The fact that now CNN is even allowing this discourse, is reason for optimism.

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This segment is noteworthy because at least one on-air personality at CNN allowed Jay to make his points. The host also did a good job of framing the Missouri v. Biden case. You can still tell he's leaning toward more government censorship or trying to defend this in certain instances.

Our side wins in a rout in our effort to show that it was the authorized narrative that was really "Misinformation" - and deadly misinformation at that.

I'm still concerned about that language that makes me think it might be okay for the government to suppress or censor speech about "elections" and possible foreign influence in our elections. That narrative is just as bogus and ridiculous.

The people who say they are concerned about rigged elections are almost-certainly the ones rigging the damn elections.

And they want to do this with the next big election as well - which is why they want to KEEP pressuring these social media companies to keep pushing their bogus storylines. I actually think this is why Tucker Carlson was fired at Fox News. The Powers that Be didn't want his monologues to perhaps prevent their efforts to steal the 2024 presidential election ... or allow him to continue to have a chance to influence the outcome of this pivotal election. FWIW and IMO, "their candidates" HAVE to win that election. So suppressing any commentary that suggests our elections are rigged is very important to these Big Brother disciples.

It's not Russia that's rigging elections. It's not Russia that's eradicating our civil liberties and freedoms. It's our own government.

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Except now the link doesn’t work. I’ve been trying for 10 min

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If the arrogance of Government in assuming medical omniciance is not bad enough, the irrefutable results of their 100% COVID management failure rate completes how bad is bad. In a true Democracy those who choose to inject Government recommended toxins have that right. Those who choose to not inject have that same right. Each should do so with their own resources; insured or not. Our Government took our tax dollars, bought voluminous amounts of toxic drugs with that money and then forced us to inject those drugs through various forms of freedom usurpation. We have a small window of opportunity to fix this nightmare in the next major election.

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Now, they are discussing vaxxing people who are not exposed to malaria, monkey pox, or whatever strikes Gates' fancy, that is not even indigenous! Also, applying harder lockdowns during pandemics. GET! THE! DNC! OUT! NOW! Anybody remember that Gates is not even a B.A.? Oh! And, Dr. Tedros does not hold a doctorate in discipline.

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Gotta give you kudos, Jay! 🙌

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Ditto. ❤

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Way to go Jay! Let’s get this up to the Supreme Court and lock it down.

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The government was not merely protecting its own misinfirmation. It was protecting its ability to control the nararrtive on any and every issue. The government actually does not care what is information and what is misinformation. They only care about controlling (brainwashing) the public minds and getting them to do their bidding--exactly what the foreign communist governments have been accused of doing by the West.

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The Federal Government is a front for the Central Bank Investors, its associated Corporations, with politicians and bureaucrats managing the entire show.

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Any possibility of a lawsuit for damages coming out of this?

It's great that they've been ordered to stop violating people's 1st Amendment rights. But if they suffer no consequences for their wrong-doing, what's to stop them from rolling the dice and trying again?

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If this court injunction against censorship holds (after appeals), then at the very least, the person violating the injunction can be held in contempt of court. More likely, the judges will specify the nature of punishment for violators of the injunction.

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Who will pursue contempt of court? In the case at hand, it was state AG's funding the effort, and joined by private citizens as plaintiffs.

It took a hell of a lot of legal effort (and expense) to even discover what the federal govt was doing behind the scenes. Let's level the playing field.

Let the blood-sucking ambulance-chasers pursue the big pay-off by awarding monetary damages for these sorts of violations of people's 1st Amendment rights. I don't think this is a thin legal argument at all. The plaintiffs suffered an injury requiring redress.

Something more attention-getting than, "You got caught, Federal Government. Try not to do it again."

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We owe a massive debt of gratitude to Dr Bhattacharya. There are few figures throwing sand into the gears of this totalitarian machine and he has been from the beginning, at great personal expense. We can’t know how this will all unfold, but we must hope that the silent majority wakes up and starts using their God given right to speak without fear of repercussion so that they can retain this right. We cannot shake off the toxic landscape of the pandemic soon enough and reclaim our autonomy over body, mind, and spirit.

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Thank you, Dr. Bhattacharya! It was voices like yours, early on in the pandemic, that gave some comfort and hope to those of us who thought the world had gone mad. I signed the Great Barrington Declaration myself in those early months and forwarded it to anyone who would listen. Please keep being that voice of reason for those of us who feel we have no voice.

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The Federal Government is a front for the Central Bank Investors, its associated Corporations, with politicians and bureaucrats managing the entire show.

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What both are missing is that social media companies, being chartered by government, are PART OF the government and should be subject to 1st Amendment restrictions just like the rest of government. IOW, censorship by corporations is illegal regardless whether the formal government is encouraging it or not.

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Finally link works! I’m in shock CNN is coming around.

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the link doesn't work, how curious that CNN might not want it to be seen...

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And it won’t play for me 😖

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Very good discussion.

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