First Q+A With Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Rav Arora Tomorrow!
Leave your questions in the comments below.
Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce Dr. Jay and Rav will be hosting the first Illusion of Consensus Q+A session tomorrow.
We were initially planning on inviting readers to join us live on the Callin platform for a recorded live Q+A, but the podcasting platform has caused several technical glitches on our end, recently.
Until this is resolved, we invite you to ask us any questions surrounding censorship, Covid, government policy, and consensus in science in the comments sections below. Please drop your questions with your name if you like and a potential link to your website/social media account/business to help spread the word out. This is a growing community and we would like to help promote you just as you are helping promote us.
We will pick as many interesting, thought-provoking questions as we can and feature your names and linked websites in a Q+A Substack post.
As promised, this is an exclusive feature for paid subscribers — those who are able to afford pitching in on a monthly or yearly basis to help fuel this independent new media project. For those who would like to participate, we encourage you sign up as a paid member. Since both Rav and Jay no longer rely on legacy institutions to support and platform their work, your support goes a long way in ensuring them complete freedom of thought:
Stay tuned: upcoming interviews with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Mattias Desmet, and more!
— The Illusion of Consensus Team
What is the evidence that asymptomatic transmission (as opposed to pre-symptomatic) was a clinically significant factor in the spread of COVID-19. Keith Dudleston
Thank you for doing this! Here is one of the main questions that I, as a pediatrician, get these days, I would love your opinion on it: given that the medical establishment (FDA, AAP, etc) blatantly torched its credibility in recommending Covid shots for children and adding them to the immunization schedule, should we still believe them about the rest of the childhood immunization schedule? Is the corruption/deception/groupthink entirely a post-Covid product, or do we need to reassess all the 1980s/1990s recommendations, too? I know for a fact that the pediatric Covid vaccine trials were a joke because I followed them in real time, but the other vaccines were already on the schedule before I even got to med school and I took them for granted - are those studies to be trusted?
Thank you!
Ps my post on Covid vaccine absurd’s kiddie trials here: