My Interview With Ben Shapiro
Recent interview with Ben Shapiro on facing journalistic suppression at major media outlets.
Hi everyone,
Here is my recent interview with Ben Shapiro discussing my essays exposing “pro-vaccine” agendas in mainstream and alternative media. I greatly appreciate Ben for regularly giving me his platform over the past two years to discuss my latest work.
- Rav
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I will continue to beg. Many of us are not aural learners, have hearing issues, or do not have 250 hours a day to listen to podcasts, as much as we are assured that THIS ONE is the one to which to listen. They are all laden with good content.
Autotranscribers are free/cheap. Please, as many sites do, autotranscribe the aural content you publish. You will radically expand your impressions and those of us in one of the above debilitated categories will be able to profit from these wonderful thoughts. (Autotranscribers are not perfect -- but they are close and really have about the same number of errors as listening gives one.)
"But when it comes to measles and mumps and rubella and polio, your right to be free of vaccination — and your right to be a dope with the health of your child because you believe Jenny McCarthy's idiocy — ends where my child's right to live begins." Ben Shapiro, 2015.