Hi everyone,
Today I dive deep into the complex world of sex and gender policy, particularly in sports, in light of the Olympic boxer controversy. I sit down with evolutionary biologist Colin Wright to explore how definitions of sex and gender are influencing modern legislation. We discuss the issues surrounding transgender athletes, the challenges of maintaining fairness in sports, and the broader implications of redefining gender in society.
We also discuss Colin’s adverse vaccine reaction after his second Pfizer dose since it relates to the subject matters covered in The Illusion of Consensus.
Tune in for an insightful conversation that goes beyond the headlines and delves into the real impact of these debates on our laws and lives.
00:00 Introduction and Background
01:32 Gender and Sex in Sports
03:28 Influencing Policy on Sex and Gender
08:05 Adverse Reactions to the COVID-19 Vaccine
19:34 Importance of Getting Checked
25:41 Lack of Open Discussion and Debate
37:08 Controversy Surrounding Transgender Athletes
43:40 Propaganda and Misinformation
46:37 Understanding Intersex Conditions
53:57 Lack of Good Articles on the Topic
01:00:09 Defining Male and Female
01:03:28 Exceptions to the Binary Definition
01:08:08 Implications of Redefining Gender
I don’t think this is hard. We created women’s sports to protect women (xx chromosome humans) from the unfair advantages of competition by men (xy chromosome humans). Now, trans advocates say the terms “man” and “woman” are meaningless, as any person can “ldentify” as any “gender.” So be it. The simple answer is to abolish “women’s” sports, since that term is, by the activists’ own proclamations, meaningless. Let’s substitute “xx sports.” To qualify, you must have xx chromosomes, since it’s the Y chromosome, and the biology that accompanies it, that creates the need for a separate category in the first place. No more arguments about whether a trans woman is a woman - it’s irrelevant. A trans woman will always have xy chromosomes, and if that’s the category differentiator (as biology dictates it should be), the discussion is over - the xy trans woman does not satisfy the requirements to compete in the xx category, and may not do so. Feelings don’t matter.
Thank you for taking on this subject. So many platforms won't touch the subject, and the silence assumes an illusion of consensus. I benefited greatly from Title IX sports in the 70s and 80s. I cannot fathom the reality of being excluded from a team, sport, or podium spot due to lack of rigorous separation of the sexes based on sex testing. Again, thank you to Rav and Colin