While we're talking about Israeli data, why no mention of the Israeli data showing that vaccine efficacy even against hospitalization/death was down the drain BY SUMMER 2021? https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/nearly-60-of-hospitalized-covid-19-patients-in-israel-fully-vaccinated-study-finds.html


And of course that's not even getting into all-cause mortality in Israel being higher post-vaccination than pre-vaccination https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1563848349777887234?lang=en (as is the case in the majority of mRNA vaccinated countries), which is EXACTLY what the clinical trials warned us would happen.

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ONS admitted in mid-2020 most "covid" deaths would have happened anyway


In this ONS weekly death report and a few others posted just before and after this one https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending17july2020

Section 2: "The disease has had a larger impact on those most vulnerable (for example, those who already suffer from a medical condition) and those at older ages. Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of COVID-19. These deaths occurring earlier than expected could contribute to a period of deaths below the five-year average.”

Read it again and digest it properly.

“Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of COVID-19. “

By "some" they mean nearly all.

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Even more interesting: "These deaths occurring earlier than expected could contribute to a period of deaths below the five-year average.”

How well did that work out?

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Thank you for sharing this important piece of factual information. I knew from day 1 something didn’t seem right. It’s gotten so clear to us willing to look that this was done to the world on purpose. But why is still the question in my mind. Surely there was some leader who was willing to question the doomsayers who have all been proven to be wrong.

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Trust of any large organization is built over time and can be lost in a moment.

The question is now, how does the government get that trust back?

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It doesn’t.

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Good analysis - i was inspired by seeing Dr Elli David's tweet to look into and write about it in New Zealand (although not at your excellent level of detail). I was inspired when i found out....the average age of death from covid in NZ is....wait for it....83!!!!

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It was a “Campaign of Fear” from the git-go, aided and abetted by a corrupt media complex, for nefarious political aims.

They will do it again - or try to. Count on it.

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There are three things that can't be hidden for long. The sun, the moon, and the truth.

I knew this would eventually come out which is why I was willing to point out the errors being made in the lockdown era.

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This is a psy-op.

A cover-up.

The vaccines DID cause healthy people to die. of COVID-19!!!

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Quote from Dr. Hotez: "...but remember the goals of immunization: it’s to prevent severe illness, which leads to hospitalization and creates higher risk for longCovid"

So my polio vaccine I took when I was 6 yo wasn't to prevent polio. It was to prevent severe polio. And the rabies vaccine for my dog isn't to prevent rabies. It's to prevent severe rabies. Do I have that right?

Everybody reading this substack knows, this is goal post-moving BS.

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This is what I always thought. If my IFR is 0.0035 what on earth is a vaccine going to change it to? 0.0030? It’s ridiculous. For this I was trapped in my own country also and separated from my partner in the USA for over 2 years. It all makes me so so angry

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Horsefeathers to be polite. This scurrilous bit of anti vaccine propaganda would if heeded expose millions of people to Covid via other people. The authors apparently think this is ethical and desirable. So tell me, authors, do you seriously think that allowing millions of people to be exposed daily to Covid=infected carriers will NOT cause illness or deaths of some of these? Because if you believe this, you are just snake oil salesmen, knee jerk anti science fanatics and general trouble makers trying to deceive the public which knows little or nothign about disease and vaccines?

Thank good ness you are not policy makers because your kind of experiment comes dangerously close to Nazi experiments: expose people to dread diseases and see how many survive....or die.

You really are devious and deceptive and take the rest of us for idiots. For shame.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

@ Lorna Salzman: Shame, you poor, misguided, brainwashed and terrified individual. The only Nazi experiment is the clot shot, and you have fallen for it hook line and sinker, like billions around the world. I sincerely hope you survive the nasty, and many side effects, and don't end up dead like millions of people already have .

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Millions of people all over the world were vaccinated. As with every medical action there is a risk, a very small risk. Which means some people pay a price. Research need to continue to make sure the chance to be "unlucky" is as small as possible. But it will never disappear completely. As population we will only be safe if a very large percentage is willing to comply and assure immunity - through vaccination.

I got infected early on in the pandemic (March 2020) and my problems have lingered. I take Covid seriously and I am vaccinated (Janssen) and boostered (Moderna). I do not want to get infected, become ill, and pass it on.

Young people becoming ill after being vaccinated is something that has to be studied. Lack of aspiration of the syringe could be a contributor. And maybe we should not vaccinate young children (yet). Much more research needs to be done. But fighting, calling the vaccinations "clot-shots" not helpful IMO.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Can't comment on the interaction between your covid and your following vaccinations.

From an abstract of a Lancet study: "Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. "

Someone please correct me if I'm misreading this. It's saying the vaccines REDUCED immune function against covid after 8 months compared to no vax.


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I read about that study too. For every vaccine the effectiveness wanes, sometimes over months, sometimes years.

Recently several issues were raised that warrant (much) more research. And probably a stop when it comes to vaccinating children, teenagers, young people (young men). Covid is for now no longer the threat it posed in the beginning. We can now wait and see.

Unvaccinated individuals showing more immune function, these people probably got infected with Covid without having much symptoms. Who are they and how do they compare with groups of "average"persons ?

I wonder if the immunity was possible because so many people got vaccinated, shedding less virulent viruses in case of infection. Also eight months is not a long time, how about one of two years - I hope they do follow-ups in that cohort.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Don't want to get into a tit-for-tat argument.

The study isn't just saying vaccine effectiveness wanes over time. It's saying, over time, it makes the vaccinated more susceptible to the disease the vaccine is intended to prevent. Is that normal for vaccines? Has it ever happened before? I don't think so.

What really bothers me about this whole vax thing is the constant goal post-shifting. And you're doing it now. Yes, all vaccines have some risks. In a perfect world, we'd be able to apply some arithmetic to determine how the risks balance against the benefits. It appears our government and media are deliberately turning a blind eye to the adverse effects of the jab. There are tons of anecdotal reports of myocarditis following the vax, and insurance company statistics reporting increases in excess deaths not caused by covid. And the government and media are strangely incurious in a way that is unprecedented. "Nothing to see here." The government expended a lot of effort to disparage repurposed medications, like ivermectin, for which the risks were well-understood and minimal. And it's clear that was done to enable the emergency use authorization which wouldn't have been possible had there been a viable treatment for covid. The government, through it's tech company surrogates, censored people who were critics of lockdowns, forced vaccination, masks, and other government initiatives.

The government plus a lot of left-leaning people have engaged in spin about covid and the covid vaccine. Spin is not science, it's politics.

I and my family made a considered decision not to vax. We had covid, once. it was rough, but we got over it. I have no doubt we made the right decision. You took a different path. That was your decision, and you made the best decision for yourself with the info you had at the time. I can't read your mind, but it appears you are trying to rationalize and justify the decision you made.

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Millions of people are vaccinated, so if the shot makes people more susceptible to Covid we should see a significant uptick in the number of cases. Do you have those statistics ? And no one ever said that after the shot you could not get sick from Covid (again ), but the chance to die from it is significantly lower. Also, what do the statistic show: more sick people or better reporting/recording of cases ? My bout with Covid is nowhere in the statistics, no test available so early in the pandemic.

A number of people can stay unvaccinated and safe, if enough other people are willing to take the risk and get immunized. You profit from herd immunity. I do not think you took the decision lightly - there are risks attached to whatever decision made.

You wrote "In a perfect world, we'd be able to apply some arithmetic to determine how the risks balance against the benefits." That was done (probably Bayesian statistics) and the benefits were judged to outnumber the risks. In a perfect world - whatever that is - we would be able to determine who are most at risk from a shot, under what conditions, and decide not to vax them. (But, again, that goes for all vaccinations.)

And no, you cannot read my mind, so lease refrain from giving it a try.

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Love reading how delusional people can be.

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You gotta be kidding us. What world do you live in? On the other hand what else would you expect from an environmental activist/writer.

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You dont have to be a hen to judge the quality of an egg. you dont have to have a PhD. to recognize unsubstantiated claims , including those made by scientists or doctors. But you do have to have half a brain if your only defense is ad hominem attacks on people you disagree wth.

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thank you

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Is there any data for that cohort regarding any post vaccine cardiac problems?

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Good article. I've never read that there was statistically zero chance of fying for all those age cohorts without comorbidities, or that 40% of the U.S. pop is obese. I wish you brought the same spedificity to the tie between the average age of those who died and the average life expectancy being greater than that "of many countries". Which ones? What's the life expectancy in the US? Of "the West," where authoritarians run rampant? What's the life expectancy of obese people? You hit that nail on the head by calling it out as a statistically irrelevant difference in Israel. Heads won't roll, but they should, and numbers like these are the judge's gavel.

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I can only imagine what will be ‘cooked up’ to continue with this ridiculous lie. The brainwashing needs to continue in some form or fashion to keep as many people as possible believing they have been saved by this vaccine.

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