Your story is very inspiring. I’m grateful the fraud is being exposed and your credibility is being restored. I was encouraged when you spoke about your faith pointing you to forgive the people that were disparaging you - it seems many scientists were steered away from faith because it cannot be “proven.” Forgiveness is difficult, but holding unforgiveness, as the saying goes, is “like drinking poison and thinking the other person will die.” Better to forgive and move on that live with the bitter poison of unforgiveness. Keep up the great work you are doing!

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Great to see you getting out there. Your interview with Paul Thacker was great. I really think now is the moment when mainstream public opinion can be steered back to saner waters.

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Killin it! (Figuratively, not literally…)

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Thank you so very much, Dr Bhattacharya, for all the work you and your colleagues have done in restoring some honor to academic research. I believe there must be a better way to fund good research than our current NIH circus. In the past, when I couldn’t sleep, I would check out the funding search part of the NIH site and see if anyone I knew hauled in a serious grant. I would go down the rabbit hole and see millions being spent on research that I was aware was ridiculous. I often wondered who made these decisions. I have found it is no longer easy to navigate the NIH website. Do you know why or what has changed?

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Thank you for standing up for humanity!! Fighting the mass formation psychosis must have been a daunting challenge. Thank you for you courage! Historically years from now humanity and science will look back to this case and say this was a pivotal point in history for the better.

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The problem is not the spread of mis-, dis- or malinformation (an educated citizen can easily tell apart one from the other; does not need a government for that task)

The problem is, that American citizens can only ELECT politicians that are entirely OWNED by the military-industrial-financial-pharma-complex.

As long as lobbyists are on the loose, billions doled-out and not being called BRIBES, nothing will change.

Remember what Roosevelt and Kennedy had to say about this topic ? Wise men indeed !!

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Excellent interview. I’ve been mulling over the part where you discussed the difference between real scientific consensus and political scientific consensus (my words). There must be different ways than just “rebuild trust”.

For many of us, our trust in institutions has been severely eroded for a multitudinal of reasons (and I come from a family of government workers who understands the vast majority of them. are just trying to do the best job they can for the people).

Specifically, I’m thinking of RFK Jr., who says trust the science when it comes to climate change, but don’t trust the science (aka read it for yourself albeit without an advanced scientific degree) when it comes to vaccines.

It’s crazy making.

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We learned from knowing Fauci that he’s a liar! He singlehandedly destroyed any trust in the NIH, the CDC, Big pharma, the drug companies, his science! Then we found the Biden admin was whacked and were colluding for profit to knowingly cause harm to the citizens of the world. (Or is that just what I’ve concluded)? I immediately put up my wall of resistance with mandatory vaccines! I believed those speaking truth, even when they were labeled Conspiracy theorists! I’ve listened to you in the past, recognized your name when I heard you were a guest on Russel Brands podcast! My thought is anyone wanting to determine what is disinformation are disingenuous people! They can’t set themselves up as God knowing all, as you said they truly got most everything wrong. They’re unfaithful to the good people of the nation! They should be ran out town! They are those with an agenda! Because they didn’t make sense! Telling us that science wasn’t science anymore, and just to believe them on that. Scammers change the rules midstream! I will seek out the truth, wishing more people would take the time to do just that! I’m thrilled to hear you sued Biden’s admin and won! This is great for the country, I hope you can get the support to continue your crusade! You are needed! Thanks so much!

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I also love how Jenin Younes sounds just like Kim from Better Call Saul.

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