Feb 4Liked by Kevin Bass

This is an astounding story. I simply cannot fathom the ideological capture that is going on in our institutions. How is it possible that so many bad ideas are clung to so tightly? I am so terribly sorry for what you have endured. The experiences you describe are traumatic especially because they were inflicted upon you by other people and even worse in a place where you must have we felt you belonged. Clearly thinking for yourself didn’t agree with the thinking these people valued. That’s the scary part. . Your words are chilling “In doing so, it creates widespread dysfunctions in all the social and political institutions of the West.” I completely agree. I hope and pray that you don’t allow what happened to diminish you in any way. Your course is altered but you can adjust. The experience was utterly unfair and inhumane but life is not fair and bad things happen to good people all the time. I’ve listened to you throughout including early on when you were all in on the narrative to your transformation when you realized so much was wrong. I find you fascinating. You are brilliant in a wacky kind of wonderful way. A real inspiration for your willingness to be humble and for your utter moral clarity. It is tempting to lie to yourself to go along to get along. But you didn’t and couldn’t because that’s not who you are. Given what is going on in the institutions you are better served and can do more from outside of that rigid restrictive structure filled with half baked ideas that are destined to fail after wreaking havoc. Better you have the freedom to avoid taking part in that. I have no doubt a place for you is waiting. It will be better than the place you left. Whatever you do—‘don’t let the bastards bring you down!’ Life threw you a wrench but that IS life.

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Perfectly expressed!

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Feb 4Liked by Kevin Bass

So glad you're telling your story, Kevin. As you know, you're far from the only one this has happened to. That whole deal was corrupt from the word go. I'm writing from Canada and our guys (in government) were more over the top than most other places - but they were (and are) mainly just professional followers trying outdo other countries.

Keep on keepin' on.

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Exactly!! FOLLOWERS! When people give up their agency, become intellectually lazy, quit questioning, dismiss religion as well as the Bill of Rights ( United States), they ARE subject to tyranny! Haven’t we as a people, as a nation seen more than enough of tyranny and horrendous bloodshed in the bloody Twentieth Century?

As a young person back in the 50’s and 60’s, I couldn’t understand HOW people in the world could accept and embrace the horrors of NAZIism and communism which murdered well over 100 million people in the 20th century!

And then I watched in horror precisely how that evil expressed itself once again over the past several years— in out own nation as well as all of western civilization! Shocking, educational, humiliating, sobering! We live in a time of urgency to wake up, accept responsibility for stupid, and move forward by retrieving the founding of what all of western civilization, that gem of the past 2,500 years!

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I noticed that David Pate was one of those who was writing the Dean of your school seeking to have you dismissed. You might have some small measure of revenge by reviewing his book on the pandemic. It contains a number of recommendations that not have stood the test of events.


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Well I called the president and the board of regents and left a message… basically try and read the room guys , the narrative on COVID hoax that they supported baselessly is getting flipped over and if they think their ivory tower is a safe space check out Harvard, MIT and Penn States latest shake up. The suggestion was made to do damage control to their already sullied reputations and start by a public formal apology to you and drop the criminal trespass trumped up nonsense. Basically find their moral compass if they ever had one and do what’s right before Mr Bass has an invite to Tucker Carlsons show and it goes viral.

Hope that helps , and remember the guy at the front desk that you enjoyed talking to about God … well he said God had plans for you, I believe it , I expect I’ll be hearing great things about you K ,Bass ! Hold the line

God Bless,


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No one could get through to you prior to you experiencing your own medicine. If that's what it took for you, what hope do we have for the millions still on the Narrative Train who will never get a taste of their own meds? You are a better man for standing firm. I hope we can all hold on to the words of the Apostle - We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

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I became a big fan of yours when I saw your 1/30/23 Newsweek article! I was so impressed that a mainstream magazine allowed your opinion to be printed, that I wrote a short Substack about it on THIS day last year, February 4, 2023: https://open.substack.com/pub/foxyheterodoxy/p/its-time-for-the-scientific-community?r=1qba3o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

What they are doing to you is a travesty. If I had heard about this three years ago, there is NO way I would have believed your side of the story. But now that we have seen how "they" have treated other "dissidents" in similar fashion, it is entirely believable. (Big thanks to "The Illusion of Consensus" for featuring your plight.)

I will pray that this awful situation is resolved favorably, and I will certainly help tangibly as well. Stay strong!

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Very sorry to hear about what happened to Mr. Bass. As someone on Twitter said, religions cannot be kind to their apostates. But as far as I can tell, Mr. Bass is still ONLY PARTIALLY AWAKE. While he acknowledges the harms of lockdowns and the issues with vaccine safety, he still does not seem to realize that his profession was systematically killing patients by denying them effective early treatments, and then imposing deadly protocols once hospitalized... I hope I am wrong, and would love to be corrected.

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Yes, the buck stops at the denial of effective early treatments that were safe enough. There is no justification to direct anger at those refusing experimental gene shots, when safer and more effective alternatives were available. If you don't get that as a medical student, you are choosing the wrong profession, a profession where you play a role in life and death, and you must choose wisely. If you refuse to see an elephant in your professional home, get another profession.

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Your story Kevin continues to reveal the weaponization of all institutions against both the common man and deviance of other voices. There is no room now for two different “theologies”. Its not just medical, as its happening everywhere. Dissent will no longer be tolerated. Its really like we are living in the age where the popes on their thrones voiced their opinions and it became law—those that deviated were consigned to the heretic status or burnt at the stake by the authorities. What came from that misuse of power is the Protestant reformation which provided countering views to the unbiblical theology of the popes. The big question is why is this compliance culture happening everywhere?

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Kevin, thank you for documenting this nitemare. Not trying to be critical as a writer, but on a first read, I found the story hard to understand what actually happened. You jump right into a controversial situation without providing greater context and then the narrative jumps. Now maybe in a longer narrative, such as in a book, this might might sense, but in a short article, it feels like I am one step behind you. Thank you for your work and may the Lord bless you.

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Respectfully, I disagree. Visiting a pharmacy without police? Why on earth are police involved in pharmacy pick-ups? I was instantly intrigued and couldn't put down an essay I probably would have otherwise overlooked.

Kevin, I agree the undue abuse you and your family have and continue enduring is abhorrent and unfortunately contagious throughout the medical/healthcare industrial complex. God bless you.

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Bro you sound insane. Classic narcissistic personality disorder.

I thank god you will never get anywhere near a patient and I feel bad for your poor ex wife and kid who have you and your shameful legacy hanging like an albatross around their neck.

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I don’t have NPD or any other PD. I have been assessed. My children mean the world to me and love me. I don’t write angry comments insulting other people on the Internet. You do. I will be a doctor. I hope you find peace.

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You’re delusional. You will never practice medicine.

If you loved your kids you’d delete twitter and your substack and go get a real job and take care of them. But you don’t. You only love and care about yourself and the attention you get from others.

As far as “angry comments online…” Get real dude—your entire online presence to date consists of writing so many angry or smug or dumb comments that it literally ruined your life.

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I would rather be dead than be the kind of man you have shown yourself to be. It's laughable that you think it's virtue that motivates you. My children will know courage. Yours will crawl like you.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 6

Your children will know an creepy loser who got himself kicked out of a lucrative career providing for them because he couldn’t keep his dorito-stained mouth shut. They’ll be embarrassed of you throughout their school years and slowly cut contact as adults. They’ll be closer to their stepdad who has a normal job and hobbies. You’ll get a courtesy invite to their weddings.

You’re an unemployable halfwit, not Joan of Arc.

I don’t have to waste characters here telling you that. You know it deep down inside when you look in the mirror every morning.

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Lucrative career😂I did MD/PHD because I was idealistic. I'm not like you who thinks being a hospital appliance for low six figs while working 80 hr/wk starting in one's 30s with >130+ IQ is a "lucrative career". If you did this shit for the money then there's something seriously wrong with you.

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Again with the self-aggrandizement. Narcissist.

How much money does an unemployable blogger with a $282 legal gofundme make? More or less than “low six figures?”

What kind of man trashes his life, divorces his wife, and leaves his kids with no inheritance over fucking internet fame and sexually harassing nurses?

You can condescend all you want but you’re nothing compared to the doctors and nurses doing actual hard work in the hospital or clinic. You’re a lowlife two bit scammer who can’t hack it in the real world, dude. And you know it.

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I think the most revealing part of your diatribe is just how enraged you are that Kevin should seek and receive support. It is striking to me that when the mob goes after someone they seek total destruction. There is no empathy whatsoever for another human being. A fallible one for sure but for the new moral puritans no deviance is allowed. If you are unable to see yourself in an honest light how can you judge anyone else? If you are unable to accommodate differing viewpoints how can you know the views you hold are sound? You cannot. All you can do is fit in with the crowd.

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why do all your comments sound like a C-average classics major who took a blow to the head? Is this some new, more boring chatgpt engine writing this?

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Sure I know you think you are a big and independent thinker but you are also nasty and petty. I wonder why? As for ideology there is no question that universities and medical boards are going after people who are not completely adhering to the we exact COVID narrative dictated from on high. This hasn’t ended with COVID however it’s getting worse. Doctors are expected to adopt political and economic concerns of conflicted/corrupted bodies at the expense of patients. I don’t know all the details but I know for certain that as soon as Kevin diverged from the narrative he was persecuted. Who knows what happened after things got hostile. It’s happening in institution after institution in the very same way. He is not unique in that regard.

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You are a great reflection of the current fake virtue signaling crop of attack dogs deluding themselves into thinking they are morally superior. All the institutions and people who perpetrated so much damage these past few years deserve criticism and derision. it will take decades to recover from the damaged caused by half baked ideas forcefully imposed. Does that matter at all or are we all supposed to spend our days feeding the egos of those in ivory towers?

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

Kevin is no hero. He’s being drummed out of medical school because of he’s unreliable, incapable of meeting his commitments, harasses colleagues on the job, and is generally in fit to be entrusted with the responsibility of caring for others. He knows this, but pretends as if there’s an ideological crusade against him rather than a straightforward dismissal.

He’s got enough low cunning to know that the school won’t comment on the details of his expulsion and therefore he can pretend he’s being persecuted for his political speech—a strategy tailormade to fool rubes like you who have priors that make you the perfect mark for his grift. Let me guess—he has a “legal fund” to donate to?

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Oh look - a little instrument-of-the state NPC.

Do tell Mike DeBakey. How is Kevin Bass standing up against unjust Authoritarianism “classic narcissistic personality disorder”?

(NOT standing up is cowardly, craven compliance).

People who fell for what was an obvious global propaganda campaign, and are now realising they were beautifully, perfectly-played, are still trying to save face by pretending it was real and that anyone who questioned it was just recklessly indifferent to “saving lives!”

Grandma and all that other emotional/feelz manipulation they knew everyone would fall for.

Medical schools, and the medical profession as a whole, are the most targeted cohort on the planet for propaganda and manipulation (those billions of dollars of pharmaceutical drugs won't sell themselves you know! They need human vending machines).

I'm surprised at this late stage of the game you don't recognise that, and are still so naive and gullible, 4 years later.

What was done to Kevin Bass was a gross display of mob ignorance-in-action. Anyone who participated should feel utterly ashamed.

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Spot on!!

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Obviously, you have no grasp or knowledge of what a personality disorder is!

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Wow, dude, after reading through the comments on this thread, there's only one person that seems to have some sort of personality disorder, and that's you. I'm not going to attempt to diagnose which one it is, but you should probably talk to your doctor about it.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

As a parent ofvaxx injured kids from one shot each in 88 and 99 , a retired hospice & chronic care licensed care giver, and a daughter whose mother was injured & killed by 2 Moderna Shots. & have lost most of my family except for my 2 boys & husband: Im glad you are speaking out. Sadly however its people lke you used to be who destroyed my life and my childrens health. Drs have the ULTIMATE responsibilty to protect their patients. Unfortunately its bern laid bare that almost ALL medical providers are either completely ignorant and/ or ethically compromised by $ or Hubris. All institutions like CDC FDA HHS JAMA AMA And all others are utterly corrupt BY DESIGN. Anyone questioning this can go to The Corbett Report and find his documentary , Rockefeller Medicine. It exposes the Western medical system since the 1880s. The truth has been inverted completely. I saw it in my medical work and extensive experience with hispitals & Drs since. Its a death cult. I hope you Never ever trust Authority EVER again.

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You have truly stuck your neck out and your story is important as you were like John Campbell from the UK who supported this. I saw the managed videos of Wigan people dropping suddenly on the street as amateur night and thought the public would never fall for it. I Split from my partner who got 3 jabs and now we are back together but he shakes at night all but improving.

Surgeon General with all those little Military barbels on their lapel, tell what the medical profession is - an extension to the Defense industry. It’s unfortunate that it attracts well meaning people and then they are bound to an oath outside of the Hippocratic one to never step out of line from the general at the top.

I live in New Zealand and have many Dr friends that have been through this very shameful process. An eye surgeon decided to give up on his practice given he saw no safety or efficacy behind the jab as well as be alienated from his nurse daughter who didn’t like him talking to a mutual friend who suffered from myocarditis after the jab ?? It’s a strange thing to witness the complete dumbing down of critical thinking so people just believe and repeated phrase over and over : safe and effective.

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I don't understand the original tweet. What is the correct interpretation of it? Hoping Kevin Bass will respond, not looking for anyone else's guesses.

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Silly, you should have just claimed you were Trans and cried bigotry and trans hate.

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I saw that original story. It gave me hope.

The evil we are living in the midst of, is palpable nowadays... the way it hadn't been for a long time. I am so glad there are humans out there awakening to it, and being brave in the face of it, like you, Kevin Bass! Please tell us how you realized that your former stance was wrong -- you skipped over it in this essay. Good karma coming your way, assuredly! :-)

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You left the ranks of your oppressors, but you must understand them in a way that I cannot, as I was clear on what was going on from the beginning, only because of life lessons learned the hard way. What brought you out of the fog and into reality. Why do you think smart medics and scientists are incapable of seeing the truth on this issue. It all seems so obvious to me; I struggle that so many educated people are defending lies. And the lies would and should be obvious to those with a modicum of education in science. If the medical establishment can't participate in healthy skepticism, how can we trust its members to respond intelligently to individual health imbalances.

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