and adjusting for statistical biases would be crucial. Since cancer and heart disease can develop over a long period, a longitudinal study design may be required to track participants over time. This can be resource-intensive and require long-term follow-up to accurately assess the outcomes. Also, my guess is that one side or the other would undoubtedly disagree with the results.

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It is much easier to check what is in the ingredients of vaccines (allegedly).

They contain poisons. Check.

Poisoning is bad for health. Check.

Avoid vaccines. Double check.


Of course if they only contain saline all is well. But you can have a glass of water with some salt for almost nothing. But that won't make big pharma any profit.

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Barkers get that many took the shot out of company loyalty and job security and went along to get along. What we will never get is why Fauci and his governmental hacks deliberately censored you and others when they knew all about the virus and the vaccines. Nobody will believe them when they feign ignorance while bankrolling it. Can’t wait for the twitter files on this cmon Elon!

Bless you Doc for trying to shed the light of truth.❤️

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I went to the doctor several times, minus several times = zero during Covid. I also refrained from going to Walgreens to get any injections. Perfect health. Zero problems. One of the fastest people in the country in my age group (track) No heart problems. No strokes, no Justin Bieber face, so I got that going for me...

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My sympathy for “Ben” is zero. If you hang out with Nazis, don’t be surprised if you end up in a concentration camp.

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