Believed 0% myself. This was a test run in the use of fear to control and manipulate. Going to be an insane Hail Mary to get the ball over the line next time

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Guess I’m not average because I never was in fear of covid, just mad about the stupid rules that made no common sense. I refused the jab, so I’m not in fear of vaccine injuries either, but sure do worry about family who were coerced into taking to keep job.

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It's even worse than that - in 2021, people under 50 still thought that they had a greater than 10% chance of dying from coronavirus - overestimating their perceived chance of death as 500-600 times greater than it actually was.


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You can't control people who aren't scared.

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I was 84 when the virus hit. Not one moment was spent thinking that I was going to die. My wife, a former school nurse, and I stepped up our regimen of saline nasal wash, vitamins D and C. We had never come down with the Sars Co v2 nor had we got the vaccines that were promoted. The ones they put out each year were usually from 13 to 25 percent effective and when the covid vaccine was introduced with a 90% plus effectiveness, I knew we were being lied to. Did test positive last year when I was required to test to get into the doctors office on another issue. Also tested our local tap water and it tested positive also. Took the Hydroxy and felt fine. Wife never came down with it.

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And then they tell us Disease X wit ll be twice as deadly. 🤣 oh darn. Still not scared 😵‍💫

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We all know why they promoted fear. A fearful population is one of the steps to controlling them.

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Here's the answer to the question of why they knowingly fomented panic in the entire global population about a virus that was already known in March 2020 to have a very low IFR for almost everyone: Because the Covid response was a national security, not a public health, operation:


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I remember talking to an old family friend (retired teacher living in Commifornia) and asking her “what do you think the death rate of Covid actually is? And she said something crazy high like 25-50%. This was in May of 2020, so very early. I told her the data actually showed 1-2%. Now we know it was even lower! The psyop worked very well.

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Imagine what the IFR would have been if peoples symptoms were actually treated correctly. We had the Diamond Princess data and Neil Fergusons testimony in court telling us that the old and frail would succumb and the rest of us had little to worry about. Fraudci knew this when he told young people to take a cruise and enjoy life. Every “leading” Dumbocrat said the same. Until they realized they could use this took to steal the election. Or they were intentionally wanting the virus to spread as much as possible. I think this is the more likely explanation.

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What accounts for it? Why did they promote fear? When reading pieces like this mention terms like "elites" or "they", or frankly almost any anti mainstream narrative piece on any topic in the past 5 or so years, be it Covid policy and Big Pharma, Gender theory, CRT, Intersectionality, Trans ideology, immigration, Fentanyl, Hate crime, censorship and cancel culture, and the big one, Climate alarmism, I am minded to ask who are "they" exactly? Given the rapid onset of the breakdown of Western culture, law, language and sanity and the equally rapid backlash occurring right now it is hard to see this as a natural phenomenon and not something orchestrated and coordinated. And then I came across a book called Rockerfeller: Controlling the Game and things started to click into place. The book is a work of academic research by Jacob Nordigard, who was interviewed by Tom Nelson on his eponymous youtube channel on all things climate change lie related (a superb collection of the best scientists and others who have the exact opposite views to the mainstream and are surely far greater than a mere 3%). The fact that YouTube has banned me from making comments because I was telling people about this book is perhaps all the impetus you need to buy a copy now and prepare to be fascinated at how along ago this all started and who "they" are. For this is the real issue that connects all the other issues, it is about One World Government, and this is not a conspiracy theory because the Rockerfeller foundation (via David Rockerfeller) have openly said that they are. Hiding in plain sight is fine if you are a multibillionaire with close ties to both US parties and the worlds power brokers it seems...

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The stupidity is next level

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Anyone else having trouble watching the Matt Orfalea video?

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Thankfully, I made a point of not panicking and recognized the way people were reacting fairly early.

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Your question at the end has a simple answer, MONEY!

Big pharma advertising money for the media, big pharma promises of high paying jobs for the regulators, big pharma donations to our regulatory agencies, big pharma money all around for those who furthered their business interests.

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I remember taking the survey. The problem I saw was you could only give whole numbers. I knew my chance of dying wasn’t zero, but I also knew it was much less than 1 percent. But .01 wasn’t an available answer.

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