May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

Will you, at some future time discuss why natural immunity was suppressed so much? Also, why do we jump to the conclusion any vaccine was needed for SARS-COV2 when none had been developed successfully for SARS-COV1, and no isolation of the SARS COV2 happened in the US or China. We simply trusted the CCP with a genetic diagram of the virus. It was fully known this virus could not be isolated because it was so delicate and did not survive exposure to UV, it was blasted apart by UV exposure. Could you also tackle race effects from vaccines? It is prohibited in the mainstream media in the U.S. because the entire vaccine program would crumble if people knew. The order in which vaccines are administered makes a difference too — another important factor ignored by public health officials in the U.S.

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“The lunacy of incentivizing vaccination with donuts, ice cream, cheeseburgers, and weed”

If we’re fat and stoned, we’re less likely to fight tyranny (see brave new world, etc), so there’s some good strategy in that lunacy…

If y’all are interested in childhood obesity and fighting big pharma, y’all might like this on how the awful AAP now recommends ozempic for kids. Maybe they’ll put it alongside the Covid vaccine on the pediatric shot schedule soon ; )


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I really like the concept of this podcast and believe it’s extremely important to discuss. Please take my comments as constructive criticism and not political but what I observe. I find Jay to be exceptional. Pragmatic and balanced. Unfortunately, Rav is more word salad and talks too

Much about what he considers to be conspiracy theorists or people on the far right. I think it’s obvious this crisis was driven by people on the far left.

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My audio is episode 2

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This pile on by a fringe group is a social media phenomenon, and you are right to note that they have very little power, which I think is one reason for their anger. What happens too often is that the rest of vaccine skeptics get branded with the bad behavior of the fringe.

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I am a specialty medical physician who received my MD in 1980 and completed postgraduate training in 1986. In my opinion a major contributor to the monolithic response by the medical community to the pandemic was made possible by evolution of medical training emphasizing adherence to guidelines established by experts rather than independent assessment of research evidence and discussion with trusted colleagues. Would be very interested in Jay’s thoughts on this topic.

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I was looking forward to this podcast. I'm 61 (so not a short attention span millennial) and I lost patience about a third of the way through because you just. kept. repeating. the. same. points. over. and over. I'll listen to another one soon, but, whew...I was painting at the time, and it was like watching paint dry.

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Thank you very much Jay and Rav for deciding to do these podcasts!

I am really enjoying them. You are touching on aspects that I have heard very few people talk about in depth, if at all - the illusion of consensus being of course the main one, but also how science should work, the concept of "experts", the way the vaccine was pushed as a moral choice (that was a really interesting topic), the responsibility of public health and their representatives to be humble, honest, and to state what they don't know or if they have been wrong - it's so very true they have lost so much credibility and public trust by being the opposite, and by then doubling down on things.

I like how you discuss these, and other things, to a deeper level, trying to unpack what's underneath so much of what went on - philosophically and scientifically etc. I feel you are both trying to be as objective as possible, using reason rather than emotion (or politics) and are willing to criticise but not in outrage or in an emotive way - it's very refreshing. Great work! Thank you!

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Together the two or three of the biggest American multinational investment companies have a serious investment in big pharma and a powerful influence on government and own a significant proportion of mainstream and social media. These agencies appear to have worked together to censor covid skeptic voices. Big coincidence? Yes definitely.

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What proportion of so called "flu" infection are caused by the "influenza" virus.?

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It would be very interesting to know who these nameless people are who started these unacceptable and shameful attacks on this bereaved father. From where do they get their support and funding?

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