Thanks Rav!

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As far as track records for insurance companies divining early risks in HC, I’d love to see how long it took before they started identifying smokers as higher risk. Years? Decades? Half century? Not exactly your early adopters.

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excellent point, h8sbad! and enligjtened screen name. namaste 🤍

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Ok, so Scott Davis, CEO of One America (large life insurance company based in Indianapolis, IN) reported that deaths for insured individuals between 18 and 64 was up 40% between 2020/2021/2022 - Ok that’s not just a blip, that’s a tidal wave of people dying. I haven’t seen anyone in MSM do a deep dive on this information. It’s almost as if the data is being suppressed and now we have a booster for the Fall? Hell NO.

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Thanks Rav. My opinion about Mark Cuban has not changed. He’s a snobbish elitist full of bs. Stand strong and know you are the truth warrior.

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There is much blame to go around. Cuban is one. Organizations disgraced themselves too. Here's another.

CARDBOARD CUTOUTS IN THE STANDS. Major League Baseball awarded lifetime membership in The Hall of Shame. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/cardboard-cutouts-in-the-stands.

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Anyone consider Markie wants to get into that secret double handshake cabal just like all the other wealthy psychopaths?

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Somehow Mark Cuban has achieved legendary status as an investor - probably due to his television appearances. Yet, he has admitted (admirably so) to have net losses from his shark tank picks:


I would argue, that looking at Cubans business investments, he isn't a very impressive investor. His sporting accomplishments are noteworthy - he'd do well tooting his own horn on those accomplishments.

1. Selling Broadcast.com for 5.7B to Yahoo and then covering his position with options was a his first major (Billion dollar) success and market prediction.

2. His purchase of the Mavericks in 2000, management and turning around of the team are a great success story. his current stake is 85-100% of the team valued at 3.3 billion. It comprises 3.3 of his 5.2B net worth.

3. His remaining net worth is 2 billion.

4. Considering his net worth outside of the Mavs around 2 billion - or 80% of his pre-tax share of yahoo.com in 1999. 285 million of that went to the Mavs as well as other chunks over the years as he built his stake.

5. He claims to have a billion dollar stake in Amazon and a large stake in netflix.

6. Clearly Mark Cubans acumen on in generating billions is in sports, and originally with his early software companies. Since then the only notable business success are related to market timing and perhaps stock picking.

7. Considering that his net worth outside of the Mavs has negligibly increased over the past 22 years of his billionaire status, it is quite telling when this fellow brags about his business success. He isn't a succesful businessman (he was in the past, but has no accomplishments over the past 22 years).

8. Restated: 90-100% increase in net worth over the past 23 years(!) have been from sports, and two stock picks. Virtually no notable increase from business.

9. There is a lot to admire about Cuban: He began two very successful businesses, he's made a fortune on at least three market timing moments, and he's very talented at managing a sporting franchise. I also admire his cost-plus-drugs FOR-profit charity - I would argue it is an impressive paradigm of charitable endeavor.

10. He WAS a successful businessman, He should stop bragging until he can show us the goods.

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Mark Cuban is the Sam Harris of entrepreneurship.

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The insanity with pushing jabs on young men can be summed up in the absolute risk reduction numbers. Why risk getting myocarditis (1-3 in a million young male adults) when you know your chance of dying from COVID in that age group is potentially less? And this doesn't take into account the hundreds of other side effects--serious and otherwise--that are worse than a bout of COVID for a young, otherwise healthy adult. Let me guess: Mark Cuban owns a basketball team which mandated the jabs for its healthy young adult players. In this case, someone's ego CAN kill or maim someone.

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I wonder if wealth is inversely correlated with common sense.

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