Hi everyone,
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya just participated in a striking roundtable discussion hosted by Governor DeSantis and Dr. Ladapo on Florida’s first grand jury report. Dr. Martin Kuldorff and Bret Weinstein also participated.
Watch by pasting this URL in your browser or going to DeSantis’ X page:
- The Illusion of Consensus team (travelling doing some important work at the moment!)
What is the point of any Grand Jury which does not discuss the most important issues ,the mRNA COVID injections and the coercion to be injected with them ,the deaths and disabilities they have caused and continue to cause on an ongoing basis?
Promises that they will look at the issue or injectables in the future are just not good enough.
I am really disappointed in Ron De Santis and his Surgeon General. I had expected better from them.This seems nothing but a pointless white washing exercise.
It’s rearranging of the deckchairs on the Titanic while ignoring the iceberg in the form ofCOVID 19 MRNA injectables.
I always beg for transcripts. One reason Tucker has so many readers is he posts transcripts for all of his things with the video. I would love to read this. Autotranscribers are free/cheap. Many of us would be grateful forever if you posted transcripts to all of these video/audio presentations. Otherwise, the valuable content will just be missed.