Hi everyone,
Today’s episode features special guest KimWitczak for an insightful conversation on patient advocacy and drug safety. Kim shares her deeply personal story, revealing how her husband's tragic experience with antidepressants propelled her into a mission for change. Together, they uncover the flaws in the FDA's drug approval process and the critical need for transparency and real-world safety measures. Through Kim's experiences and insights, discover the power of collective action and the importance of amplifying patient voices for a healthier future. Let us know your thoughts and ideas on these takes in the comment section below.
00:00 Introduction & Kim's Background
14:06 Flaws in the FDA's Drug Approval Process
24:16 Balancing Patient Access and Safety Concerns
36:45 The Influence of Pharmaceutical Companies on the FDA
41:23 The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
49:46 The Handling of COVID Vaccines: Lack of Debate and Pushback
58:14 The Power of Regular People: Speaking Up for Change
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Dr. Herbert Ley, Harvard professor and former Commisioner of the FDA: “People think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded. Using the government’s police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies. What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day.”
He made this statement in 1968, and it's just as true today as then. The FDA is a thoroughly corrupt agency, subverted and corrupted by the Rockefeller Foundation and Pharma for over 70 years. More recently, the Gates Foundation has added to the corruption of the FDA.
I would love to change the system. I voice my concern about the control pharma has over our health institutions to people. I expressed my concern to the neuro ophthalmologist two weeks ago, (I’m vaccine injured), I told her how medical journals are funded by pharma as well as oversight health agencies. She gave me that look as if to say “you’re a conspiracy theorist.” I tell my friends and get different responses. I feel so impotent. Kim Witczak is doing something. I want to do something. I’ve written letters, letters to the ED which never publish my letters although I used to get many published. I’ve reached out to my member of parliament, Canadian medical association but never get a reply. I’d love to be involved in some grass roots movement.