“This guy is not a kook campaigning against all vaccines for a decade.” Huh? People who campaign against all vaccines are not “kooks”. They are either parents whose children have suffered from severe vaccine adverse events or doctors and scientists who have studied the same harms and found significant correlation. I’m amazed you would write this.

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Campaigning against all vaccines is not reasonable. Campaigning against some, or one in particular (such as the mRNAs), is perfectly justifiable. I loathe black-and-white thinking where all of one thing is bad or good. Reality is usually always mixed.

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Rav, have you looked into the childhood vaccine schedule and the harms it has perpetrated? Personally, I have lost faith in vaccines as a way to prevent disease. This is not simply b/w thinking as you might assume. I'm willing to have my mind changed if you have non-CDC data. I'll come back with more for you to look at.

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Sane Franciscan, excellent comment. I could never get the doctors to explain to me why I should give my just born baby (not even out of the hospital) a shot for a sexually transmitted/IV drug use disease (Hepatitis B) when there was no risk to the child based on my own prenatal behavior.

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The answer was this was to condition you to think giving your child shots as they grew up was normal and expected. Also there were heavy metals in these new born shots. This is so you NEVER know what your child's brain would have been like with out heavy metals in it. Giving newborns NEURO toxic metals for their developing brains starts for a good generation of autism like behavior, and this is right after you are exhausted from giving birth so your resistance is too low to fight them back. You just don't have the energy to fight for your new child after just giving birth .

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I agree and it's the same during covid....they just sedated you upon entry to the hospitals so you could not fight for yourself, and kept any person out who could have advocated for you....IT WAS TRULY PREMEDITATED MURDER for govt corruption $$$. These ppl will not be in paradise with God.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

My son’s doctor insisting he get the first of a three shot HPV regimen as a 13-yr-old started my true vaccination education. I wish I’d paid more attention 15 years earlier. It was too easy being buffaloed to go with the herd. My own doctor of ten years got mad when I refused the pneumonia shot. It was buh bye to him.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

My doc of 20 yrs ALWAYS PUSHED PFARMa.... I got sick of it...never took his advice...testosterone therapy/statins/flu vaxx etc... He did convince me of tetanus b/c I am a carpenter working with my hands....BUT he gave me dTAP which is NOT just tetanus and he gave it again 3 yrs later! Wrong (it's every 10 yrs..malpractice).. and shows me he was just trying to hit quota $$ and not interested in my health. Damn the bastards, it is all coming out now that we were being used and manipulated for Pharma bonuses.

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KB, my spouse broke a bone (internal) and had a slight scratch on one hand. The ER insisted he needed a Tetanus shot and he refused (despite the PA and several nurses saying he needed it). I then researched it and found a study that showed preventative tetanus shots did little if anything. Your point about dTAP was also good.

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By the way if they were worried that you passed Hep B to your new born why wouldn't they simply do a blood test on you to see if you had it to pass it on to your baby?

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the hep shot was much more $$$ lucrative than a worthless test. It's all about the return.....thank you for obamacare! Now you know what 'death panels' really meant, if you ever heard that term before...it means with govt healthcare you are a plebe and of no more account than whoever is overseeing you. Communism, the individual is of NO WORTH....No-one is safe until everyone is safe...there you go, Bill Gates and the WHO and WEF and Klaus Schwab....they hate themselves, therefore they are out to destroy the world

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$$$ is the only reason. Money IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. FOLLOW THE MONEY....The bible is the authority on this truth.

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Actually it is "the love of money that is the root of all evil." But I see your point.

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I suppose you have read “ Turtles all the Way Down “ in its entirety.

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Correct. They ALL create auto immune diseases.

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My family has no trust in any injection because we have no confidence in science or doctors who have been trained in a Rockefeller construct. We will rely on good food and supplements and exercise and take our chances with being natural.

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Watch out for those supplements. A lot of our supplement companies have shady stuff going on. Owned in China? How much vitamin is in it and how much filler? Compare all supplements across the board for who owns it and what really is in it and the dosage of vitamin you are really getting.

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oh, I spend hours doing that...many good companies out there thank God...let them know you love and appreciate them

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and being on God's side...loving truth

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At 56, I probably had 3 jabs. Polio, Measles and Tetanus. A high school of 2k, we had one little short bus for some poor kids that had mental issues. That's about it. No allergies, no autoimmune issues, no peanut allergies, no ADHD, no autism etc and so on. I'm quite sure what passes for food and water these days also is a big factor. But right around when the country became jab happy and the childhood schedule exploded, suddenly all of the above took off like a rocket. What a coincidence..... Europe's childhood schedule is aboput half what we have here in the US and their kids are much healthier. They also don't allow tons of the ingredients and processes that we allow here for our "food". In addition to Turtles All the Way Down, look into Dr. Paul Thomas.His license was immediately permanently removed for studying jabbed vs unjabbed and releasing the results. Why can't the CDC just study the Amish comprehensively and release the results for all to see? Surely all of us "evolved" science lovers are far healthier than those savages, right? Surely the CDC has the manpower and the budget. Cmon Mandy "restore faith" Cohen- geter done!

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Goodness Chiadrum. I could have wrote what you said and many times did. LOL And I am 57 years old. Maybe at this age comes wisdom.

Though Mandy is just part of the depopulation agenda. I have no clue if she is too stupid to know what she is doing or knows what she is doing and is getting lots of money to say it and doesn't care. Doesn't matter. Her words are as toxic. You don't tell a sociopath they are a sociopath. They, 99 percent of the time, know they are a sociopath and enjoy being one. You walk away from them if you can or fight them some other way.

Now the global elite have the ability to ultimately control us even further than they have been doing and they aren' t just going to let that power go. Hitler would have loved these powers. First they want to ramp up the killings so there aren't so many to control then just control the rest. Sickos!

Listen to these tapes and read this article please. https://drrichardday.wordpress.com/audio/


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Thanks for that. Just a guess, but I believe Walensky and Cohen to simply be incomprehensibly dim ideologues. Fraudci on the other hand knows exactly what he is doing. Hell is far too cold a place for him.

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How nice for you that you don’t have a child born with a disability. The “short bus” was a god send for our family.

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I didn’t make any

Negative connotations. I just stated a fact.

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I have been an anti-vaxxer for over 50 years. Why am I still alive? The medical community wants everyone to believe they cannot survive without big pharma drugs, vaccines and now mRNA substances. All a giant pack of bold faced lies.

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Here it is. It is insane: Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age


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Vaccines Shortly after Birth Hepatitis B (HepB) ??


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And what is the percentage increase in sudden death of vaccinated infants 24 hours after vaccination and say one week after vaccinated versus newborns who didn't get any of the new born vaccinations? Inquiring minds what to know.

Oh Fauci! Fauci! Where are you? How about a double blind study of this please. I mean if you care Fauci about poor little babies getting Hep B then why not do a double blind study to conclude with evidence?

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I’ve been on disability since 2003. I had a booster shot to work in an autistic classroom. I trusted it. I was in the prime of my life. Still on disability at 57. So my personal experience, I beg to differ. I’m glad some people still have critical thinking skills.

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I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. (I have heard so many stories like that 😔)

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Thanks. I was so sick & exhausted it took a couple years to figure it out and stop blaming myself. A few years ago I started seeing an integrative medicine doctor, actually making progress again. The gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors was terrible and humiliating. I feel very fortunate now.

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Gaslighting, that’s the worst... And since 2020 it’s been happening to us on such a grand scale!

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My heart aches for all the jab injuried from the experiment . Definitely getting the gaslighting on a deeper level than I did.

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& working with those autistic children was the most rewarding job I had in my short career. Back then it was one in 148 American children.

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What’s the number now? I know it increases every year...

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I work with autistic students, too!

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Rav - I very much appreciate your reporting on this. My belief is that the Covid vaccine story - the fact that it was distributed so quickly and on such a wide scale and in the midst of such a captive audience - has a lot to do with why it is finding so many critics. Its context has made all the problems more on display for more people. I’m time I believe you will find that the problems are much deeper than the Covid vax. The attorney Aaron Siri is great at communicating why we should not be surprised about any of this - if we were to follow the history of vaccines and public health, beginning with the 1986 act of congress that indemnified vaccine makers from liability.

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I have listened to your podcast with Dr. Jay B and know he had mentioned how the measles vaccine, for example, has very different attributes than the Covid tax ones. And that is true! I think the important point is that vaccines cannot be presumed to be categorically wonderful (or necessarily bad) without specific investigation. VERY few people do that without a deep, culturally entrenched bias about the wonders they have performed, based on a vague and inherited mythology. Just like you say, it’s not black and white! But there is a LOT of harm in deception throughout.

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Sure, the measles vaccine is different from the current mRNA shots. They're "traditional." They are also combined with 2 other components, mumps and rubella, and cannot be found in a stand alone shot. But if "different" implies beyond reproach, there's lots to disagree on here. Recent measles outbreaks have been found to be the vaccine strain--not a wild-type. A very strong argument is easily made that the measles vaccines have perpetuated the proliferation of "variants," and in fact, have made pharma-free, true herd immunity next to impossible. We need to stop. And rebuild our health without the constant antagonism of synthetic substances.

If we could get out of these arguments that keep us trapped in the minutiae of one vaccine over another for half an hour or so, our minds could refresh themselves and let us see the whole thing anew. I recommend this beautiful short film. "Vaccine: A Conversation," by Mattias Olsson


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Suzanne - I completely agree with you. There are costs to all vaccines. Cost/benefit is a question for every single one - both for individuals and for the “herd” effects (as you mentioned). As a paradigm for health it gets way too much benefit of every doubt because of how we’ve been enculturated about them as being advanced (and therefore wonderful) medicine. The mumps component doesn’t work at all. The fact that the measles as a separate vaccine isn’t an available option is completely tied to shady business that goes back to the politics of the Wakefield scandal in 1998 because it WAS an option for a time. The war that pharma is waging for control doesn’t allow for any picking and choosing. It’s about maximizing what can be sold and what can be got away with.

I haven’t seen the documentary you linked and will check it out 👍

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Great little film! I appreciated it and donates to it!

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That link to VACCINE: A CONVERSATION no longer works.

Try this one. This is so beautiful. It will be worth 20 minutes of your time.


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I find it impossible that any single treatment can work perfectly for everyone, every time. But I'm a redneck whacko.

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the history of “vaccines” goes much further back to it’s origin in the UK … it was a clusterfuck then just as it is now. injecting foreign toxins into the human body DOES NOT generate immunity … it generates inflammation!!!! measuring antibody titres is not a guarantee of long lasting or robust immunity.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

It does seem that the health authorities, together with pharma, are not scrutinizing the holistic picture of how these many vaccine inteventions affect the human body, especially when given over a short period to the very young.

If you are referring to RFK Jr, I think this is his point. Not that vaccines are intrinsically bad. But that the industry and health authorities would prefer not to inquire whether the ever increasing childhood vaccine schedule is improving health overall or not. Safety testing is very short and narrowly focused, and never looks at the big picture of all these vaccines playing together in one small body.

So if that's your "kook campaigning against all vaccines for decades", I would respectfully ask you to consider whether your judgement may be a bit of black-and-white thinking picked up from a certain mainstream media :).

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I agree re the black-and-white thinking possibly going the other way. And I get it too! There is a kneejerk response to anyone who says they are an anti-vaxxer (I recently started calling myself one, but was aghast 3 years ago at being given that label when I started to question what we were being told about science & medicine in general and Vs specifically). I believe that anyone who is scientific who looks into vaccines properly will likely come away as an "anti-vaxxer".

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Same here! Unfortunately, took 2 Pfizer shots, 2nd one was the worst and scariest reaction that, thankfully, woke me up enough to have me research vaccine history. I’m a proud antivaxxer now...it’s unfortunate that I wasn’t previously.

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By the way, I'm an artist/musician and as of last year I joined my friend's band The Anti-Vaxxers. It's quite amazing, given what I thought I knew before, that I embrace that title now. This is one of his songs: https://robmyjob.bandcamp.com/track/va-inocracy

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That’s awesome. I’m in Marin and would love to meet you all!

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Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry to hear about the scary reaction. Like many who became awake to the multiple deceptions, I started to question so much these last 3 years. Found out a lot that shocked me!

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Heres a German physician who documented deaths and damage from vaccines written in 1800’s then copy written in early 1900’s. History repeats but they erase all history to keep us dumb.


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Bottom line, my grandma just passed at 106, grandpa was 93, other grandma was 93, great grandma was 92, great grandpa (raging alcoholic) was 85. And they worked their butts off and in the early days lived in squalid conditions. How did these people survive without the miracle of modern medicine and 75,000 jabs for every ailment known to man??? I highly doubt that today's generations will see anything close to that life span.

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Thank you !

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You're wrong. All vaxxes destroy the immune and create auto immune...ALL.

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This is one of the reasons that I don’t subscribe to your substack. You need to read Vax-Unvax and Turtles All the Way Down, and understand that it’s completely inappropriate to call the mothers of children who’ve been severely injured by the grotesquely named “well baby visits” kooks. They’ve been trying to warn others about the harms of mmr and Gardasil and other vaccines on the childhood immunization schedules for twenty years. They are not “kooks”!!! My grandnephew nearly died from a vaccine he received at age 2. Very fortunately, after 48 hours of hanging on for his dear life, he recovered. His pediatrician told my nephew and his wife that he had seen such terrible reactions before. They and all or our extended family were apalled that parents are not warned at all about such terrible reactions. Their second child, my grandniece, has not been vaccinated at all, and she’s far more healthy than her older brother. Stop labeling people who can see with their own eyes that many if not all vaccines are causing serious harm as “kooks”. You need to get educated about this. I signed on to write a comment similar to the one that Sane Franciscan wrote, and I’m amazed to see that you wrote the rebuttal you wrote. Please open your mind to the possibility that we’ve been sold dangerous vaccines before the Covid vaccines. I also have a new daugher-in-law who was severely injured by the Gardasil vaccine. I have a good friend whose pediatrician tried to sell her on giving the Gardasil vaccine to her teenage son. She was smart enough to refuse. Thank heavens! Get on board with what lots of mothers already know, or you will be viewed as the one in the dark.

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By the time teens leave high school they have had 73 vaccines. If you think filling a young person with aluminum and mercury is not going to affect their lives think again. Every injection has mercury and aluminum and goes tottally against nature.

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I respectfully disagree and I bet on good old fashioned pure natural ways of living and wellness. My immediate family have been covid free - at least no symptoms.

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I agree that reality is complex, and I am not necessarily strictly against all vaccines myself. However, it is not obviously unreasonable to oppose all vaccines. That is an argument that needs to be made, e.g. that all vaccines cause auto-immune and other side effects that outweigh any advantage gained, vs. the counter-argument that this or that vaccine does in fact stimulate immunity against a disease that is otherwise likely to be contracted and would do more damage than the vaccine. Either side is a reasonable position of debate, and should not be dismissed out of hand as "black-and-white thinking."

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Have faith in the immune system God gave you, better than any vaccine. Especially in youngsters their immune system can fight any disease. They doin't need the influx of Mercury and aluminum they will get with these shots.

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Please also pay attention to the Hepatitis B vaccine that is now routinely recommended to unsuspecting parents to be given to their newborn baby during day 1 or 2, before they leave the hospital! That newborn baby has ZERO risk of coming down with Hepatitis B. The vaccine is a chemical cocktail, completely unnatural for that newborn. The only purpose there could possibly be for recommending that vaccine at birth, plus the vaccines that pregnant women are now recommended to take, is so that the parents will never know what their very healthy baby would have looked and felt like. In that case, the harms of future vaccines at 3 and 6 and 9 months will seem “normal” to those parents. It’s unbelievable what is done unsuspecting moms and to the youngest members of our society.

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hahahaha, thank you for making me laugh out loud … a “kook” is a person who opposes vaccines?

what would you call Peter Hotez who sees everyone who doesn’t take a vaccine as a domestic terrorist?

i’ve worked in healthcare for 20 years … knowing what i know now, if i could go back in time i would undo EVERY SINGLE vaccination i subjected myself to … i work in the front lines. good hygiene practices are the way to go! not injecting adjuvants, metals like aluminum/mercury … but i guess i’m just a kook.


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so being just a little murderous is ok. some of us do have a conscience, NO THANKS

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Rav, while I appreciate your writing on this important topic, I would ask that you please reevaluate your two sentences.

“This guy is not a kook campaigning against all vaccines for a decade”.

“I loathe black-and-white thinking where all of one thing is bad or good”.

If anyone needs assistance, the implication is clear that black-and-white thinking has taken place in the original statement.

The article is an important one...about redemption through humility. You would gain much respect from this community (who has learned so much about this topic “for decades” or even over the past 4 years) if you humbly acknowledged this.

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It’s not black and white thinking. It’s logic over mantra. There are some inherent problems with ALL vaccines.

1. They don’t test any vaccine against a true placebo and since they are classified as “biologics”, they don’t have the same standards of testing that other pharmaceuticals go through. This is a huge problem by itself.

2. They don’t test vaccines for long term, non-specific negative side effects and they certainly don’t test them in combination with multiple vaccines. the childhood schedule is now over 70 doses!

The CDC discourages testing children for overall health outcomes by comparing vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated. Anyone who does this sort of trial is punished (like Dr Paul Thomas, who completed a brilliant study of this nature). The CDC says it’s unethical to conduct this kind of research but clearly it’s unethical not to conduct this research. Children are not getting healthier but are getting more and more medical interventions. Where are the studies looking for the cause? They don’t exist. They aren’t doing them.

3. The liability shield for pharmaceutical companies making vaccines that end up on the childhood schedule was put in place because vaccines are “inherently dangerous”, not because they are safe. The 1986 law stated the regulatory agencies were supposed to do safety studies and report back to the industry with ways to make them safer. They were supposed to do this every three years. They have never done this.

Why do people think the cdc moved so quickly, whiteout adequate data, to put the Covid “vaccine” on the childhood schedule? It’s not because it’s safe and it’s clearly not effective.

There is one way to clear all of this up so that the truth of the matter can come to the surface. The CDC needs to open up record level data. They have never done this. Why doctors administer these injections into healthy people, especially children, without having this record level data is very perplexing. The medical community is loosing the trust of the people.

The biggest black and white thinking going on is the medical community’s blind faith in the CDC recommendations. The medical community needs to demand the record level data be opened up and let the data speak for itself.

Like you say, the reality might be mixed. Until we can all see the data, everyone is just guessing and it’s costing lives. And it’s costing trust.

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https://odysee.com/Lets-Compare-the-Vaccinated-to-the-Unvaccinated:6d863491e86cfd49d0787898b012f67aab636b69 Take a look at this study. All vaccines have side effects, including death. It is just playing Russian Roulette.

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Not in this case it isn’t! You’re being played

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Yes: that "kook" statement reveals a profound ignorance of the issue. He fails to comprehend the harm done to the immune system by artificially exposing the body repeatedly to a high level of antigens that trigger dangerous immune imprinting, wasting resources, overexposing the body to unnecessary antibodies, the production of counterproductive immune-suppressing IgG4 antibodies, AND the dangerous toxicity of repeated doses of adjuvants causing long-term inflammation, including in the brain!

On top of all that is the common phenomenon of Anitibody Dependent Enhancement that can make exposure to the pathogen progress into a much more serious illness than if the person had never been vaccinated in the first place.

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Yes I agree Sane. All vaccines are poisonous, toxics. All. Say NO to vaccines!

VACCINES INGREDIENTS been found in vaccines: Mercury, Formaldehyde (cancer agent), Monkey Kidney Cells, Aluminum, Aluminum Hydroxide, Polysorbate 80, MRC-5, Fetal DNA and a lot more. It is insane. Say no to vaccines. All vaccines! See for yourself : Vaccine Excipient Summary Included in U.S. Vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

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I always tell people to look up all the ingredients on the hazmat list - and listed harmful amounts. Most are oral exposure , NOT injected, and detox pathway is completely different.

No consideration is given to synergistic effects either.

Pissing off your immune system with toxic poisons is NOT protection.

It's a measure of how poisoned you are.

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Exactly what I was thinking and thanks for elaborating, debunking that off color remark.

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Ditto... 🤬😩🤦🏻‍♀️

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I caught that too. Those people were correct, but they are dismissed in this article. Very sad.

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I have to agree. If you take it down to bare bones, our bodies were “fearfully and wonderfully” made by God, no artificial concoctions necessary. That people treat the injection of these artificial combinations of materials that equal a witches brew with any due is just wrong.

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They are finding it is better to do all the things that increases your T-cells rather than inject a toxic load of crap that will create some antibody to prevent illness for as long as the toxic metal adjuvant in it last in your body maybe. Maybe not.

Still ignoring Dr. Paul Thomas does not sit well with me. He showed kids are healthier over all without all of this crap in them.

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May I ask Steve. Where were you in the 90's speaking out against all this madness and up to 2003 for example or even 4 plus years ago when this all began? Great and all your finally stepping up for the people. Find it weird how so many of you paid actors still had your jobs. Many doctors and nurses were put on unpaid leave and have spoke out and exposed the very evidence you folks speak of today. Dates and times of many peoples posts like myself certainly speak loudly enough. Had well over 600 accounts banned for example since March 2019. You paid actors clearly are not exposing all that much that hasn't been already otherwise you would have to keep building your following daily and weekly ass millions have for over 4 years

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I also take issue with "this guy is not a kook campaigning against all vaccines for over a decade"

People concerned about vaccines are not "kooks". Why would you characterize people that way.

I am not sure if you understand how many people you have insulted with this one sentiment.

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Sadly his careless accusation leaves me to conclude that the kook in the room is the substack author himself.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

The doctor did not win me over. He will need to realize mRNA shots should not be given to ANY PERSON regardless of their age, not just the young people he jabbed.

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Yup. A kook and nutcase... like bo jiden...ignore!

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Sorry, but Rav is nothing like Jo Biden! Let's not conflate things just because a person has an opinion that you might disagree with.

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I said to ignore, in the same sense one would ignore bo jiden. It's not conflating. Merely stating both need to be ignored since the guy believes vaxxes may be safe.

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'So yeah I got away with it'!!!!!! What the hell!!! I'm an interior designer, got zero knowledge of medical stuff but I have common sense in bucket loads to KNOW FOR A FACT that a mis-labelled 'vaccine' which is actually gene therapy, never administered to humans before, could not possibly be classed 'safe and effective' - THERE WAS NO DATA TO PROVE THAT. What is wrong with these so called 'medical professionals'? They should be sued. I'm sick of them all. Here in the UK I loathe the NHS and the 'medical professionals' - all they do is cover their own arses and protect their own, it's a corrupt organisation and headed up by the corrupt MHRA and corrupt government. I'm beyond furious.

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I became an anti-vaxxer when I realized they were lying about the flu shot. They called it a vaccine which means it keeps you from getting the flu, but it didn't, you could still get it & I did! Then I realized that there were no autistic people when I grew up and none when my kids were growing up, but several people had a baby that died from SIDS. Then all of a sudden, everyone I know has at least one autistic grandchild. And what changed? The number of required "vaccines". Everyone I knew had measles, mumps, & chicken pox. NO one died, no one had a problem pregnancy because they were exposed to one of the childhood diseases. And then all of a sudden, everyone is getting RSV, which is much much worse than mumps, measles, or the chicken pox - which were all inconveniences at most.

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We will NEVER have “safe” vaccines as long as the companies that make them are never held liable for damages. Why would they care? Health has never been their priority. It’s profits pure and simple.

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While I am heartened to learn that at least one doctor has been able to admit his error, a major question remains; how is it that he thought the vaccine was needed in the first place. Early on, long before the vaccines were available, it was known that Covid-19 had very specific things it looked for in its victims and that young and healthy people did not have these. This being the case along with other knowns, a vaccine should not have been authorized as the disease did not warrant one.

Additionally, the claims of “safe and effective” should have raised suspicions as there simply was not enough time to know if this were true or not. We now know both were and remain untrue.

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I totally agree! Thanks for stating this. I’m a lay person, and I knew as soon as the vaccines were announced that they were a brand new technology, developed at “warp speed”, that there couldn’t possibly be any trustworthy safety data yet, and on top of all that, we weren’t actually shown ANY of the data that was collected to back the “95% effective” result. What kind of MD recommends a medical treatment that he or she has seen NO data on??? I can tell you: not one that I want to take advice from. I ask my MD for the actual data on any treatment he recommends for me, and he thinks I’m a very smart patient to ask for the data. I have a high level of trust in him because he’s happy to share whatever data he has with me, and he likes it when I point out any flaws that I find in that data or in the fine print of the instructions that come with a medical test kit.

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I too am a lay person. I teach at med schools but do not teach medicine. However, I have long been in association with those who work in pharmaceutical companies, my wife among them. I have helped private students translate inserts for small medical devices in to English.

However, anyone with no more than just cursory knowledge of the regulatory system for pharmaceuticals should now that they simply could not have any data to back up the safe and effective claims.

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Covid was a mild flu and it was a corona virus. The word Covid came from Certificate of vaccination ID which was created by Bill Gates. This was his plan that every American had to have an ID registering every vaccine right on the ID. This would be needed to go anywhere, travel anywhere and to even get a drivers license. The elites had big plans for Americans.

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I think you give him too much credit. I live in Japan and it is little different here. This is a world wide undertaking. I think he has someone pulling his strings.

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deletedJan 15
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True but it is bigger than that. This is a world wide endeavor.

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deletedJan 15
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I live in Japan. I am all but completely detached from what the U.S. domestically. They have me on the run over FATCA, FBAR and CBT. You homelanders must put a stop to what is going on in the U.S..

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Rose thanks for the link.

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Actually, if it's giving young people myocarditis, it's likely having a negative affect on their elders as well. It's just hard to see the signal in a population that already has a lot of heart disease... too much noise.

Learned this from Dr. Robert Malone a couple years ago, and it still seems very sensible, and it still seems very ignored by the crowd. Dr. Malone also raised questions about the existence of a formal risk benefit analysis for *any* population segment, including the vulnerable.

I think this was the interview: (https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/podcast/episode-58-mrna-inventor-robert-malone-backs-up-prof-byram-bridle). It also includes Dr. Byram Bridle, and it's worth a listen to hear what a few people knew way back in the beginning, when many others put stoppers in their ears.

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In the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data), the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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The doctors who TRULY regret injecting people with the recent government injectable substances should pay back every penny they received for doing this. Maybe pay it into a fund for the vax injured. I will only believe their remorse if they renounce the profits they made from it.

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Not quite sure why you’re all fanboy on Koka. He is tiptoeing around the issue because he’s obviously afraid of pissing off his license and hospital privilege overlords. If truly repentant he would call this what it is. Fraud. Massive fraud with fraudulent studies that used fraudulent parameters (ie relative risk instead of absolute risk) to juice the data.

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So refreshing to see a member of this medical cult admit a mistake. It almost does not matter what the mistake was. The admission is evidence of hope in the medical system. Though not common it remains hope.

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Concur, that is a sign of integrity.

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I bet he does, now that the truth is finally coming out. I don't trust nobody especially those that when find out then try to cover their arse with an apology

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My friend Ben was injured by his vaccine. He was a college freshman recruited to be on the track team. His life changed 180 degrees with a six hours of his shot starting with severe seizures.

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I too, regret ever recommending the shot for anyone. While I never recommended it to young people, my parents got the shots. At best they were worthless. At worst, my mom got a fib & a neuropathy from it. I’m sure Anish and I share in our distrust of the medical establishment after the pandemic. See globalhealthproject.org for more physicians capable of admitting mistakes

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Not just a mistake but murder.

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As a physician I remain disgusted with the medical establishment and their ability to keep their head in the sand. Bravo to Dr. Koka for being able to recognize and admit his mistake.

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Jan 10Liked by Rav Arora

Note to readers: the full 3-hour video interview with Dr. Anish Koka will be available to paid subscribers next week.

So where is the link to the visual podcast?

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For complicated professional reasons, it likely will not be released anymore....

Such censorious times we live in.

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Ya you pulled it.

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Also, my best advice to a young journalist:


We need brave people now more than ever. And know that courage begets courage. Lead the way!

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Rav, will u please explain why? I do not understand.

This does not lead to trust but rather distrust if you are leaning in to journalism at 22 years old.

Remember that honesty is the best policy and trust is earned not blindly given. Thank you.

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Thanks for the update understood

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