It’s important to be reminded that we are at a stage in our development in which we have an immediate access to any type of information, and by that be able to siphon tidbits of accurate information and match them to any opinion, while discarding anything that doesn't “fit”. On the same hand, we can take an accurate tidbit of information and juxtapose it to another, and in doing so take away the original context, and by that unintentionally create a different story.

I am not a flat earther, but I can gather enough morsels of accurate information and juxtapose them in such a way that you will have a hard time refuting my analysis. I would also be able to “prove” you that any celebrity is a homophobe because I can fish the internet for one liners they uttered in the past and juxtapose them to hot topics in the present in order to showcase it as “truth”.

It all comes from the fact that each one of us have access to what I call a “Collective Cloud Machine” which basically reflects a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. A projection of all human minds and the large collection and recordings of human existence throughout history, to which each of us has access.

What it means is that, in this time of our development we can “manifest” any mental conjuring within the virtual Collective Cloud Machine, regardless of veracity. And since the entire world is dependent on that Collective Cloud Machine for information, for communication and therefore for establishing direction and decision making, you can see how dangerous it can be. Not because of what it stands for, but because human beings are completely unaware of the mechanism at hand.

The mind is not able to discern between what’s fertile and what’s sterile anymore. And since human beings are deeply conditioned to identify with their minds as who they are, and be dependent on it for decision making, there’s anxiety that begins to possess everyone. As a result, the more the mind is confused, anxious and afraid, the more it tries to control its destiny.

And control is a form of homogenization.

The fear of uncertainty, driving the mind to be obsessed with control, is then projected outward by trying to control others. And in order to control others you try to control the information load: what type of information is allowed and what isn’t. And so, there’s a battle to control the collective direction. A battle to reach a critical mass; to uphold the “one truth” from which to inculcate everyone with: “here is the pattern of the day for you: Swallow it, accept it, and share it with the other”.

If you’re not agreeing to it, however, you're censored. You’re canceled and shunned from society (which has become virtual). The collective direction is concerned with only one way - one “truth” that everybody should assimilate. The collective doesn’t like ‘difference’. It can't stand it. The collective wants everyone to be the same; lined up by the same commonality, by the same pattern, by the same “truth”. The whole rhetoric of “diversity and inclusion” nowadays is simply a patina for homogenization embroiled with superficial markers for “uniqueness”: that “unusual” colored hair or that eccentric haircut, this piercing or that new tattoo, etc.

So by their model, social media platforms create a point of singularity as a virtual town square where everyone “congregates''. Therefore, it's easier for governments to go after the “town square” itself, rather than the billions of users that cohesively create it.

Everything we see in our world right now is a reflection of the fear and the inner tension between individuality and conformity. A domino effect stemming from the fact that the “collective truth” is crumbling. The borderline between what everyone agreed as “truth” and “false” is disintegrating in favor of individual truth. And since the collective can’t stand the individual, as the individual poses a threat to it, means this is not going to be without pain and turmoil.

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That's deep, David. A parallel line of reasoning from George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four holds that the real value of censorship is that it facilitates an illusion of virtue. Orwell's "Inner Party" had what Freud might have called a "Dominant Id", that got to have every wish fulfilled yet be worshipped as virtuous rather than ridiculed as irrational. What changed over seven decades is that Facebook and its clones brought AI into the mix, enabling Augmented Ignorance for all who desire it. Want to disbelieve the evidence that the Sunspot Cycle alter's Earth's weather patterns? Set filters on your data feed and computers will obey. Want to blame the July drought on folks who eat meat and drive cars? The computer will create the illusion for you.

What once took an entire Truth Ministry to change all the presumed facts to fit an Inner Party's new narrative, now exists in our computer networks. The net result is that many of us have regressed to that infantile state of mind in which there aren't any facts and we can believe anything that feels good, even if it is obviously false. Making everyone a slavemaster is not liberty...it simply justifies tyranny. As this separation from reality became normalized and accepted, it became difficult for Facebook users to distinguish the real-world freedom they had surrendered, in keeping alive their personal fantasy worlds experienced in the Metaverse.

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Further to my last, the Section 230 Exemption originally existed to hold the telephone company harmless for any content sent via modem between computer owners, that later was discovered to contain kiddie porn or otherwise be adjudicated indecent. The exemption applies to anyone whose machine passively repeats information sent through it. The exemption in Section 230 does not apply to any entity that edits, curates or generates content. The threatening communication used to induce FB and Twitter to begin censoring their users' content, had the perverse result of costing them their Section 230 immunity by editing the content that users posted. Basically it was entrapment and could not survive a court trial.

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Excellent. You’ve said it succinctly and way better.

Since we’re at it, I'll share with you some of how I see and understand the construct.

I am a big proponent of a basic universal law of resonance which says that we don’t really invent stuff out of nowhere but merely filter information. That is, we can only invent that which is already in existence as potential within the consciousness field.

What it means is that we don't know that we know. We don't know that the computer game we designed 20 years ago, or the TV series we wrote 5 years ago, or the book we wrote 60 years ago are derivatives of filtering information. In other words, since ‘future’ and ‘past’ are but reverse mirrors, it means that the future is the past we’re racing towards. What’s written in ‘1984’ or depicted in 'The Lord of the Rings', and myriad other “fictitious” content, are symbolic representations of patterns that either exist or are forming. It’s just resonance. One goes with the other. One just needs to know how to see.

The original meaning in the word “autism” is the inability to differentiate between fantasy and reality. As a big defender of autism, not being a dis-order, the irony is that the human species is becoming “autistic” regardless of the clinical prognosis, in the pejorative sense that it loses grip in reality, which in multitude brings the demise of our civilization.

One of my first images that came to my mind right after observing humanity’s panicked response to the pandemic, which then turned into a full length essay, was of the ‘Zombie’ fungus (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis). I wrote that just as the ‘zombie’ fungus alters the chemical makeup in an ant and makes it do things that otherwise it will never do, so was with human beings. It was clear to me that the pandemic was not only of the body, but of the human mind, altering its chemistry into a belief system which in turn led to horrendous decision-making that eventually destroyed so much of what built and sustained our modern civilization.

I’ve insinuated many times now that in essence pandemics are mutations that occur within a species over a relatively short period. Mutation is neither good nor bad. It initiates a transformation; it brings in a change. The “old” dies and something “new” emerges. In between we see sickness and death because this is the way the human body deals with the transition.

It’s clear to me that the drastic change over the past 3 years was due to the “insemination” of new information due to the transformation in the biology. The world has drastically changed since before and after Covid. The trouble is that we cannot connect what appears to be separate phenomena into a line of interrelatedness mainly because we only revere rational thinking to be the only worthy form of human intelligence.

What happens, as a result, is a form of fragmentation between mind, body and spirit. If you watch the average human you’ll see just that: three different entities operating incohesively. This fragmentation state is extremely dangerous because it leads to a form of automaton-like society prone to be governed by mass formation.

On a different level, fragmentation leads to the spirit becoming empty and desensitized. It then drives human beings to fill it up, oftentimes by perverted means. Addiction to sex, drugs, food, body dysmorphia and the guzzling of resources and the greed for money as if there’s no tomorrow.

It is also what drives humanity to be obsessed with human augmentation, AI, virtual reality (Metaverse, Apple Vision, etc.), Human 2.0 and the desire to merge with machines. The virtual “Dorian Grey culture”, as I call it, in which the average person is addicted to validation boost every 5 minutes in the form of a selfie, reflects the emptiness ensuing within and the loss of grip in reality in exchange for an existence in an insular bubble, is the result of such transition.

If you take a moment to ponder, you’ll see that any large organization in and within itself, is not a sentient thing. Google, Meta, Apple, Twitter, the government, etc. – they’re a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. It’s the individual parts that make them. Each one of them is made by thousands of them.

When the “individual parts” occupy any positions, as employees, they all exist in a disconnected, selfish bubble now governed by their fears. Even if you confront these individuals and show them that their actions are illogical and may be damaging down the line, it doesn't matter because that individual has to follow orders lest he succumbs to his fears. It’s the protection of one’s spirit at the expense of others. Unable or unwilling to see the consequential derivatives one’s actions, or lack of them, have on others and on their surroundings down the line.

Multiple that by the billions and you have and you have a recipe for a very cold and sterilized society. It’s very similar to how Nazi Germany was erected. The mobilization of human beings to do such atrocious actions was all fueled by two prominent things: selfishness and fear due to fragmentation between body spirit. "I was just following orders" becomes a genuine defense.

It shows you what’s coming for society but on a much broader scale and much more dangerous because this time it will be hidden. That is, in the future it won't be coming from a singular country and from one party that rises to leadership, adhered together by borrowed insignias and mystical symbols worn on an armband, but will come disguised from each individual human and therefore, becoming omnipresent in its manifestation throughout the world.

Our “humanness” is being taken away and most of us are too fragmented to even know it.

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I think the big error we're watching play out in Western culture, started five centuries ago with Martin Luther's notion of Selbstlichkeit as Original Sin. It's not really possible to call the satisfaction of oneself a Sin in Christian doctrine because God's second act on the record, after saying "Let there be light", was seeing that the light was good.

So the actual problem is not one of "selfishness" in the sense of self-satisfaction, but rather one of Subjectivism. There can only be one Creator with the power to cause something from nothing. The rest of us achieve what we achieve, by sorting through all the possibilities the Creator made possible, then using the helpful ones to accomplish our goals. By trying to wish the impossible into existence, the Subjectivist dreams of himself as the Creator's equal, and maintains the illusion of his own divinity by spending most of his time in a fantasy where he gets to decide all the rules of how his imaginary world works. Necessarily this is a lonely existence, because the Subjectivist can have no interactions with other humans unless he steps out of his fantasy and resumes functioning in the real universe in which we live.

You are spot on, sir, about the Fragmentation of our minds. Just there is one number, four, that correctly answers the question, "How much is two plus two?", but infinitely many numbers that could be given as incorrect answers to that question, error is omnipresent as there are infinitely many ways to reach the wrong answer to any question, infinitely many stones and grains of sand that offer famine victims no nutrition, and an unabridged dictionary full of words that a schizophrenia victim in full psychotic break might shout as "word salad" at others, in an effort to avoid an interaction the victim fears for whatever undisclosed reason.

What always struck me about the Nazi legal defense, "I was just following orders", is that it is 100% dependent on the notion that self-interested actions are always bad and self-sacrificing actions of pure altruism are always good. In the context of the War, both sides of that coin are clearly flawed. Britons, Americans, Russians and people of many other nations did not set out altruistically to shut down the death camps and free the surviving Jews...we fought for entirely self-interested reasons of protecting our own freedom from Nazi tyranny, not even knowing the death camps existed. We gave Jews their freedom back because it was the right thing to do, but we were there to rescue our own freedom.

A whole can be more terrifying than the sum of its parts, but only rarely does it achieve great things. When it does so, it inspires its members to be more than parts of a machine by contributing their own creativity to making the achievement happen. JFK's scheme with MIT's Professor Charles Stark Draper, of parallel construction at NASA in what we would now call an Open Source environment, of the Navy's top-secret inertial navigation systems for nuclear submarines (enabling subs to circle the globe without ever surfacing to measure their position and correct their course) and putting the result aboard the Apollo spacecraft, lopped a decade off the time to achieve a Moon landing and eliminated the need for the biggest launch vehicle ever designed, the NOVA rocket, by enabling lunar orbit rendezvous instead of Earth orbit rendezvous. Science is still digesting the most-shocking finding of the Apollo landings: Lunar maria are debris ejected from Earth from giant asteroid impacts in the past, that altered the course of life on Earth by wiping out entire species, genera and orders of plant and animal life.

That of course touches on your point about the impacts of calamities like the COVID crisis. Inevitably survivors take into account the disaster in their future planning.

When Eugenics was fully in fashion, its proponents reacted to the 1918 influenza pandemic by blaming the "less evolved" races for spreading it. This spread some American-made junk science invented to justify Segregation, to a prison cell in Bavaria where a convicted cop killer named Hitler was whiling away his life sentence writing a book, "Mein Kampf". Eugenics became the centerpiece of his book, he became very popular because of fears the pandemic might recur, and it ended in the Holocaust.

The proximate cause of the 1918 pandemic was the use of blister agents in warfare. Chlorine, phosgene, and the mustard gases caused lung damage in young men on the battlefield, and an opportunistic virus began targeting young adult humans instead of infants and the elderly. Gas warfare was then banned by treaty. Yet nobody was quite sure that a pandemic would not recur.

We're seeing much the same reaction to

COVID. Millions of people are not seeking to learn from what we survived, instead asking those in authority to assure us we are safe to crawl back under our virtual reality helmets and go back to ignoring the universe we live in.

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People don’t realize the immensely broad extent to which these vast corporations censor speech. I recently left a Google Maps review of the George Bush Presidential Library that mentioned inconvenient things like torture and the WMD lies. It was immediately taken down by Google. If there is any government policy that is reflective of Cluster B, you can bet Google will protect it. Makes you wonder if the company whose original motto was “Don’t be evil” has no adopted the 180 degree opposite policy. We really need to break up these monstrous oligopolies so there is consumer choice and we can have the option to use services that aren’t actively and consistently trying to unravel civilization.

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Thanks for transcribing what I assume are the pithy parts of this 64 minutes. Many of us would be glad to read the whole transcript which can be made without human intervention (or not much in any case). But this is a great move in that direction. Most appreciated.

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Please consider continuing providing partial transcripts, at least. I too appreciate them.

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Western Australian Government report on vaccine adverse events shows a large and sudden increase in reports of adverse events starting in March 2021 when mRNA covid vaccines first administered (John Campbell YouTube post of 13th July)

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The word “censor”, by definition, is government action to suppress speak. If we wish to hold government accountable for censorship, it is imperative that we not refer to private companies as “censoring.” It violates the definition of the word to say Google censored my video - and, more importantly, whitewashes what probably occurred. It is almost certain that government engaged in censorship by threatening Google with regulatory action if they did not suppress particular content. If we continue to refer to private suppression as censorship, the response will be to more heavily regulate private companies - ie the response will be to further empower the government to censor more effectively.

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As additional context, no level of American government (Federal, State, County, City) has any authorized “censorship powers”. The essence of the Censorship Industrial Complex is to threaten regulatory penalties for refusing to suppress information per government instructions. The corrective action for eliminating the Censorship Industrial Complex is to shine light on the nature of these threats - and to reevaluate existing regulatory authority. For example, the FCC is likely a completely unnecessary organization - that functions as a tool in the hands of government censors.

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They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds. For all the Jays out there. https://youtu.be/EO7Xbm2iNRA

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