I’ve been covering the FDA and psychedelic therapy for the last few years. The FDA’s recent decision to reject MDMA-assisted therapy combines two of my biggest interests.
As a result, I’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and resources to cover and examine this major decision. I’m excited to start releasing content on this very soon.
On Friday, we recorded a nearly 4-hour podcast where I had on a member of the FDA's advisory committee - Kim Witczak - who voted against MDMA therapy and Dr. Matt Johnson, a leading psychedelic researcher at Johns Hopkins.
We went through every concern brought up on the MDMA trials and navigated some serious points of disagreement. The podcast is now being edited by our production team, planned for release in a couple of days.
I also have multiple articles coming out on this soon. Stay tuned.
Let me know if you have any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions.
Thank you for taking on this topic. These drugs, in the hands of skilled therapists, can be game changers. Appreciate you are willing to have open discussions and discuss the potential.
Does anyone actually think FDA approval is a sign of quality any more?
It's "safe" and "effective", no?
Can't wait!
MDMA = MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine, right?
Thank you for taking on this topic. These drugs, in the hands of skilled therapists, can be game changers. Appreciate you are willing to have open discussions and discuss the potential.