Ask Vivek if what he would do as president to help those of us who were fired for refusing the vaccine mandate.

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With the understanding that you were very successful in the biomedical space early in you career: what is your opinion of direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising in the US? Given the degree of regulatory capture laid bare during the COVID pandemic, how can we as a society justify being one of only 2 countries in the world that permits this practice? If you agree that such advertising needs to be reigned in, how would you accomplish that goal? If you support Big Pharma's ability to engage in such activity, please explain why?

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

Will he be honest with the public about the excess deaths , the huge list of not-so-rare adverse events including heart issues, cancers, strokes, etc. as studied in detail by Ed Dowd's team. Will he explain to the people the concerns around the spike protein, the lipid nano-particle, the DNA fragments and the SV40, and the fact that the trials used a completely different processing method to the one that was used to make the jabs, among other concerns.

And will he let everyone know that the jabs were never intended to stop transmission or hospitalisation (all revealed now by Naomi Wolf's team and others who have studied the trial data closely) and therefore the mandates were completely unnecessary and would never stop you passing it onto grandparents. In short, come clean with everyone about what has happened.

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Please ask Mr. Ramaswamy if there is a reliable publication/proof that COVID19 virus was isolated using true scientific methods..

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How will he handle China, North Korea, Iran, Russia leaders because he doesn't have Trump's 'in your face ' personality that throws other leaders off kilter and they don't know how to read him(Trump) or know what he is likely to do in any situation?

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Ask him how old he plans to govern with his agenda, when nearly all members of Congress are beholden to the military industrial pharma complex. Thanks.

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Please ask him the following:

1. What is the best way to protect our CDC/FDA in the future from the financial coercion currently present/in place with the pharmaceutical/vaccine industries?

2. What is the best way for the federal government to accommodate those individuals that sustained financial harms (losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates), and those individuals that sustained medical harms from taking the Covid vaccine (due to federal government coercion)?


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In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed into the law the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which limited the liability of vaccine manufacturers. Do you not agree that if you create a product that causes harm, you should be held liable for it. If you agree with this, would you rescind this act?

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Pfizer and its partner BioNTech could soon be open to lawsuits for including a DNA sequence in their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

Since Vivek has made his billions partnering up with Pfizer producing drugs through his company Roivant, Sciences, and since Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines have now shown to be toxic, ineffective and often lethal, ask Vivek what he thinks about the money-motivated corruption within Big Pharma, their cozy relationships with their bedfellows at the FDA and their lobbyists in DC who have made them immune to lawsuits.

Ask him what he thinks about the FDA’s suppression of effective remedies and cures such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and even zinc for its well known antiviral properties. Ask him if he believes there’s any widespread corruption in the medical industry. If not, why? And if so, what will he do as President to clean up the pharmaceutical and medical industries and get them to abide to their Hippocratic Oath?

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

There appears to be ample evidence that the intelligence agencies are out of control and even run the government. Some examples include:

Covid Policy - March 13, 2020 the National Security Council (NSC) was officially put in charge of the US government’s Covid policy with disastrous results

Entrapment - The agencies appear to regularly use “agent provocateurs” to entrap American citizens, such as on January 6th or was done to Muslin Americans in the aftermath of 9/11.

War on President Trump - Whether you like the former President or not is irrelevant, there seems to be ample evidence that the “Deep State” worked against him from Day 1. Chuck Schumer even stated on national television that “"You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at ya”

If elected president what would you do to reign in the intelligence agencies. Some ideas for you, from mild to wild, might include: 1) putting someone like RFKjr in charge of the CIA 2) a new Church commission 3) shutting the CIA and FBI down as they are beyond saving (my favourite). Thoughts?

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Eisenhower gave a warning in his last public speech. The warning was about the danger of The State in The State. This secret state does not have any political control. This secret state let to a government that functions on a classefied structure. The CIA is the face of this sacred state. What are his thoughts about this sacred state....?

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Vivek is a necessary voice in the current political context. Thank you for platforming him.

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please ask Vivek if he's aware of the massive amounts 5G cell Towers being installed everywhere often bypassing local government public consultation and failing to address peoples concerns .

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What role do you believe the United States should play in the Hamas-Israel War?

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How would Mr. Ramaswamy plan to return healthcare in the United States to a transparent price based free market (getting rid of 3rd party pork that does not contribute to patient care or wellness) while insuring that risk is properly distributed.

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Who's d his running mate be? Which leading candidate's ticket would he consider joining should it not work out for him?

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