Crumbling, yes...but simultaneously giving birth to a whole new genre of independent journalism. The new journalists are exposing the decades (centuries?) long manipulation, providing “truth” in the form of a variety of perspectives and nuance, and holding the powerful accountable. I, for one, am excited about my ongoing awakening.

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To me, one of the saddest revelations of the last 3 years is that a vast number of Journalists, Physicians, and others can be bought as easy as a corrupt Politician.

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It would be wonderful if the lamesteam media and social media influencers could be sued for pushing these very dangerous shots. Isn’t that practicing medicine without a license?

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The government doesn't care if the people are healthy.

They feed junk food in schools, ignore the obesity crisis among children, ignore unhealthy foods and toxic food ingredients, ignore the overload of sugar, don't care for tobacco and keep expanding access to "recreational" drugs.

So, why are they so obsessed with everyone getting vaxxed? Why spend so much money?

Health can not be the real reason. So, what is the real reason?

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YES! Judicial Watch also put out a great file drop that shows exactly how the propaganda worked -- you can find all 249 pages here: https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/JW-v-HHS-COVID-Community-Corps-September-2021-02315.pdf


Public Education Campaign will build vaccine confidence through five core elements

• Research shows that trusted messengers are the most effective tool with the most hesitant groups. Therefore, our largest effort will be on empowering them to carry the message and to fund grassroot efforts on the ground.While important, paid media is only a small portion of our overall program. We will also have a robust digital and earned media strategy that includes efforts from across the government, and will work closely with the private sector to promote public education messaging and to take actions that encourage vaccination.

(Page 12)

The European version is here, and covers many of same themes.


This is why so many entities acted in tandem -- they were being paid off to do so.

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Follow the money. I've said it for years before friggin covid and the shot. Everyone got rich except Average Joe and Jane America. Everyone. And they all need to go to jail for their love of money over the health and safety of we the people.

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Wouldnt this governmental behaviour be considered a type of facism? The government provides benefits and incentives by our tax money to the 4th estate to sell a product in order to enrich another even larger business entity. So much for them being muckrakers and the guardians of truth. The terrible thing is this is same thing happening that the media does with climate change, EVehicles and the destruction of fossil fuels, Black Lives Matter and any detestable collectivist agenda--a gigantic influence operation and transfer of wealth scheme brought to you by the government and the lobbyist.

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It became obvious to anyone paying attention during Covid, that the media is the virus.

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Great post Rav, wow. Yet again I am—to quote Bret Weinstein, "shocked, but not surprised."

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This was done publicly, if quietly. Congress appropriated these funds in the coronavirus bill. YOU PAID FOR THE PRIVILEGE TO BE PROPAGANDIZED BY YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT AND ALL SO-CALLED "PRIVATE" MEDIA. Another insane violation of the 1st Amendment. Remember - the amendments are announcements of our rights, but almost uniformly described as limitations on government's actions. Government became an enforcer for Pfizer's marketing bullshit - making it law and speaking against Pfizer's advertising could get you un-personed, cost you your job, etc.

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It was evident to me during covid that our local media (large, national broadcasting corporations) had an agenda. Every Saturday, thousands (upwards of 10,000) people marched in downtown Calgary in favour of freedom and bodily autonomy. Not ONCE did the news talk about these marches. This was a pretty big deal. RCMP on horseback and on foot closed off portions of the downtown as the crowd marched through. It was a festive and lovely event (except for the folks who spat at us and wished us dead) with Calgarians of all backgrounds and ages. Some were vaccinated and others were not, but they all stood for freedom. People I spoke to in the city had no idea these marches were even going on. So yes, the media is paid by the government to curate exactly what they want the public to see. It's disgusting.

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We all need to stop watching TV news. I am on a lifetime boycott.

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All a result of the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 . Just one more thing to thank Barack Obama for. The The Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act made it legal for media outlets to push government propaganda. How do you get a media outlet to push government propaganda? Well, you absolve them of any legal ramifications of literally lying to the public, AND you pay them to do so, of course.

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If you live in Phoenix, Az and have the Arizona Republic as you source of information, today the FRONT PAGE highlights Dr. Hoetz book called "The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science" proclaiming all the truth seekers are responsible for the deaths of 200,000 unvaccinated Americans. It's not crumbling when the media is still BIAS in their information to their readers and viewers! My in-depth report on the issue can be found here: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/deadly-rise-of-anti-science

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The government had a pathological need to get that vile, destructive liquid inside as many citizens as possible (not illegals...hmm). We need to know why. What are the real underpinnings behind that effort that also spent a HUGE amount of our money to shovel that shit back at us in the form of marketing (shaming marketing)? And the patents on "vaccines" for viruses that supposedly didn't even exist yet. And the ties between the outward "fed", the inward (DS) bureaucracy, big pharma, the UN/WHO/WEF. It's all got to be identified and then tumbled. Completely. This is the tip of the iceberg.

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Money talks and bullshit squawks. True when I first heard it over 50 years ago, still true today.

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