I am sorry Jay, but I see absolutely no reason for you to feel even a shred of admiration for Fauci unless you are part of the "medical cabal." You need to spend a lot more time studying the goals and objectives of this evil man. Aides patients suffered directly at his hands. He is the biggest mass murderer to ever walk free. It really hurt to read how you have admired a man who has destroyed the medical careers of so many good scientists who didn't want to go along with his evil plans, scientists who tried to warn the public. There is so very much you do not know about Anthony Fauci and I can guarantee you will not learn about it from his memoirs.
Here's the "reason" we can 'admire' this record breaking scumbag...he's still at it and no one is punishing him....yet. He murdered more people than anyone in history: a nobel prize winning feat if you hate humanity and are a Satanist.
You can admire many aspects of an evil person. That is what being honest about everything in the world is about. That doesn't give him a free pass on everything else. While I also think Jay gives him way too much credit, it is a good quality of any speaker to see all sides of something and not let personal bias affect your thinking.
Fauci should be tried and convicted of Treason. No doubt about that.
I am not saying they aren't horrible people. But to say this person is horrible and I am going to ignore any good qualities is a failure of thinking. How many benefits can you lose because you fail to see any benefits hiding under the evil.
Hitler was evil. No doubt there. It is said that he never killed anyone except himself. It was the coercion of others that caused all the deaths and you can't ignore that. He had what he called 'the big lie'. A lie so big that it couldn't possibly be true. There was the Reishtag fire that put him in office. There was the wonderful things he did for his people, before he took his power and did horrible things. What we learned from him helps us avoid history repeating. Because mentioning Hitler usually ends conversations, many don't see that 9/11 was our Reishtag fire. The pandemic was our 'big lie'. The focus on one person (which president will save us) when it is really the Mass Formation Psychosis that is controlling so many and causing them to do horrible things are all downfalls by the thinking that you can't learn from evil people being good at one time.
In this piece, Dr. Bhattacharya spoke in admiration of the way Fauci directed funding and worked with allies. How is that admirable? He manipulated people so more taxpayer dollars would come his way.
Getting things done for the sake of evil. Padding his pockets, elevating himself the whole time. Utilizing anything and anyone along the way, and now eulogizing himself. Nope, responsible for too many deaths while he got things done.
"Mass formation" is a big word to make mindless subservience to unelected authority sound "natural". Like mineral formation or a biological process. Sorry but I think "mass formation" is just a word to describe mindless cowardice and the lack of critical thinking. Its BS and an excuse for our lazy desertion of our duties as citizens and members of a community.
Maybe you aren't familiar with how Mass Formation Psychosis works.
It takes 4 specific conditions for it to form and if they are present it will consume a large portion of society.
1) Generalized loneliness, social isolation, and lack of social bonds among the population.
2) Lack of meaning in life. - bullshit jobs.
3) Free floating anxiety and psychological unease within a population.
4) Free floating frustration.
If these are present (and they were forced on us during the 'pandemic', and people are given an object that they can attach the free-flowing anxiety and anger to, it will given them relief from their struggle. They bond with a group that has attached itself to the object and they find comfort in this group and refuse to leave it for fear of once again feeling the 4 conditions that were forced on them in the first place.
The Psychology of Totalitarianism page 115 by Matias Desmett.
This is a known condition that is easily implemented. Aristocracy under Stalin-ism, Jews under Nazism and even to some extent in court room.
However I still think it is just another word to cover up our cowardice and the loss of God in our lives. The "blame game" must stop and the real search for answers be pursued with all our strength. The rogue monsters are burning us alive--literally-- and using "vaccines" for mass murder.
Yes...but how will that pay Dr. Bhattacharya's bills? He needs money. We have made "Doctors" into vending machines for drugs. And sadly, drugs do not heal us. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya works under the false paradigm that chemical drugs can address our health issues. Do you realize Dr. Bhattacharya...that this is a lie. Health is a goal that must be fought for and won....and drugs will not bring it. Sure....you can set a bone, remove a tumor, wipe out an infection....but health cannot be bought. It must be won. I see people moaning and crying because they turned their "health care" over to people who "just want to make a living." And how do they "make a living"? By selling us drugs. End of story. What crummy and inadequate "health care" and what fools we all were to do that.
Further, the “wet market” origin these published in Nature was orchestrated by his team and was the opposite of science, rather the obfuscation of scientific reality. Though I am not qualified to make this distinction professionally, the truth comes through loud and clear if you look at the entirety of the situation.
Much more needs to be understood about the close personal relationships with Peter Daszak and his sole source contract to collaborate at WIV. Yes, the FOIAd emails tell some of the story, but there is more to be known.
The lawyers have the parties completely scripted to again obfuscate using a combination of legal and scientific nuance to protect the culprits who each embody the God-complex and hubris that had no place in public health or public service.
The taxpayers are apparently funding the security detail for Fauci (reportedly $5M annually ?) and his double-salary pension (DOD and USAID?).
Are we also paying for their legal expenses. They being the lieutenants who carried out all the orders, i.e. the creation of a seemingly constructed origin story???
Does NAIAD own 50 percent of the Moderna patent?
How much in royalties was paid and to whom?
Why is this not transparent?
This is what must be squashed by RFK and his team.
Meanwhile, Fauci and company seem due for punishment for deceit and corruption in the guise of public service.
Justice needs to come to those who feel immune from actions that harm in the name of public health.
So he is "leaning left" because he is a psychotic himself .....
Or does he "lean left"...so that other people will still listen to him and treat as if he is a part of the COVID DEATH CULT and accept him as one of their own--And it is a death cult..
In the first instance....he is insane.
In the second he is a liar....
Neither choice is acceptable to sane and honest people
You've clearly never studied holocaust history if you seriously think Fauci is the biggest mass murderer to ever walk free... Your bias is difficult to stomach and the reason I'm not reading the comments on this substack any more
It seems you don't want to dig deeper into the history of the 6 million. The Jewish committees were warning that 6 million would be killed in Ukraine and Poland back in 1905. Where did they get that number? How did they know what was going to happen? And other questions to be answered. Note that Edward Bernays, nephew of Freud, was a master of spin, propaganda, aka marketing.
Hmm - You are far too kind to this evil evil man - let’s recap - he is ok with sand fleas chewing away puppy faces and scientists cutting their tongues/larynx (whatever) not to hear the crying. He is fine with and had first hand knowledge of orphaned/fostered children as they were FORCIBLY being injected killed, injured and maimed by his experimental HIV drugs. Yea a brilliant, benevolent, empathetic Modern day Mengele on unchecked steroids. Actions speak far louder than words and his genocidal actions of THE most vulnerable (animals, women and children) actions should have him destitute and at the end of a very short rope. Full stop.
Here is the deal on Christine Grady...his beloved spouse:
Christine Grady began her career as a nurse and later earned her doctorate in bioethics. Vogue notes that the couple was also on the frontlines when the AIDS epidemic hit. Anthony Fauci led the research team at NIAID, while Grady worked on President Ronald Reagan's HIV/AIDS commission. She also wrote a book on the topic titled "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine."
more on Grady...(Her specialty was "Medical Ethics"
Imagine that...This is from GOODREADS AND the Kirkus Review
"Highly recommended for medical ethicists and anyone concerned about the AIDS epidemic and how HIV research is conducted."Â —Kirkus Reviews "... a carefully reasoned account of how research for and trial of a preventive vaccine differ from the methods used to discover a therapy."Â —Booklist "I highly recommend reading this book which I would attest to be a thrilling, ethically challenging, and informative descent into the allopathic solution." —Ryan Hosken, Bastyr University Library Newsletter "As the scientific effort to produce an efficacious vaccine continues, [Grady’s] work provides an ethical compass that will guide us well, regardless of where phase III HIV vaccine trials ultimately occur." —Journal of the American Medical Association "Highly recommended... " —AIDS Book Review Journal "A remarkable treatment of a most difficult and complex subject... Grady’s book is of special merit because it is simple, readable, and understandable, while conveying in-depth perceptions that are critical to the reader. A useful and essential reference work for those who would engage in the initiative to bring about a resolution of a mighty human health problem." —Maurice R. Hilleman, Ph.D., D.Sc., Director, Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research "Dr. Grady’s important study captures the complexity of the search for an AIDS vaccine with startling clarity. Her insights into the full range of forces that shape our national response to AIDS vaccine development should read like signposts to vaccinologists, AIDS community activists, and most importantly, the Public Health Service. An impressive contribution." —Derek Hodel, Gay Men’s Health Crisis
And failed to discuss Fauci’s complete failure to address the AZT disaster and lives lost due to AZT, and denial of the benefits of Bactrim, not the AIDs virus. Almost identical to what happened with Remdesivir and Ivermectin during Covid.
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. ...” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Carol - true !! Retired RN. Here, and my memory of Fauci demonizing Bactrim is long and solid. Crimes against humanity - that will be his epitaph. You were far too kind Dr Jay … AIDS patients died because of Fauci the megalomaniac psychopath.
AZT IS DEATH AIDS; Words from the Front By Celia Farber
By Celia Farber . Spin Aug. 1993 . AZT is death. Celia Farber picks up the pieces of a shattered medical establishment at the Ninth International Conference on AIDS in Berlin. ... The team concluded that AZT - a highly toxic and carcinogenic drug - neither prolongs life nor staves off symptoms of AIDS in people who are HIV-antibody positive but ...
Have you heard of Google? You can type three letters (AZT) and get the worlds answers on what it is. It is really a fantastic tool and you don't even need to wait for an answer. ;-)
Duesberg was not false otherwise there would’ve been no reason for Fauci to destroy him. Check out RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci for the HIV/AIDs story - and many others have researched this topic.
I’m currently reading Serious Adverse Events : An Uncensored History of AIDS. Celia Farber first published it in 2006, and it is cited in RFKJr’s The Real Anthony Fauci.
Farber’s book treats Duesberg’s hypothesis about AIDS sympathetically, and one wonders, as another commenter noted, why Fauci felt the need to destroy a brilliant scientist’s career. Wouldn’t the scientific method, ethically applied, determine the facts?
And why would AIDS activists call Fauci a murderer for pushing AZT? I know what Kennedy has to say about that and look forward to reading Farber’s account as I progress through her book.
I’ve recently read a book by Neville Hodgkinson which I can recommend called “How HIV/AIDS set the stage for the Covid crisis”. It’s only a little on covid then a reprint of a book he wrote in the 1990s on AIDS. Totally opened my eyes to how wrong the HIV causing AIDS theory is.
I’m disappointed in Jay being so definitive in his denigration of Duesberg’s ideas.
Allow me to cut to the chase, when is this mass murdering, sociopathic-narcissist going to the gallows? Mass murder is a felony, right? Treason is treason, right?
Please excuse me Dr Bhattacharya....but I read Peter Duesberg's book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.....It is a fascinating read and very well documented as well. I can see why you disapprove. I have been a firm believer that a healthy body tends not to harbor virus or other "germs" for a long time and my own experiences including raising three children who were almost never sick, bears me out. . By maintaining my health I have avoided "vaccines" and antibiotics my entire life. I am over 7O now. I am so glad I elected to avoid the "clot shot' Our belief that disease is caused by "germs" which can be irradicated with antibiotics or prevented with "vaccines" leaves out a lot of factors about what really causes disease and how medical professionals can promote health. The economic facts are that our sickness means more money for Pharma. In turn, Pharma pumps out products that while they often relieve symptoms do not address the weakened immune system that allowed disease to flourish. There are many sides to the AIDS story that are not often covered. For example a man who has multiple sex partners in one evening and does not use a condom is risking his own health...Particularly if he is engaging in anal intercourse. If that floats your boat I have nothing against it....but hey....germs tend to congregate in those parts of our bodies. This is what is called "common sense"....You can still find the book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. It actually is the play book for "covid"....There is no "covid" germ that has been found yet. Possibly because COVID like AIDS is a life style disease....and may have been triggered by any number of factors---like the roll out of 5-G
p.s. "Covid" left Pharma literally rolling in dough. There is a video of Bill Gates literally fulminating at the mouth over all the money he got from "vaccines"
It's not true that "Fauci was right and Duesberg was wrong." We cannot know the HIV is an opportunistic infection because the literature has been heavily censored, and it was Fauci who censored it. And any review of Fauci's career that does not mention AZT is covering up his worst crime pre-COVID. Read Celia Farber's book. https://www.amazon.com/Serious-Adverse-Events-Uncensored-History/dp/1666635944
And during the COVID response, Fauci led the cheering section for a vaccine that caused 10-12 million deaths worldwide. This is my number. Rancourt says 17 million . The role that Fauci played in actually creating the pandemic remains to be fully exposed. Read Bobby Kennedy's book. https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804/
Truly "America's doctor" Anthony Fauci killed more people than Goebbles without a doubt and then got a $4OO,OOO annuity as a reward! Can you beat that?
Dr B I'm having a very hard time with your efforts to be measured in your criticism of Fauci. Those efforts are entirely undeserved based on the outrageous and devastating damage he caused to millions of human beings during the many years of his monstrous bureaucratic stronghold. Justice will not be served if the extent of this man's malevolent actions are not addressed directly and documented in great detail for the historical record. RFKJr began that process in his book
The Real Anthony Fauci and I am hopeful he will write the sequel as soon as possible.
AND mRNA "VACCINES" were tried before on animals AND human and scientists thus knew that these "vaccines" would mainly cause autoimmune attack as they had in the past. In short, these criminals KNEW they would kill and/or maim millions. Thus you almost have to conclude as former vp of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon did-- that "our government wants us dead" --because there was no other logical reason for such a relentless push of these toxic products on to a terrified and submissive population.
former Pfizer VP...."They are going to do this again....BE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO SPEAKS OUT....BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T .....WE WILL LOSE OUR FREEDOMS AND THEN OUR LIVES"...
Dr Jay doesn’t have a problem with the covid vax or mRNA vaccines in general. He says that the covid vax was misapplied but worked very well and saved millions of lives where applied properly.
Thanks for your explanation...but it does not explain what is meant by "properly applied" .... do you mean just given to old 'useless' people who are a drain on the system....how can this toxic poison be "properly applied" at all?
How interesting that he should have that opinion. I live in a "retirement" center in NC where virtually everyone got these shots(not me--I refused} and a couple of others who had allergy issues. On the floor where I live, there is a brand new cancer, three strokes and several sudden dementia victims. Coincidence? Who knows...merely observations. I refused every injection...even though they came "door to door"....I am fine. My husband of 5O years now suffers from Guillaine Barre syndrome after two "vaccines" --These injections benefitted no one....except the funeral and burial industries and the drug companies. The covid "injections" are a crime and it has been extensively exposed. No one was "saved"...everyone was injured or killed. Except there were some that contained no active poison. These were mistakes that happened due to "warp speed". Prior to this pharmaceutical genocide there was no such thing as "covid"...The microscopic entity said to cause "covid" has never been isolated or successfully cultured.
it was all a lie and designed to create hysterical compliance among the populations and to prepare us for our doom . Please see the substack of statistical expert Denis Rancourt.
True. They even admit now that the vax didn’t prevent illness nor transmission. So it fails at being effective. It made sick or killed millions of people. The opposite of safe. After my mother received two shots and a booster, she got cancerous tumors all over her body. It was a return of the breast cancer she had in the 90s in two lymph nodes. Five career oncologists said it could not be breast cancer because it does not behave this way. They tested it and it was the breast cancer. They all said they had never seen anything like this before. She was diagnosed three months after the booster and died two months after that. She died horrifically with tumors all over inside and out. Every organ, her brain, mouth, tongue, arms, legs, back, neck, you name it. She got the diagnosis the same day my daughter’s ultrasound told us she was having a boy. Mom died before he was born. One of my other daughters was also pregnant and she missed that one as well. If I was in an elevator and it stopped on a floor and Fauci got in with me and the doors closed, I can’t imagine what I would do. I try not to think about it.
Thank you! I keep hoping Trump and his team will make an announcement about mRNA and that they are banning its use but it seems they are going in the other direction. Most of his supporters don’t care about it and don’t want to hold him to account about the vax. They just want him to get away with whatever he does. Keeping him from having “negative” things said about him seems to be their only goal.
Yes....because he is a mass murderer...and this is not his "first rodeo". He presided over the massive deaths(over 6OO,OOO-- that occurred from an "AIDS" cure (there was no 'AIDS'--SEE PETER DUESBERG'S BOOK "Inventing The AIDS Virus". The "cure" for AIDS... was propertied to be AZT....A chemical among the most toxic every devised.
Sorry, but as someone in the UK who wasn't aware of Fauci until 2020, I can't see this person as anything other than a monster. He really should been a Mob guy. He was entrusted with the health of Americans and no doubt rewarded more than adequately for it, but he wanted more, power as well as money, and I don't believe he has empathy with the people he has so badly let down. His HIV/AIDS record is to me a clear warning of what lay ahead. The US health system, of course, bears much of the blame, a paradise for criminals like Fauci and a minefield for anyone who puts the patient first. But I appreciate that Jay has attempted to make a calm and fair assessment of Fauci in the round, as it were. I somehow doubt Fauci would return the favour.
Indeed Dr. Peter McCullough whose brilliant career has saved many a life has had his "certifications" withdrawn and is kicked out of elite "doctor clubs".
Can you even imagine this? Dr. McCullough has authored and co-authored over 9OO articles in the top medical journals and they took his "license" away!!!! It's kinda funny in a sad way.....
Indeed, the government, more and more, seems a criminal enterprise and money laundering operation, takes citizens’ taxes and funnels them into the pockets of our owners to our detriment
He is a cruel man who apparently delighted in torturing beagle puppies by allowing them to be tied down and eaten to death by sand flies. Any human being who organizes this sort of evil experiment is likely to repeat torturous behaviors with humans. Oh, wait a minute…
Worse, "dr." Fauci attached tubes into the intestines of orphans in which toxic poisons were given them. They died of course. And since they were "orphans" and had no one who cared for them....this crime was never confronted. The "man" is another Mengele. Jay is covering up for a monster and should be ashamed. Are you, Jay?
If every single pandemic from the past, including Covid, ends with the same defeated exclamation that “the virus has spread anyway”, now coupled with Fauci saying that he knew "there would not be a clear end to the pandemic"; and the world would need to learn to "live indefinitely with COVID”, then perhaps they are a tell-telling sign that all these assertions rather reflect an erroneous and incomplete science in regards to the true nature of so-called “germs”?!
Therefore, rather than keep regurgitating illogical fallacies, whether they are for or against Fauci, maybe it’s time to reexamine the current epidemiological paradigm from the foundation once and for all?
Because I tell you, we do nothing otherwise to bring any added value since there are many “Faucis” all over the world who, like bad religion, still hold onto archaic 12th century beliefs, that in their implementation only enhance the dehumanization.
I'll tell you now, Fauci is a eugenist and a scumbag CIA/NIH asset. There will be no re-examination of what these elitist globalist scumbags have done to humanity. Look in the mirror, you are the lab rat!
I don’t think you understood my comment. My issue is not with Fauci but with all those “truth warriors” who wear white hats but unbeknownst to them do black work, and by that enable these eugenists to do their Frankenstein’s work unabated.
Bhattacharya et. al. keep holding onto archaic and unsubstantiated science, which by now has become heavily supported by technological “sleight of hand”, that they can no longer see for themselves that the entire paradigm is simply illogical and unsubstantiated.
In other words, all those who have their best intentions on saving humanity has no inkling that they actually solidify its enslavement by maintaining the same Germ Theory verbiage, without a pinch of awareness to actually go back and identify its faulty foundation.
Instead, everyone is locked-in onto the upper convoluted layers of what has become an overly complex system that generates the illusion of expertise and therefore, a buffer between those who “know” and those who “don’t”, as a means to control others. The fact that the Germ Theory has been regurgitated over and over for the past 200 years, poses even much greater challenge. Because it is now cemented in humanity’s cellular memory as “truth”.
Thus, if one truly wants to fight the looming darkness they should invest all their efforts in proving the invalidity of the Germ Theory once and for all. Because then all it’s derivatives, as inefficient measures (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines) that never really worked in the entire history of pandemics, other than providing a cheap placebo to an overly anxious and paranoid mind, fall down with it.
Not, however, focusing on scientists who hold it dear and close to their chests!
I agree totally. This debate has been going on for decades, possibly centuries--
Is it "microbes" that cause disease or is it the fact that immune systems may be weakened and compromised by any of a number of factors....from poor nutrition, polluted water, chemical toxins in foods, 5-G...etc etc Some say Covid had as one of its "causes" the rollout of 5-G
Some scientists claim that contrary to current beliefs--no "vaccine" cured polio....polio was caused by the profligate use of DDT and other poisons and insecticides on food---when certain poisons were banned on food products "polio" miraculously went away. Some one wrote a book about it but I can't remember the name of it. Anyway, drug companies love to have a microbe to attack with "vaccines"...but the answers about the causes of our illnesses are likely multi faceted and more complex.
The Germ Theory is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories.
The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.
Conversely, and perhaps more egregious, is the fact that the Germ Theory has conditioned humanity to remove every inch of self responsibility and place it in the hands of society’s “saviors”.
The Germ Theory fits “human nature.” Ever ready to avoid responsibility and place causation outside himself, the individual apparently has found an easy scapegoat in the “bad” little organisms that flew about and “attacked” him.
It’s the paradigm that is the progenitor of the “black magic, by which human beings are conditioned to fear on call. If people are always reminded that they have to be afraid of something they have no control of, they become perfect putty for tyranny, while, as mass behavior, serve as an engine that keeps feeding the biotechnological Frankenstein machine.
And so rather than point a finger at that, all those so-called “truth warriors” aren’t aware that they actually solidify the oppressions they believe are the responsibility of the “other side”.
They aim at the tail of the dragon rather than its heart. Either they are an artifact of indoctrination, holding onto the same incomplete paradigm or they’re wary of going full heretic as it poses too much of a sacrifice. It can endanger their following and their collegiality, and that’s a price not many are willing to take.
Yes I agree. The "germ theory" gives the warriors an enemy to fight and a reason to continue on inventing and producing toxic drugs to cure diseases that have at their roots....not germs, but poisons of various kinds or bad diet or 5-G or fluoridated water toxic radiation... whatever else makes us sick. Germs work as an explanation and they do not involve any arduous changes of venue or "life style" that the actual "causes of disease" may in reality require in order to cure them. Instead....with a lot of people sick....just roll out another "vaccine" and make billions on it.
What I’m trying to invoke in human beings is simple contemplation. I cater to simple common sense which, as it seemed, we have completely lost.
Instead of being busy on showcasing who has a “bigger hose”, by shuffling intricate jargon like a salad tosser, it would have been much more efficient if both scientist and lay men and women had asked themselves some simple questions, considering they truly cared about sovereignty and freedom:
1. Is a virus/bacteria/fungus sentient?
2. If not, how come they know they do something beneficial in one instance, and regressive in another to the host body? I.e. how come they can become “good” or “bad” if they are not sentient?
3. Why do scientists anthropomorphize constantly about something to describe its functions (a virus is defined as non living, and yet it’s constantly described as living, able to “jump” and be “killed”), if science is all about patterns that have clear, logical formulas that underlie them?
4. How come a senseless microscopic particle switches between discriminate and indiscriminate capacity to infect?
5. Does science, therefore, actually know how things really work on the foundation level or is it just a byproduct of anthropomorphized abstract explanations repeated over and over again throughout the years, that have become irrefutable scientific truths?
These questions are a good starting place. They should be brought up in every opportunity of human gathering, regardless of age, to invigorate the proper introspection that can then initiate the transformation needed for paradigm shift. Because this is a deep one. People don’t know what they’re afraid of, but surely they’re afraid. It’s ingrained in their cellular memory.
I believe its the only way because practically no one is focused on the foundation level, not knowing that the foundation is the base structure that holds everything. And if they’re busy focusing on trying to dismantle the “upper floors”, they achieve nothing!
I am sorry Jay, but I see absolutely no reason for you to feel even a shred of admiration for Fauci unless you are part of the "medical cabal." You need to spend a lot more time studying the goals and objectives of this evil man. Aides patients suffered directly at his hands. He is the biggest mass murderer to ever walk free. It really hurt to read how you have admired a man who has destroyed the medical careers of so many good scientists who didn't want to go along with his evil plans, scientists who tried to warn the public. There is so very much you do not know about Anthony Fauci and I can guarantee you will not learn about it from his memoirs.
Here's the "reason" we can 'admire' this record breaking scumbag...he's still at it and no one is punishing him....yet. He murdered more people than anyone in history: a nobel prize winning feat if you hate humanity and are a Satanist.
You can admire many aspects of an evil person. That is what being honest about everything in the world is about. That doesn't give him a free pass on everything else. While I also think Jay gives him way too much credit, it is a good quality of any speaker to see all sides of something and not let personal bias affect your thinking.
Fauci should be tried and convicted of Treason. No doubt about that.
how about the deaths of millions....from drugs known to be toxic. Is "murder"/genocide an issue we need to "see all sides of".
How many "sides" did Jeffrey Dahmer have? How about Stalin?
I am not saying they aren't horrible people. But to say this person is horrible and I am going to ignore any good qualities is a failure of thinking. How many benefits can you lose because you fail to see any benefits hiding under the evil.
Hitler was evil. No doubt there. It is said that he never killed anyone except himself. It was the coercion of others that caused all the deaths and you can't ignore that. He had what he called 'the big lie'. A lie so big that it couldn't possibly be true. There was the Reishtag fire that put him in office. There was the wonderful things he did for his people, before he took his power and did horrible things. What we learned from him helps us avoid history repeating. Because mentioning Hitler usually ends conversations, many don't see that 9/11 was our Reishtag fire. The pandemic was our 'big lie'. The focus on one person (which president will save us) when it is really the Mass Formation Psychosis that is controlling so many and causing them to do horrible things are all downfalls by the thinking that you can't learn from evil people being good at one time.
In this piece, Dr. Bhattacharya spoke in admiration of the way Fauci directed funding and worked with allies. How is that admirable? He manipulated people so more taxpayer dollars would come his way.
At the time he admired that he got things done. I think his article acknowledged that in hindsight, it was for the wrong reasons.
What matters now is that he be prosecuted and convicted of the horrible things he has done.
Getting things done for the sake of evil. Padding his pockets, elevating himself the whole time. Utilizing anything and anyone along the way, and now eulogizing himself. Nope, responsible for too many deaths while he got things done.
OK, please tell me something Fauci has done that was good.
"Mass formation" is a big word to make mindless subservience to unelected authority sound "natural". Like mineral formation or a biological process. Sorry but I think "mass formation" is just a word to describe mindless cowardice and the lack of critical thinking. Its BS and an excuse for our lazy desertion of our duties as citizens and members of a community.
Maybe you aren't familiar with how Mass Formation Psychosis works.
It takes 4 specific conditions for it to form and if they are present it will consume a large portion of society.
1) Generalized loneliness, social isolation, and lack of social bonds among the population.
2) Lack of meaning in life. - bullshit jobs.
3) Free floating anxiety and psychological unease within a population.
4) Free floating frustration.
If these are present (and they were forced on us during the 'pandemic', and people are given an object that they can attach the free-flowing anxiety and anger to, it will given them relief from their struggle. They bond with a group that has attached itself to the object and they find comfort in this group and refuse to leave it for fear of once again feeling the 4 conditions that were forced on them in the first place.
The Psychology of Totalitarianism page 115 by Matias Desmett.
This is a known condition that is easily implemented. Aristocracy under Stalin-ism, Jews under Nazism and even to some extent in court room.
Thank you for this parsing of "mass formation"...
However I still think it is just another word to cover up our cowardice and the loss of God in our lives. The "blame game" must stop and the real search for answers be pursued with all our strength. The rogue monsters are burning us alive--literally-- and using "vaccines" for mass murder.
The nazis were the lesser of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.
Some people admired hitler. Fauci is just as evil.
Dr. Bhattacharya still believes in "public health" and "modern medicine," but maybe he will eventually open his eyes all the way.
Yes...but how will that pay Dr. Bhattacharya's bills? He needs money. We have made "Doctors" into vending machines for drugs. And sadly, drugs do not heal us. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya works under the false paradigm that chemical drugs can address our health issues. Do you realize Dr. Bhattacharya...that this is a lie. Health is a goal that must be fought for and won....and drugs will not bring it. Sure....you can set a bone, remove a tumor, wipe out an infection....but health cannot be bought. It must be won. I see people moaning and crying because they turned their "health care" over to people who "just want to make a living." And how do they "make a living"? By selling us drugs. End of story. What crummy and inadequate "health care" and what fools we all were to do that.
I agree.
Further, the “wet market” origin these published in Nature was orchestrated by his team and was the opposite of science, rather the obfuscation of scientific reality. Though I am not qualified to make this distinction professionally, the truth comes through loud and clear if you look at the entirety of the situation.
Much more needs to be understood about the close personal relationships with Peter Daszak and his sole source contract to collaborate at WIV. Yes, the FOIAd emails tell some of the story, but there is more to be known.
The lawyers have the parties completely scripted to again obfuscate using a combination of legal and scientific nuance to protect the culprits who each embody the God-complex and hubris that had no place in public health or public service.
The taxpayers are apparently funding the security detail for Fauci (reportedly $5M annually ?) and his double-salary pension (DOD and USAID?).
Are we also paying for their legal expenses. They being the lieutenants who carried out all the orders, i.e. the creation of a seemingly constructed origin story???
Does NAIAD own 50 percent of the Moderna patent?
How much in royalties was paid and to whom?
Why is this not transparent?
This is what must be squashed by RFK and his team.
Meanwhile, Fauci and company seem due for punishment for deceit and corruption in the guise of public service.
Justice needs to come to those who feel immune from actions that harm in the name of public health.
I agree. For someone to admire this evil man in any way is a complete mystery. However, our author tends to lean left which may be the reason.
So he is "leaning left" because he is a psychotic himself .....
Or does he "lean left"...so that other people will still listen to him and treat as if he is a part of the COVID DEATH CULT and accept him as one of their own--And it is a death cult..
In the first instance....he is insane.
In the second he is a liar....
Neither choice is acceptable to sane and honest people
You've clearly never studied holocaust history if you seriously think Fauci is the biggest mass murderer to ever walk free... Your bias is difficult to stomach and the reason I'm not reading the comments on this substack any more
It seems you don't want to dig deeper into the history of the 6 million. The Jewish committees were warning that 6 million would be killed in Ukraine and Poland back in 1905. Where did they get that number? How did they know what was going to happen? And other questions to be answered. Note that Edward Bernays, nephew of Freud, was a master of spin, propaganda, aka marketing.
Hmm - You are far too kind to this evil evil man - let’s recap - he is ok with sand fleas chewing away puppy faces and scientists cutting their tongues/larynx (whatever) not to hear the crying. He is fine with and had first hand knowledge of orphaned/fostered children as they were FORCIBLY being injected killed, injured and maimed by his experimental HIV drugs. Yea a brilliant, benevolent, empathetic Modern day Mengele on unchecked steroids. Actions speak far louder than words and his genocidal actions of THE most vulnerable (animals, women and children) actions should have him destitute and at the end of a very short rope. Full stop.
hear! hear! Scrub has hit the nail on the head. Fauci actually fits my definition of a psychopath.
Here is the deal on Christine Grady...his beloved spouse:
Christine Grady began her career as a nurse and later earned her doctorate in bioethics. Vogue notes that the couple was also on the frontlines when the AIDS epidemic hit. Anthony Fauci led the research team at NIAID, while Grady worked on President Ronald Reagan's HIV/AIDS commission. She also wrote a book on the topic titled "The Search for an AIDS Vaccine."
Read More: https://www.thelist.com/419484/the-truth-about-dr-faucis-relationship-with-his-wife-dr-christine-grady/
more on Grady...(Her specialty was "Medical Ethics"
Imagine that...This is from GOODREADS AND the Kirkus Review
"Highly recommended for medical ethicists and anyone concerned about the AIDS epidemic and how HIV research is conducted."Â —Kirkus Reviews "... a carefully reasoned account of how research for and trial of a preventive vaccine differ from the methods used to discover a therapy."Â —Booklist "I highly recommend reading this book which I would attest to be a thrilling, ethically challenging, and informative descent into the allopathic solution." —Ryan Hosken, Bastyr University Library Newsletter "As the scientific effort to produce an efficacious vaccine continues, [Grady’s] work provides an ethical compass that will guide us well, regardless of where phase III HIV vaccine trials ultimately occur." —Journal of the American Medical Association "Highly recommended... " —AIDS Book Review Journal "A remarkable treatment of a most difficult and complex subject... Grady’s book is of special merit because it is simple, readable, and understandable, while conveying in-depth perceptions that are critical to the reader. A useful and essential reference work for those who would engage in the initiative to bring about a resolution of a mighty human health problem." —Maurice R. Hilleman, Ph.D., D.Sc., Director, Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research "Dr. Grady’s important study captures the complexity of the search for an AIDS vaccine with startling clarity. Her insights into the full range of forces that shape our national response to AIDS vaccine development should read like signposts to vaccinologists, AIDS community activists, and most importantly, the Public Health Service. An impressive contribution." —Derek Hodel, Gay Men’s Health Crisis
Thank you. But where are the MEN to take it to the rope?
And failed to discuss Fauci’s complete failure to address the AZT disaster and lives lost due to AZT, and denial of the benefits of Bactrim, not the AIDs virus. Almost identical to what happened with Remdesivir and Ivermectin during Covid.
Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. ...” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Carol - true !! Retired RN. Here, and my memory of Fauci demonizing Bactrim is long and solid. Crimes against humanity - that will be his epitaph. You were far too kind Dr Jay … AIDS patients died because of Fauci the megalomaniac psychopath.
What is AZT?
AZT IS DEATH AIDS; Words from the Front By Celia Farber
By Celia Farber . Spin Aug. 1993 . AZT is death. Celia Farber picks up the pieces of a shattered medical establishment at the Ninth International Conference on AIDS in Berlin. ... The team concluded that AZT - a highly toxic and carcinogenic drug - neither prolongs life nor staves off symptoms of AIDS in people who are HIV-antibody positive but ...
Previously a cancer drug used to suppress AIDS.
Have you heard of Google? You can type three letters (AZT) and get the worlds answers on what it is. It is really a fantastic tool and you don't even need to wait for an answer. ;-)
Please don't encourage anyone to use the evil goolag.
Of course I did that but AZT did not come up.
Try again.
Duesberg was not false otherwise there would’ve been no reason for Fauci to destroy him. Check out RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci for the HIV/AIDs story - and many others have researched this topic.
That was a great book. Let’s see did Fauci sue for slander and libel? No. If it weren’t true you know it would have been litigated
I’m currently reading Serious Adverse Events : An Uncensored History of AIDS. Celia Farber first published it in 2006, and it is cited in RFKJr’s The Real Anthony Fauci.
Farber’s book treats Duesberg’s hypothesis about AIDS sympathetically, and one wonders, as another commenter noted, why Fauci felt the need to destroy a brilliant scientist’s career. Wouldn’t the scientific method, ethically applied, determine the facts?
And why would AIDS activists call Fauci a murderer for pushing AZT? I know what Kennedy has to say about that and look forward to reading Farber’s account as I progress through her book.
AZT is extremely toxic from what I read. Those treated with it got deathly ill.
Not good stuff.
From what I understand AZT killed AIDS sufferers but Fauci continued to push it as a “one size fits all” treatment.
Kind of like remdesivir. Either fauci is really stupid or really evil…or a mixture of both.
I’ve recently read a book by Neville Hodgkinson which I can recommend called “How HIV/AIDS set the stage for the Covid crisis”. It’s only a little on covid then a reprint of a book he wrote in the 1990s on AIDS. Totally opened my eyes to how wrong the HIV causing AIDS theory is.
I’m disappointed in Jay being so definitive in his denigration of Duesberg’s ideas.
Allow me to cut to the chase, when is this mass murdering, sociopathic-narcissist going to the gallows? Mass murder is a felony, right? Treason is treason, right?
When we find the MEN to take it there. But where is the genuine people's militia they will need to help them?
Fauci is a criminal there is no saving grace for this creep. Lock him up for crimes against humanity!
What a corrupted WEF pos elitist scumbag. Unbelievable how this NIH/CIA scumbag killed hundreds of millions! He is the Club of Rome!
Any mention of Beagle puppies in his memoir? Or experimenting on orphan children?
Please excuse me Dr Bhattacharya....but I read Peter Duesberg's book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.....It is a fascinating read and very well documented as well. I can see why you disapprove. I have been a firm believer that a healthy body tends not to harbor virus or other "germs" for a long time and my own experiences including raising three children who were almost never sick, bears me out. . By maintaining my health I have avoided "vaccines" and antibiotics my entire life. I am over 7O now. I am so glad I elected to avoid the "clot shot' Our belief that disease is caused by "germs" which can be irradicated with antibiotics or prevented with "vaccines" leaves out a lot of factors about what really causes disease and how medical professionals can promote health. The economic facts are that our sickness means more money for Pharma. In turn, Pharma pumps out products that while they often relieve symptoms do not address the weakened immune system that allowed disease to flourish. There are many sides to the AIDS story that are not often covered. For example a man who has multiple sex partners in one evening and does not use a condom is risking his own health...Particularly if he is engaging in anal intercourse. If that floats your boat I have nothing against it....but hey....germs tend to congregate in those parts of our bodies. This is what is called "common sense"....You can still find the book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. It actually is the play book for "covid"....There is no "covid" germ that has been found yet. Possibly because COVID like AIDS is a life style disease....and may have been triggered by any number of factors---like the roll out of 5-G
p.s. "Covid" left Pharma literally rolling in dough. There is a video of Bill Gates literally fulminating at the mouth over all the money he got from "vaccines"
It's not true that "Fauci was right and Duesberg was wrong." We cannot know the HIV is an opportunistic infection because the literature has been heavily censored, and it was Fauci who censored it. And any review of Fauci's career that does not mention AZT is covering up his worst crime pre-COVID. Read Celia Farber's book. https://www.amazon.com/Serious-Adverse-Events-Uncensored-History/dp/1666635944
And during the COVID response, Fauci led the cheering section for a vaccine that caused 10-12 million deaths worldwide. This is my number. Rancourt says 17 million . The role that Fauci played in actually creating the pandemic remains to be fully exposed. Read Bobby Kennedy's book. https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804/
Truly "America's doctor" Anthony Fauci killed more people than Goebbles without a doubt and then got a $4OO,OOO annuity as a reward! Can you beat that?
Thank you Josh.
Dr B I'm having a very hard time with your efforts to be measured in your criticism of Fauci. Those efforts are entirely undeserved based on the outrageous and devastating damage he caused to millions of human beings during the many years of his monstrous bureaucratic stronghold. Justice will not be served if the extent of this man's malevolent actions are not addressed directly and documented in great detail for the historical record. RFKJr began that process in his book
The Real Anthony Fauci and I am hopeful he will write the sequel as soon as possible.
Fauci killed AIDS patient with AZT... an already failed cancer drug. He's a lying criminal. FAF
AND mRNA "VACCINES" were tried before on animals AND human and scientists thus knew that these "vaccines" would mainly cause autoimmune attack as they had in the past. In short, these criminals KNEW they would kill and/or maim millions. Thus you almost have to conclude as former vp of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon did-- that "our government wants us dead" --because there was no other logical reason for such a relentless push of these toxic products on to a terrified and submissive population.
former Pfizer VP...."They are going to do this again....BE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO SPEAKS OUT....BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T .....WE WILL LOSE OUR FREEDOMS AND THEN OUR LIVES"...
Dr Jay doesn’t have a problem with the covid vax or mRNA vaccines in general. He says that the covid vax was misapplied but worked very well and saved millions of lives where applied properly.
Thanks for your explanation...but it does not explain what is meant by "properly applied" .... do you mean just given to old 'useless' people who are a drain on the system....how can this toxic poison be "properly applied" at all?
I don’t think it can be. But yes, he says that it saved the lives of millions of people in vulnerable groups. Mainly the elderly
How interesting that he should have that opinion. I live in a "retirement" center in NC where virtually everyone got these shots(not me--I refused} and a couple of others who had allergy issues. On the floor where I live, there is a brand new cancer, three strokes and several sudden dementia victims. Coincidence? Who knows...merely observations. I refused every injection...even though they came "door to door"....I am fine. My husband of 5O years now suffers from Guillaine Barre syndrome after two "vaccines" --These injections benefitted no one....except the funeral and burial industries and the drug companies. The covid "injections" are a crime and it has been extensively exposed. No one was "saved"...everyone was injured or killed. Except there were some that contained no active poison. These were mistakes that happened due to "warp speed". Prior to this pharmaceutical genocide there was no such thing as "covid"...The microscopic entity said to cause "covid" has never been isolated or successfully cultured.
it was all a lie and designed to create hysterical compliance among the populations and to prepare us for our doom . Please see the substack of statistical expert Denis Rancourt.
True. They even admit now that the vax didn’t prevent illness nor transmission. So it fails at being effective. It made sick or killed millions of people. The opposite of safe. After my mother received two shots and a booster, she got cancerous tumors all over her body. It was a return of the breast cancer she had in the 90s in two lymph nodes. Five career oncologists said it could not be breast cancer because it does not behave this way. They tested it and it was the breast cancer. They all said they had never seen anything like this before. She was diagnosed three months after the booster and died two months after that. She died horrifically with tumors all over inside and out. Every organ, her brain, mouth, tongue, arms, legs, back, neck, you name it. She got the diagnosis the same day my daughter’s ultrasound told us she was having a boy. Mom died before he was born. One of my other daughters was also pregnant and she missed that one as well. If I was in an elevator and it stopped on a floor and Fauci got in with me and the doors closed, I can’t imagine what I would do. I try not to think about it.
Thank you! I keep hoping Trump and his team will make an announcement about mRNA and that they are banning its use but it seems they are going in the other direction. Most of his supporters don’t care about it and don’t want to hold him to account about the vax. They just want him to get away with whatever he does. Keeping him from having “negative” things said about him seems to be their only goal.
Fauci seems to have a consistent resistance to accountability that doesn't enhance his ego.
About the only resistance ever shown as a result of this man's actions
Yes....because he is a mass murderer...and this is not his "first rodeo". He presided over the massive deaths(over 6OO,OOO-- that occurred from an "AIDS" cure (there was no 'AIDS'--SEE PETER DUESBERG'S BOOK "Inventing The AIDS Virus". The "cure" for AIDS... was propertied to be AZT....A chemical among the most toxic every devised.
Sorry, but as someone in the UK who wasn't aware of Fauci until 2020, I can't see this person as anything other than a monster. He really should been a Mob guy. He was entrusted with the health of Americans and no doubt rewarded more than adequately for it, but he wanted more, power as well as money, and I don't believe he has empathy with the people he has so badly let down. His HIV/AIDS record is to me a clear warning of what lay ahead. The US health system, of course, bears much of the blame, a paradise for criminals like Fauci and a minefield for anyone who puts the patient first. But I appreciate that Jay has attempted to make a calm and fair assessment of Fauci in the round, as it were. I somehow doubt Fauci would return the favour.
Indeed Dr. Peter McCullough whose brilliant career has saved many a life has had his "certifications" withdrawn and is kicked out of elite "doctor clubs".
Can you even imagine this? Dr. McCullough has authored and co-authored over 9OO articles in the top medical journals and they took his "license" away!!!! It's kinda funny in a sad way.....
Indeed, the government, more and more, seems a criminal enterprise and money laundering operation, takes citizens’ taxes and funnels them into the pockets of our owners to our detriment
He is a cruel man who apparently delighted in torturing beagle puppies by allowing them to be tied down and eaten to death by sand flies. Any human being who organizes this sort of evil experiment is likely to repeat torturous behaviors with humans. Oh, wait a minute…
Worse, "dr." Fauci attached tubes into the intestines of orphans in which toxic poisons were given them. They died of course. And since they were "orphans" and had no one who cared for them....this crime was never confronted. The "man" is another Mengele. Jay is covering up for a monster and should be ashamed. Are you, Jay?
If every single pandemic from the past, including Covid, ends with the same defeated exclamation that “the virus has spread anyway”, now coupled with Fauci saying that he knew "there would not be a clear end to the pandemic"; and the world would need to learn to "live indefinitely with COVID”, then perhaps they are a tell-telling sign that all these assertions rather reflect an erroneous and incomplete science in regards to the true nature of so-called “germs”?!
Therefore, rather than keep regurgitating illogical fallacies, whether they are for or against Fauci, maybe it’s time to reexamine the current epidemiological paradigm from the foundation once and for all?
Because I tell you, we do nothing otherwise to bring any added value since there are many “Faucis” all over the world who, like bad religion, still hold onto archaic 12th century beliefs, that in their implementation only enhance the dehumanization.
I'll tell you now, Fauci is a eugenist and a scumbag CIA/NIH asset. There will be no re-examination of what these elitist globalist scumbags have done to humanity. Look in the mirror, you are the lab rat!
I don’t think you understood my comment. My issue is not with Fauci but with all those “truth warriors” who wear white hats but unbeknownst to them do black work, and by that enable these eugenists to do their Frankenstein’s work unabated.
Bhattacharya et. al. keep holding onto archaic and unsubstantiated science, which by now has become heavily supported by technological “sleight of hand”, that they can no longer see for themselves that the entire paradigm is simply illogical and unsubstantiated.
In other words, all those who have their best intentions on saving humanity has no inkling that they actually solidify its enslavement by maintaining the same Germ Theory verbiage, without a pinch of awareness to actually go back and identify its faulty foundation.
Instead, everyone is locked-in onto the upper convoluted layers of what has become an overly complex system that generates the illusion of expertise and therefore, a buffer between those who “know” and those who “don’t”, as a means to control others. The fact that the Germ Theory has been regurgitated over and over for the past 200 years, poses even much greater challenge. Because it is now cemented in humanity’s cellular memory as “truth”.
Thus, if one truly wants to fight the looming darkness they should invest all their efforts in proving the invalidity of the Germ Theory once and for all. Because then all it’s derivatives, as inefficient measures (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines) that never really worked in the entire history of pandemics, other than providing a cheap placebo to an overly anxious and paranoid mind, fall down with it.
Not, however, focusing on scientists who hold it dear and close to their chests!
They're doing the same things the shamans have always done, depend on ignorance and fear to help them play the oldest game: King of the Hill.
I agree totally. This debate has been going on for decades, possibly centuries--
Is it "microbes" that cause disease or is it the fact that immune systems may be weakened and compromised by any of a number of factors....from poor nutrition, polluted water, chemical toxins in foods, 5-G...etc etc Some say Covid had as one of its "causes" the rollout of 5-G
Some scientists claim that contrary to current beliefs--no "vaccine" cured polio....polio was caused by the profligate use of DDT and other poisons and insecticides on food---when certain poisons were banned on food products "polio" miraculously went away. Some one wrote a book about it but I can't remember the name of it. Anyway, drug companies love to have a microbe to attack with "vaccines"...but the answers about the causes of our illnesses are likely multi faceted and more complex.
Indeed. Are you familiar with the Terrain Theory?
The Germ Theory is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories.
The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.
Conversely, and perhaps more egregious, is the fact that the Germ Theory has conditioned humanity to remove every inch of self responsibility and place it in the hands of society’s “saviors”.
The Germ Theory fits “human nature.” Ever ready to avoid responsibility and place causation outside himself, the individual apparently has found an easy scapegoat in the “bad” little organisms that flew about and “attacked” him.
It’s the paradigm that is the progenitor of the “black magic, by which human beings are conditioned to fear on call. If people are always reminded that they have to be afraid of something they have no control of, they become perfect putty for tyranny, while, as mass behavior, serve as an engine that keeps feeding the biotechnological Frankenstein machine.
And so rather than point a finger at that, all those so-called “truth warriors” aren’t aware that they actually solidify the oppressions they believe are the responsibility of the “other side”.
They aim at the tail of the dragon rather than its heart. Either they are an artifact of indoctrination, holding onto the same incomplete paradigm or they’re wary of going full heretic as it poses too much of a sacrifice. It can endanger their following and their collegiality, and that’s a price not many are willing to take.
Regardless, I find it extremely disappointing.
Yes I agree. The "germ theory" gives the warriors an enemy to fight and a reason to continue on inventing and producing toxic drugs to cure diseases that have at their roots....not germs, but poisons of various kinds or bad diet or 5-G or fluoridated water toxic radiation... whatever else makes us sick. Germs work as an explanation and they do not involve any arduous changes of venue or "life style" that the actual "causes of disease" may in reality require in order to cure them. Instead....with a lot of people sick....just roll out another "vaccine" and make billions on it.
What I’m trying to invoke in human beings is simple contemplation. I cater to simple common sense which, as it seemed, we have completely lost.
Instead of being busy on showcasing who has a “bigger hose”, by shuffling intricate jargon like a salad tosser, it would have been much more efficient if both scientist and lay men and women had asked themselves some simple questions, considering they truly cared about sovereignty and freedom:
1. Is a virus/bacteria/fungus sentient?
2. If not, how come they know they do something beneficial in one instance, and regressive in another to the host body? I.e. how come they can become “good” or “bad” if they are not sentient?
3. Why do scientists anthropomorphize constantly about something to describe its functions (a virus is defined as non living, and yet it’s constantly described as living, able to “jump” and be “killed”), if science is all about patterns that have clear, logical formulas that underlie them?
4. How come a senseless microscopic particle switches between discriminate and indiscriminate capacity to infect?
5. Does science, therefore, actually know how things really work on the foundation level or is it just a byproduct of anthropomorphized abstract explanations repeated over and over again throughout the years, that have become irrefutable scientific truths?
These questions are a good starting place. They should be brought up in every opportunity of human gathering, regardless of age, to invigorate the proper introspection that can then initiate the transformation needed for paradigm shift. Because this is a deep one. People don’t know what they’re afraid of, but surely they’re afraid. It’s ingrained in their cellular memory.
I believe its the only way because practically no one is focused on the foundation level, not knowing that the foundation is the base structure that holds everything. And if they’re busy focusing on trying to dismantle the “upper floors”, they achieve nothing!