Hi everyone,
Quick reminder for everyone: I’m going live in 5 min with Nicole Shanahan, Eric Weinstein, and Mike Benz on X to discuss illusory consensus and censorship:
Here’s the description of the event by my friend Nicole:
“Expert consensus is highly valued in policy-making. Consensus is typically achieved through strong technical arguments across a diversity of qualified experts. Historically, multiple opinions were consulted and dissenting opinions were respected in the overall discourse. This ongoing debate enhances public trust in institutions.
However, censorship culture now enables consensus through character assassination of dissenters. This may expedite policy-making but it undermines institutional credibility. Restoring trust requires reintegrating expert critics into institutional life.
Tomorrow, I'll be hosting a live discussion featuring several prominent dissenting voices who have faced maligning, disparagement, censorship, and cancellation by the very institutions they served. Their voices will be heard. 🇺🇸
Join our COUNCIL of the CANCELED with @DrJBhattacharya , @EricRWeinstein , and @MikeBenzCyber as we dive into the current state of free speech in the United States and the threats posed by censorship and cancel culture.
Wednesday, August 7th
2 PM PT / 5 PM ET
Live on X”
Latest - scandal about Tulsi Gabbard on terror watch list — and - nobody in jail yet. Instead bastards initiated hunt for whistleblowers…
Fighting Academic Censorship in the Era of the Great Reset
In my field, academic free speech is crucial. The advocates of the Great Reset have silenced nearly everyone and everything in academia. In my country (Chinada!), there isn't much I can do except sue my college and inform others about the censorship in higher education. [https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy?]
- Luc