I just want my voice to be heard 2 years after l lost my job for refusing the incredibly ineffective jab. A lot of people like me haven’t moved on who found themselves in this situation.
I hear you loudly Mr Gallo - I too was fired and it’s a life changing experience for the worse. Especially when no money is coming in and you hire an attorney to fight back. Keep making your story relevant because very few folks are discussing making the fired whole again. Peace and power to you!
Thank you sir. It’s been a real battle mentally and emotionally, being so preoccupied in my mind with this situation for 2 years now. Nothing gets done about it, it’s just insane to me how we had to be put through this for absolutely nothing.
By the way Mr Gallo - my email is in the tread. Feel free to email me and I will share my phone number - I understand you may have a case like me. I have one of the first legal battles relative to Covid in California and can share some strategy and potential pitfalls.
Mr Gallo - On October 18, 2019 I was doing some research preparing for teaching a class and I ran into something called “Event 201.” I started to examine the web site and later their event simulation exercises on video. https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise - It became clear that they were planning a large scale something. I don’t generally believe in coincidences. These operations need meticulous planning and serious financial backing and buy-in. We are experiencing multiple nefarious well planned simultaneous operations. The relative silence is criminal. I choose to be loud and fight like hell!
Please name the studies that show the Covid shots reduce severity of disease or hospitalization and for which variants. Also, are there any studies that show a reduction in mortality?
Also please comment on the Cleveland Clinic study that showed the incidence of Covid increasing with the number of shots/boosters received.
I have heard Jay say that he believes the MRNA's did (at least initially) reduce the chance of severe cases and/or hospitalization/death. Can you please discuss the evidence for this and the quality of this evidence. Are you convinced it's not an artifact of statistical gaming, such as not considering someone vaccinated until weeks after the second dose?
I 2nd this question. Every time I tell my sister that the vaccines failed to deliver on their promise to prevent infection or transmission of the virus, she tells me that it reduces the severity of disease. My answer to this is always that mandates should not apply if it is only for the individual's protection from severe disease because I don't have any data at my fingertips to address her claim about reducing severity of disease. Based on my gut instinct, I think her answer is a load of crap, but I don't argue (very often) solely based on my gut instincts.
PLEASE talk about the efficacy and safety profile of flu shots. I've gotten mine every year since my 20s. But I declined the Covid vax for myself and our children. I'm very wary now of annual vaccines, given the Covid craziness and CDC "mis-guidance." I'm stressing over whether to get myself and our kids the flu vaccine moving forward. Nobody is really talking about this. Thank you!
Flu vaccine is generally not recommended in most other countries. (It may be advised for small selected groups of people based on age, health, etc.).
Basically flu is an easily manageable infection for normal healthy people. The CDC inflates the number of deaths from flu by a factor of 10x to sell more flu vaccines. It does so by conflating deaths from pneumonia and deaths from flu. In the last 50 years, I have NEVER heard of a single person in the US who died from flu. Have you?
Interesting. I wasn't aware. I never got the flu shot until I was in my early 20s. I got the flu when I was 22 and felt very lousy, so I figured the next year I'd try getting the shot. From there, I guess I just kept going. It never harmed me and potentially gave me some level of protection, so I figured why not. But I'm a lot more skeptical now. I don't know of anyone personally who died from flu, but, of course, you read about the stories in the news: "Mom felt unwell, had the flu, tried to power through it, 4 days later she was dead." etc etc. I think at this point I'm almost a bit superstitious. Like the talking heads who said Covid wasn't a big deal and then died of Covid. What if this is the one year I decide not to get the flu shot and have a horrible case of it? Anyway, I'm a healthy, active 45-year-old, but would love to hear your thoughts on best practices for managing the flu if you do come down with it. I don't think I've had it since that time I was 22. Had Covid twice. First time felt like an extended flu. Second time, barely knew I had it. Thanks for your thoughts!
All vaccines have side effects. And if you take them every year, like the flu shot, the risk goe up even more.
On my part, I treat all respiratory infections (cold, flu, Covid) the same way.
i) As soon as you notice an infection, start doing gargling and 'neti' (google it) with warm salt water. This reduces the viral load which is initially concentrated in the nasal area.
ii) Next, if you have fever, do not treat it with an anti-fever drug. Fever is the body's natural way of fighting an infection. If the oral temp goes over, say, 103 F, you can (optionally) take half the recommended dosage of an anti-fever drug until the fever drops below 103 F.
iii) Rest as needed. Stay warm. Step out into the sun if you can comfortably do so.
iv) Eat only warm food and drink only warm/hot water or low calorie beverages (like green tea).
v) Fast if you can, or eat very light (low-fat) watery foods that fill you up (like soup). Fasting allows more of the body's energy to go into fighting the virus instead of digestion. Animals don't eat when they are sick.
vi) Don't get dehydrated. Make sure you have normal urine output that is light in color.
That is it. No drugs, no vaccines, no doctors. It has always worked for me so far.
Since Covid is (apparently) resurgent, I am wondering why doctors continue to recommend the mRNA vaccines for the elderly when the products have so little proven effectiveness.
IF they had reduced transmission (as originally promised) then getting vaccinated/boosted could have limited the elderly’s exposure to the spike protein. Since they don’t significantly reduce transmission, and the elderly are likely to get sick anyway, it seems to me that additional vaccines/boosters result in MORE exposure to the spike protein in a population that is particularly vulnerable.
Also, I would appreciate it if you could point us to a DISPOSITIVE study clearly showing that vaccinated patients have better outcomes upon infection, with reliable data (aot hospitals “assigning” vaccination status when they don’t actually have the data).
I am a current Yale school of Medicine student. What advice would you give to a current student who is being taught certain things that has been shown to not be affective? I am mainly talking about covid related issues but please expand on the question if you can. Also, the darkhorse podcast brought up a study regarding the IgG4 antibody being seen in people with multiple vaccine doses and to my understanding this antibody is related to immune down regulation. Can you speak on this as well please. I am a non paid user since school takes all my money.
I have a thought on this. When I spoke with my doctor (who is a lovely, caring woman and a good doctor) about the Covid vax and my skepticism (I ultimately decided not to get it even though she recommended it), she responded that she understood my hesitancy and that she had no more information to give to me other than the guidance given to her by the CDC. She said: "Unfortunately, I can't spend my entire day thinking about and researching Covid." So it basically boils down to this: Primary care doctors have a million OTHER things to focus on and they just accept the wisdom and guidance handed down by the CDC. They put their trust in that institution; your average doctor just simply doesn't have the time to do their own deeper digging; hence they go along with whatever the CDC recommends.
Neely, I think that you have hit upon a major problem in healthcare today. Docs are so busy trying to exist within the insurance and regulatory environment that exists; they default to protocols and “expert” advice from the likes of the CDC. I was fortunate to practice medicine in a time where we were still able, and encouraged, to question and to practice with the best interest of the individual in front of us rather than the “expert” opinions based upon societal analysis and cost-benefit ratios. A nice euphemism for denying care to the individual.
Who is going to stop the Biden admin from advising everyone 6 months and above to get a booster? This is criminal. We all know the CDC, therefore doctors will advise this too. Therefore the chances of my daughter’s university, Santa Clara University, mandating it are EXTREMELY high. I will lose my....
I don’t understand how intelligent people believe in the masks, the boosters, etc...
If I may piggyback - I was fired from San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California for not following the draconian mandates as a tenured member of the faculty in good standing. I am the only tenured faculty who refused to “obey” and “comply.” Also, I have an approved religious exemption and was actually fired because I did not agree to test twice per week while working remotely 80 miles from campus like everyone else because the campus was closed. I am now suing because I am standing for freedom but it’s incredibly expensive and I am burning up my life’s savings and investments. How do we help those of us who are fighting with everything we have to stand on the right side of freedom and history?
By the way Santa Clara is one of the many campuses that supports the diabolical agenda - sorry you are going through all of this nonsense.
I’m so sorry you were fired. Judges have also been taken over if they agree with your previous employer. Twice weekly tests while you work remotely? How can people/companies/institutions etc get away with this?
You are correct that Judges across the country have been compromised. Just as many people took the injection to keep their job - judges did the same thing. I am still battling and going through the expensive court process. Twice weekly testing from home was part of the plan to sell and make money on the testing equipment and to obtain DNA and create biological surveillance records etc…it’s all connected to the operation. I was targeted for not “obeying” and “complying.” I also have a religious exemption. We are dealing with a world level planned operation and there are many who are connected and forced to tow the line on the narrative. We are living in dangerous times my friend, but we must fight and do something because there is way too much talk and posturing going on. “We have to stop singing and start swinging.”
What are your thoughts regarding the impact that decisions by Principal Investigators can have on study outcomes and subsequently on drug approvals? Take, for example, the original Johnson and Johnson COVID adenovirus vector vaccine trial. Almost every thrombotic event was found to be "not related" to the vaccine by the principal investigator (Table S8). Any other risk factor present was deemed the cause, despite the fact that there were 4x the number of PEs in the treatment arm and 3x the number of DVTs. Even more egregiously, and somehow almost never discussed, a healthy 25 yo male in the treatment arm developed CVT/ICH. That patient absolutely had VITT (An incidence of 1/22,000 according to this study). This was the jaw dropping explanation listed, as the outcome was deemed not related to the therapy: "Event most likely resulted from multiple pre-disposing factors including pre- existing cerebral sigmoid sinus stenosis that pre- disposed the participant to cerebral venous thrombosis, and an infection with an unknown organism that started 8 days following vaccination, triggering inflammation and a hypercoagulable state."
Such conclusions inarguably led to negative outcomes (and even some deaths) of healthy individuals, and rendered informed consent non-existent. How can we rely on the options of a handful of study investigators when they have an emotional and/or financial incentive to explain away possible harms of interventions? What can be done to mitigate this very serious problem?
(Related question: How was it that J&J released this granular patient level data almost immediately, but Pfizer did not? Shouldn't it be mandatory that such data is released prior to drug approval?)
I would like to know more about vaccine shedding as it pertains to those who are not vaccinated but are married and sexually active with someone who is. Has there been any research on this? If it’s impacting dna then can it shed during intercourse and also, for those pregnancies occurring between male vaxxed and female unvaccinated is the baby impacted?
And what about children who aren’t vaccinated being shed on by a parent who is...
Who can I consult to learn about current evidence for booster effectiveness, specifically for adolescents and for people with commorbidities? We have a "high risk" family member and I work in a school, so all our doctors suggested we take every shot offered. Now I don't know whether or not this is sound advice anymore.
I am wondering what you think about the Turtles All the Way Down book. Chapter 1 takes issue with the science behind the vaccine schedule for children in the US. It doesn’t look like the best healthcare science.
If vaccine adverse events are underreported and unrecognized by many pediatricians, then it may be that the toxicity, and indeed safety, of childhood vaccines is unknown. The parallels to the Covid vaccines and the denial of adverse effects by CDC, FDA, NIH, JAMA, NEJM, and most MD’s is not helpful.
The Covid 19 vaccine science from Pfizer and Moderna looks to be near criminal. It’s likely that the childhood vaccines are suffering from poor science also. Being a child in the first world is a risky business that is not necessarily helped by “well visits” to the pediatrician.
Thus far, it’s a rare physician or researcher who will question the quality or lack of quality in childhood vaccine studies. Careers are ended if an MD is too inquisitive. Yet Turtles All the Way Down addresses the previously unspoken problems with vaccine research.
I would like to ask what is being done to counter as a whole the entire scientific community that has direct conflict of interest in all of mainstream academia. They continue to this day to practice medicine based on personal benefit and not due no harm first. The whole entire racket we call American health system today is based on all personal interest and is rotten to the core. Thank you
Why are apparently no court cases being brought calling out the actual fraud that is evident throughout this whole thing? We need to strike at the root, not putter around with the leaves. "Fraud vitiates everything", that is apparently a maxim of jurisprudence (meaning, a bedrock principle). I've tried reaching out to some of the attorneys who are bringing lawsuits, but they don't respond even though I am a paralegal.
Thanks for your reply. I quickly found some articles about your case. I just signed up at your Substack so maybe we can PM each other's contact information.
Please comment on two items of interest. # 1, the use of masks with individuals who have been vaccinated and boosted and without co- morbidities, and # 2, the need for continued vaccination? Thank you for your consideration.
Free subscribers can still ask questions, but we have to prioritize our paid members as a way of giving back for their crucial support.
Regardless, I am happy to gift you a few months of paid membership. We never want money to be a barrier for those who can’t afford it. If you re-subscribe I can do it.
I just want my voice to be heard 2 years after l lost my job for refusing the incredibly ineffective jab. A lot of people like me haven’t moved on who found themselves in this situation.
I hear you loudly Mr Gallo - I too was fired and it’s a life changing experience for the worse. Especially when no money is coming in and you hire an attorney to fight back. Keep making your story relevant because very few folks are discussing making the fired whole again. Peace and power to you!
Thank you sir. It’s been a real battle mentally and emotionally, being so preoccupied in my mind with this situation for 2 years now. Nothing gets done about it, it’s just insane to me how we had to be put through this for absolutely nothing.
By the way Mr Gallo - my email is in the tread. Feel free to email me and I will share my phone number - I understand you may have a case like me. I have one of the first legal battles relative to Covid in California and can share some strategy and potential pitfalls.
Mr Gallo - On October 18, 2019 I was doing some research preparing for teaching a class and I ran into something called “Event 201.” I started to examine the web site and later their event simulation exercises on video. https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise - It became clear that they were planning a large scale something. I don’t generally believe in coincidences. These operations need meticulous planning and serious financial backing and buy-in. We are experiencing multiple nefarious well planned simultaneous operations. The relative silence is criminal. I choose to be loud and fight like hell!
Please name the studies that show the Covid shots reduce severity of disease or hospitalization and for which variants. Also, are there any studies that show a reduction in mortality?
Also please comment on the Cleveland Clinic study that showed the incidence of Covid increasing with the number of shots/boosters received.
Thank you
I have heard Jay say that he believes the MRNA's did (at least initially) reduce the chance of severe cases and/or hospitalization/death. Can you please discuss the evidence for this and the quality of this evidence. Are you convinced it's not an artifact of statistical gaming, such as not considering someone vaccinated until weeks after the second dose?
I 2nd this question. Every time I tell my sister that the vaccines failed to deliver on their promise to prevent infection or transmission of the virus, she tells me that it reduces the severity of disease. My answer to this is always that mandates should not apply if it is only for the individual's protection from severe disease because I don't have any data at my fingertips to address her claim about reducing severity of disease. Based on my gut instinct, I think her answer is a load of crap, but I don't argue (very often) solely based on my gut instincts.
PLEASE talk about the efficacy and safety profile of flu shots. I've gotten mine every year since my 20s. But I declined the Covid vax for myself and our children. I'm very wary now of annual vaccines, given the Covid craziness and CDC "mis-guidance." I'm stressing over whether to get myself and our kids the flu vaccine moving forward. Nobody is really talking about this. Thank you!
Flu vaccine is generally not recommended in most other countries. (It may be advised for small selected groups of people based on age, health, etc.).
Basically flu is an easily manageable infection for normal healthy people. The CDC inflates the number of deaths from flu by a factor of 10x to sell more flu vaccines. It does so by conflating deaths from pneumonia and deaths from flu. In the last 50 years, I have NEVER heard of a single person in the US who died from flu. Have you?
Interesting. I wasn't aware. I never got the flu shot until I was in my early 20s. I got the flu when I was 22 and felt very lousy, so I figured the next year I'd try getting the shot. From there, I guess I just kept going. It never harmed me and potentially gave me some level of protection, so I figured why not. But I'm a lot more skeptical now. I don't know of anyone personally who died from flu, but, of course, you read about the stories in the news: "Mom felt unwell, had the flu, tried to power through it, 4 days later she was dead." etc etc. I think at this point I'm almost a bit superstitious. Like the talking heads who said Covid wasn't a big deal and then died of Covid. What if this is the one year I decide not to get the flu shot and have a horrible case of it? Anyway, I'm a healthy, active 45-year-old, but would love to hear your thoughts on best practices for managing the flu if you do come down with it. I don't think I've had it since that time I was 22. Had Covid twice. First time felt like an extended flu. Second time, barely knew I had it. Thanks for your thoughts!
All vaccines have side effects. And if you take them every year, like the flu shot, the risk goe up even more.
On my part, I treat all respiratory infections (cold, flu, Covid) the same way.
i) As soon as you notice an infection, start doing gargling and 'neti' (google it) with warm salt water. This reduces the viral load which is initially concentrated in the nasal area.
ii) Next, if you have fever, do not treat it with an anti-fever drug. Fever is the body's natural way of fighting an infection. If the oral temp goes over, say, 103 F, you can (optionally) take half the recommended dosage of an anti-fever drug until the fever drops below 103 F.
iii) Rest as needed. Stay warm. Step out into the sun if you can comfortably do so.
iv) Eat only warm food and drink only warm/hot water or low calorie beverages (like green tea).
v) Fast if you can, or eat very light (low-fat) watery foods that fill you up (like soup). Fasting allows more of the body's energy to go into fighting the virus instead of digestion. Animals don't eat when they are sick.
vi) Don't get dehydrated. Make sure you have normal urine output that is light in color.
That is it. No drugs, no vaccines, no doctors. It has always worked for me so far.
Yes this is an excellent question, and I am curious to hear Dr. Jay's response. Thank you for posing this question Neely.
Since Covid is (apparently) resurgent, I am wondering why doctors continue to recommend the mRNA vaccines for the elderly when the products have so little proven effectiveness.
IF they had reduced transmission (as originally promised) then getting vaccinated/boosted could have limited the elderly’s exposure to the spike protein. Since they don’t significantly reduce transmission, and the elderly are likely to get sick anyway, it seems to me that additional vaccines/boosters result in MORE exposure to the spike protein in a population that is particularly vulnerable.
Also, I would appreciate it if you could point us to a DISPOSITIVE study clearly showing that vaccinated patients have better outcomes upon infection, with reliable data (aot hospitals “assigning” vaccination status when they don’t actually have the data).
I am a current Yale school of Medicine student. What advice would you give to a current student who is being taught certain things that has been shown to not be affective? I am mainly talking about covid related issues but please expand on the question if you can. Also, the darkhorse podcast brought up a study regarding the IgG4 antibody being seen in people with multiple vaccine doses and to my understanding this antibody is related to immune down regulation. Can you speak on this as well please. I am a non paid user since school takes all my money.
I'd be all ears if this Q is addressed! Upgraded recently to paid myself
Jay, why do think so many physicians went along with shut downs, masks and dismissing Ivermectin and HCQ?
I have a thought on this. When I spoke with my doctor (who is a lovely, caring woman and a good doctor) about the Covid vax and my skepticism (I ultimately decided not to get it even though she recommended it), she responded that she understood my hesitancy and that she had no more information to give to me other than the guidance given to her by the CDC. She said: "Unfortunately, I can't spend my entire day thinking about and researching Covid." So it basically boils down to this: Primary care doctors have a million OTHER things to focus on and they just accept the wisdom and guidance handed down by the CDC. They put their trust in that institution; your average doctor just simply doesn't have the time to do their own deeper digging; hence they go along with whatever the CDC recommends.
Neely, I think that you have hit upon a major problem in healthcare today. Docs are so busy trying to exist within the insurance and regulatory environment that exists; they default to protocols and “expert” advice from the likes of the CDC. I was fortunate to practice medicine in a time where we were still able, and encouraged, to question and to practice with the best interest of the individual in front of us rather than the “expert” opinions based upon societal analysis and cost-benefit ratios. A nice euphemism for denying care to the individual.
Who is going to stop the Biden admin from advising everyone 6 months and above to get a booster? This is criminal. We all know the CDC, therefore doctors will advise this too. Therefore the chances of my daughter’s university, Santa Clara University, mandating it are EXTREMELY high. I will lose my....
I don’t understand how intelligent people believe in the masks, the boosters, etc...
If I may piggyback - I was fired from San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California for not following the draconian mandates as a tenured member of the faculty in good standing. I am the only tenured faculty who refused to “obey” and “comply.” Also, I have an approved religious exemption and was actually fired because I did not agree to test twice per week while working remotely 80 miles from campus like everyone else because the campus was closed. I am now suing because I am standing for freedom but it’s incredibly expensive and I am burning up my life’s savings and investments. How do we help those of us who are fighting with everything we have to stand on the right side of freedom and history?
By the way Santa Clara is one of the many campuses that supports the diabolical agenda - sorry you are going through all of this nonsense.
I’m so sorry you were fired. Judges have also been taken over if they agree with your previous employer. Twice weekly tests while you work remotely? How can people/companies/institutions etc get away with this?
You are correct that Judges across the country have been compromised. Just as many people took the injection to keep their job - judges did the same thing. I am still battling and going through the expensive court process. Twice weekly testing from home was part of the plan to sell and make money on the testing equipment and to obtain DNA and create biological surveillance records etc…it’s all connected to the operation. I was targeted for not “obeying” and “complying.” I also have a religious exemption. We are dealing with a world level planned operation and there are many who are connected and forced to tow the line on the narrative. We are living in dangerous times my friend, but we must fight and do something because there is way too much talk and posturing going on. “We have to stop singing and start swinging.”
What are your thoughts regarding the impact that decisions by Principal Investigators can have on study outcomes and subsequently on drug approvals? Take, for example, the original Johnson and Johnson COVID adenovirus vector vaccine trial. Almost every thrombotic event was found to be "not related" to the vaccine by the principal investigator (Table S8). Any other risk factor present was deemed the cause, despite the fact that there were 4x the number of PEs in the treatment arm and 3x the number of DVTs. Even more egregiously, and somehow almost never discussed, a healthy 25 yo male in the treatment arm developed CVT/ICH. That patient absolutely had VITT (An incidence of 1/22,000 according to this study). This was the jaw dropping explanation listed, as the outcome was deemed not related to the therapy: "Event most likely resulted from multiple pre-disposing factors including pre- existing cerebral sigmoid sinus stenosis that pre- disposed the participant to cerebral venous thrombosis, and an infection with an unknown organism that started 8 days following vaccination, triggering inflammation and a hypercoagulable state."
Such conclusions inarguably led to negative outcomes (and even some deaths) of healthy individuals, and rendered informed consent non-existent. How can we rely on the options of a handful of study investigators when they have an emotional and/or financial incentive to explain away possible harms of interventions? What can be done to mitigate this very serious problem?
(Related question: How was it that J&J released this granular patient level data almost immediately, but Pfizer did not? Shouldn't it be mandatory that such data is released prior to drug approval?)
Hey, im in FL where are you a doc at?
I would like to know more about vaccine shedding as it pertains to those who are not vaccinated but are married and sexually active with someone who is. Has there been any research on this? If it’s impacting dna then can it shed during intercourse and also, for those pregnancies occurring between male vaxxed and female unvaccinated is the baby impacted?
And what about children who aren’t vaccinated being shed on by a parent who is...
Who can I consult to learn about current evidence for booster effectiveness, specifically for adolescents and for people with commorbidities? We have a "high risk" family member and I work in a school, so all our doctors suggested we take every shot offered. Now I don't know whether or not this is sound advice anymore.
Dr Jay
I am wondering what you think about the Turtles All the Way Down book. Chapter 1 takes issue with the science behind the vaccine schedule for children in the US. It doesn’t look like the best healthcare science.
If vaccine adverse events are underreported and unrecognized by many pediatricians, then it may be that the toxicity, and indeed safety, of childhood vaccines is unknown. The parallels to the Covid vaccines and the denial of adverse effects by CDC, FDA, NIH, JAMA, NEJM, and most MD’s is not helpful.
The Covid 19 vaccine science from Pfizer and Moderna looks to be near criminal. It’s likely that the childhood vaccines are suffering from poor science also. Being a child in the first world is a risky business that is not necessarily helped by “well visits” to the pediatrician.
Thus far, it’s a rare physician or researcher who will question the quality or lack of quality in childhood vaccine studies. Careers are ended if an MD is too inquisitive. Yet Turtles All the Way Down addresses the previously unspoken problems with vaccine research.
I would like to ask what is being done to counter as a whole the entire scientific community that has direct conflict of interest in all of mainstream academia. They continue to this day to practice medicine based on personal benefit and not due no harm first. The whole entire racket we call American health system today is based on all personal interest and is rotten to the core. Thank you
Why are apparently no court cases being brought calling out the actual fraud that is evident throughout this whole thing? We need to strike at the root, not putter around with the leaves. "Fraud vitiates everything", that is apparently a maxim of jurisprudence (meaning, a bedrock principle). I've tried reaching out to some of the attorneys who are bringing lawsuits, but they don't respond even though I am a paralegal.
I am suing my former college and I will talk to you anytime. Your question is powerful and very appropriate! Rodbass3040@gmail.com
Thanks, Roy! I just sent you an email.
I’m suing, I’ve waiting 2 years to get this adjudicated.
Thanks for your reply. I quickly found some articles about your case. I just signed up at your Substack so maybe we can PM each other's contact information.
Please comment on two items of interest. # 1, the use of masks with individuals who have been vaccinated and boosted and without co- morbidities, and # 2, the need for continued vaccination? Thank you for your consideration.
As I asked Dr. Jay on Twitter. Please discuss the affect Masks had on Covid. Please site the studies and their findings.
Check out vinay prasad and his video on cochrane mask study for some info. Its on youtube. I wanna know more about this also.
Looks like only people who can afford to pay can ask questions I'll be leaving now
Free subscribers can still ask questions, but we have to prioritize our paid members as a way of giving back for their crucial support.
Regardless, I am happy to gift you a few months of paid membership. We never want money to be a barrier for those who can’t afford it. If you re-subscribe I can do it.
Have a good day! :-)