Kudos to Alex for his solid analysis of Covid vax safety problems, but I am disappointed that he failed to apply the same rigor to analyze the benefits of therapeutics (eg HCQ and Ivermectin) and the scientific fraud perpetrated by the Establishment therapeutic “studies” designed to fail.

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Well, I gave it my best shot. The entire conversation was pretty good until the end when Alex talked about RFKjr. OMG. Sometimes he should just listen to himself AND he should listen to what RFKjr actually says.

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RFK Jr says that autism is probably caused by a toxic soup that we’re living in now, he’s doesn’t point the finger at Vaccines alone. He is for more studies.

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Fantastic interview! So very grateful! Thank you!

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Fear is the strongest emotion. It always changes your behavior. It makes you do irrational things. Love and hate don't necessarily have that effect. Even animlas have fear.

Evolution has created a complex sympathetic nervous system to respond to short-term fear. But this pandemic created long-term fear--lasting months and years. This is bad for everybody's health who fell for the fear propaganda.

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Minor point of clarification for Alex. As a nurse I quickly learned how to navigate the VAERS system and followed entries closely after the vaxx rollout. I was appalled at the number of hospice patients who were jabbed and died within a day or two. Those deaths of course are not “counted” because these are hospice patients expected to die. What rationale could possibly exist for vaxxing them, other than willful negligence, stupidity and/or a desire to hasten their deaths. Evil.

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I enjoyed that interview, but I would be really curious to know what Alex thinks RFK Jr has gotten wrong. He would do a better job in a debate than Hotez in any case, mostly because he might be willing to learn something he doesn’t know while thinking he does.

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Loved pretty much all of this podcast...until the very end where Rav asked Alex about other vaccines and dismissed RFK, Jr. I suggest you invite him on the pod (well, another pod that's more relevant) and let the man defend himself against the "kook" allegations. For instance, why do we give the Hep B vaccine to one day old babies? It's INSANE. We aren't supposed to ask questions as mothers. Listen and do as you are told, don't ask questions. Dtap *during* pregnancy? Hell to the no....unless you show me the safety studies (don't go looking, there aren't any.)

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

The studies allegedly exonerating vaccine-induced autism are all greatly flawed. To read how they are flawed, read Turtles All the Way Down.

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Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms are self-contradictory. “Freedom” from fear was the justification of the Biden Administration for censoring Alex. Freedom is properly defined as: the absence of physical coercion. If you are serious about free speech, it is imperative that you emphasize the proper definition and apply it consistently. The inconsistencies over 100+ years are what put us in this situation. For example, we should identify that “freedom from want” does not and cannot exist; the only way for Roosevelt to deliver on the “freedom from want and fear” promise was to negate legitimate freedom - i e to coerce a segment of the population, through forced taxation or inflation, to provide for the needs of those in want. Similarly, to provide “freedom from fear”, some people will need to be censored - reporting of the truth can be extremely frightening.

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Perhaps worth considering that the “Left” and the “Right” are actually just two different versions of collectivism. There isn’t a party that consistently represents the original American ideal of Individualism. The Libertarian Party occasionally stumbles upon elements of Individualism, but no one consistently defends individual rights - and the principle that government exists for the singular purpose of protecting individual liberty.

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Love you guys! Keep it up.

I would just say the Alex tends to be a little too quick to cancel people’s ideas. SV40 and McKernan’s work suggest links to “turbo-cancers” and Dr Peter McCullough is a serious scientist and recently agreed that maybe we should have listened to Andy Wakefield all those years ago when he suggested that there is a link to childhood vaccines and autism. Many doctors are re-examining the the sacred cows of “science” and discovering that it is filled with holes. Does he think the COVID vaccine sham and his persecution for questioning the orthodoxy was the first ever perpetrated?

Alex has a tendency to dismiss people as crazies without presenting a legitimate argument and I don’t love that.

Keep up the good work!

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Agreed. He is ' full of himself ' as we used to say. :)

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i disagree with the blanket RFK points disagreement ; poor safety studies etc. I think prior to such a blanket statement you should look further and listen further.

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The sound was much better than the previous podcasts. I love your content and whaaa you are doing. Ok I understand now that it was Alex that was pressed for time. Keep at it. I am sending your podcast to many of my clients.

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Great interview, Alex! Yes, I listened to the entirety. Even your long suffering (probably) wife’s cameo at the end 😂

Good stuff! I never watched “Homeland” but now I want to (at least a few episodes)

Good luck with Berenson vs Biden! (Like Lesley Nielsen says to the cockpit in the movie “Airplane” : “We’re all counting on you!” 😂👍🇺🇸

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